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Todd C Esque


USGS Las Vegas Field Station
160 N Stephanie
Henderson, NV 89074
Phone: (702) 564-4506
Fax: (702) 564-4600

Todd Esque
Todd Esque

While working for the US Geological Survey, Todd is a Ph.D. candidate in the Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology at the University of Nevada, Reno. Todd's Ph.D. research focuses on the interactions between invasive annual plants, wildfire and native granivores and the consequent changes in plant communities in the northeastern Mojave Desert.

Todd observed changes in desert plant communities after fires in 1993 as he was finishing his Master's degree on the diet and diet selection of desert tortoises in the Mojave Desert of Utah and Arizona. That year he quantified the mortality of desert tortoises due to fires and established baseline vegetation transects to quantify the recovery of Mojave Desert habitats after fires. Early observations stimulated a research program to understand the process of plant community conversions from desert scrub communities into alien grasslands. As part of his Ph.D. research, Todd is conducting large experimental manipulations in the Mojave Desert of Northwestern Arizona. In collaboration with Bureau of Land management, Todd has established experimentally burned and unburned sites where granivorous ants and rodents, and herbivorous rabbits are allowed or denied access to plots to determine their relative roles in community change subsequent to desert fires.

Todd provides technical consultation to the National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, as well as state wildlife agencies and local municipalities. Current collaborations include desert tortoise ecology and herpetology, alien plant invasions in the Sonoran Desert and Mojave deserts, effects of fire on the demography of long-lived organisms such as saguaros, joshua trees and desert tortoises, experimental manipulations of cheatgrass and restoration of Pinyon-Juniper habitats, and establishment of desert reserves and Habitat Conservation Plans.

During the past 20 years of field experience in the southwestern United States and Mexico, Todd has studied a variety of systems and organisms. His experiences include large-scale mapping of vegetation, habitat delineation for Threatened and Endangered species, (e.g. the desert slender salamander, Batrachoseps aridus), radio-telemetry on desert bighorn sheep and desert tortoises, quantification of vegetation, distribution and abundance surveys for vertebrate species.


  • Biodiversity
  • Community ecology
  • Conservation biology
  • Desert Ecology
  • Environmental planning
  • Fire ecology
  • Herpetology
  • Invasive species ecology
  • Natural areas and preserves
  • Natural history
  • Physiological ecology
  • Plant ecology
  • Reserve Design and Management
  • Telemetry (radio and/or satellite)
  • Threatened and endangered species
  • Weed management
  • Zoology

  • Ph.D., Ecology, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 2003
  • M.S., Zoology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 1994
  • B.S., Biology, Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona 1982

  • American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
  • Desert Tortoise Council
  • Herpetologists’ League
  • Nevada State Weed Association
  • Society for Conservation Biology
  • Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

  • Research Ecologist, USGS, Western Ecological Research Center, Jun 1997-Present
  • Station Leader, USGS, St. George Field Station, Jun 1997-Present
  • Research Ecologist, USGS, Mid-continent Ecological Science Center, Oct 1996-Jun 1997
  • Research Ecologist, National Biological Service (Survey), Mid-continent Ecological Science Center, Nov 1993-Oct 1996
  • Ecologist, Bureau of Land Management, Dixie Resource Area, Utah, Mar 1993-Nov 1993


  • Webb, R.H., DeFalco, L.A., Esque, T.C., and Medica, P.A. 2009. A review of selected long-term ecological studies of the Mojave Desert. pp. 429-456. In: Webb, R.H., Fenstermaker, L.F., Heaton, J.S., Hughson, D.L., McDonald, E.V., and Miller D.M. (editors). The Mojave Desert: Ecosystem Processes and Sustainability: Reno. University of Nevada Press.[Book Chapter]
  • DeFalco, L.A., and Esque, T.C., 2008, The fate of perennial seeds used in rehabilitating disturbed sites at Fort Irwin National Training Center, California: Final Administrative Report Prepared for Integrated Training Area Management U.S. Army National Training Center Fort Irwin, California. [Other]
  • Heaton J. S., M. E. Cablk, K. E. Nussear, T. C. Esque, P. A. Medica, J. C. Sagebiel, and S. Francis. 2008. Comparison of effects of humans versus wildlife-detector dogs. Southwestern Naturalist 53(4):472-479.[Journal Article]
  • Heaton, J. S., K. E. Nussear, T. C. Esque, R. D. Inman, F. M. Davenport, T. E. Leuteritz, P. A. Medica, N. W. Strout, P. A. Burgess and L. Benvenuti. 2008. Spatially explicit decision support for selecting translocation areas for desert tortoises. Biodiversity and Conservation.; doi: 10.1007/s10531-007-9282-3[Journal Article]
  • Nussear, K. E., T. C. Esque, J. S. Heaton, M. E. Cablk, K. K. Drake, C. Valentin, J. L. Yee, and P. A. Medica. 2008. Are wildlife detector dogs or people better at finding Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii)? Herpetological Conservation 3:103:115.[Journal Article]
  • Brooks, M.L., T.C. Esque, and T. Duck. 2007. Fuels and fire regimes in creosotebush, blackbrush, and interior chaparral shrublands. P.p. 97-110 In S. Hood and M. Miller (eds.) Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-202. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.[Technical Report]
  • Nussear, K. E., R. D. Inman, T. C. Esque, P. A. Medica and M. A Walden. 2008. Sloan Canyon: Reptiles on the Urban Edge: 2007 Final Report to BLM.[Technical Report]
  • Nussear, K. E., T. C. Esque, D. F. Haines and C. R. Tracy. 2007. Desert Tortoise Hibernation: Temperatures, Timing, and Environment. Copeia 2007(2):378–386[Journal Article]
  • Benjamin A. Waitman, Trent M. Draper, Todd C. Esque. 2006. The effects of sterile wheat (Triticale) seeding on a native plant community after wildfire in a pinyon pine-mountain mahogany woodland. 2005 annual report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. 33pp.[Technical Report]
  • C .Richard Tracy, K.E. Nussear, T.C. Esque, K. Dean-Bradley, C.R. Tracy, L.A. DeFalco, K.T. Castle, L.C. Zimmerman, R.E. Espinoza, A.M. Barber. 2006. The Importance of Physiological Ecology in Conservation Biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 2006;doi : 10. 1093/icb/icl054.[Journal Article]
  • Esque, T.C., C.R. Schwalbe, J.A. Lissow, D.F. Haines, D. Foster, and M. Garnett. 2006. Buffelgrass fuel loads in Saguaro National Park, Arizona, increase fire danger and threaten native species. Park Science 24(2): 33-37.[Journal Article]
  • T.M. Draper, R. Zack, S. Medill and T.C. Esque. 2006. Quantitative Description of Spring-fed Riparian Vegetation and Surrounding Upland Vegetation in the Spring Mountains, Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada. A final report submitted to the University of Nevada, Reno. 141 pp.[Technical Report]
  • Vander Wall, S.B., T.C. Esque, B.A. Waitman, D.F. Haines, and M.G. Garnett. 2006. Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) seeds are dispersed by seed-caching rodents. Écoscience 13(4): 593-543.[Journal Article]
  • DeFalco, L., J. Kane, M. Nicklas and T. Esque. 2005. Assessment of Seed Banks Associated with Disturbances at Fort Irwin National Training Center, California. Final report delivered to Deparment of Army, Integrated Training Area Management, September 22, 2005. 23 pp. [Technical Report]
  • Esque, T. C., K. E. Nussear, and P. A. Medica. 2005. Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan for Fort Irwin's Land Expansion Program at the U. S. Army National Training Center (NTC) & Fort Irwin. Prepared for U. S. Army National Training Center, Directorate of Public Works. 129 pp.[Other]
  • Esque, T. C., Saguaros Under Siege: Invasive Species and Fire (January 2005) [Publication Brief]
  • Bedford, D., J. Belnap, M.L. Brooks, L.A. DeFalco, T.C. Esque, L. Gass, M.F. Gishey, A. Mathie, D.M. Miller, E. Pfeifer, K.A. Thomas, K.M, Schmidt, J.M. Vogel, C.S. Wallace, and R.H. Webb. 2004. A summary of the USGS recoverability and vulnerability of desert ecosystems program. Presented at the Mojave Desert Science Symposium. 16-18 November. University of Redlands, CA.[Poster with Abstract]
  • Brooks, M.L., J.R. Matchett, C. Wallace, and T. Esque. 2004. Fuels and fire hazard assessment in a desert ecosystem. Arid Lands Newsletter, Vol. 55.[Newsletter]
  • Esque, T.C. 2004. Restoration of the Desert Tortoise. Desert Manager's Group (DMG) sponsored program for the Department of the Interior Restoration Workshop. March. Barstow, CA.[Presentation]
  • Esque, T.C. 2004. The role of fire, rodents and ants in changing plant communities in the Mojave Desert. Dissertation. University of Nevada, Reno. 168 pp.[Thesis/Dissertation]
  • Esque, T.C. et al. 2004. From Ants to Elk: The problems and Opportunities in Arid Land Restoration Due to Granivores and Herbivores. 16-18 November. Mojave Desert Science Symposium, University of Redlands, CA.[Presentation]
  • Esque, T.C., D.F. Haines, C.R. Schwalbe, T.M. Draper, S.J. Scoles, and D. Foster. 2004. An experiment to determine cost/benefits of perennial grass control in a desert ecosystem. 16-18 November. Mojave Desert Science Symposium. University of Redlands, CA.[Poster with Abstract]
  • Esque, T.C., L.A. DeFalco, S.J. Scoles, D.F. Haines, R.L. Kipp, and J.E. Rodgers. 2004. Survivorship of Joshua Trees (Yucca brevifolia) in a Harsh Desert Environment: Effects of Fire, Drought, and Herbivory in Joshua Tree National Park. 16-18 November. Mojave Desert Science Symposium. University of Redlands, CA.[Poster with Abstract]
  • Esque, T.C., S. VanderWall, C.R. Schwalbe, P.A. Medica, and R.H. Webb. 2004. Effects of fire on small animals and the potential for animals to facilitate restoration in hot desert environments. Northwest Science Association Symposium. Session on: Fire and Hazardous Fuel Reduction. Ellensburg, WA.[Presentation]
  • Gass, L., T.C. Esque, K. Thomas, R. Webb, and D. Miller. 2004. Predicting desert tortoise habitat in the Mojave Desert. 16-18 November. Mojave Desert Science Symposium. University of Redlands, CA.[Poster with Abstract]
  • Proctor, J.V., S.J. Scoles, and T.C. Esque. 2004. Worldwide literature review of seed bank assays using the seedling emergence method in various ecosystems. 16-18 November. Mojave Desert Science Symposium. University of Redlands, CA.[Poster with Abstract]
  • Proctor, J.V., T.C. Esque, S.J. Scoles, J.A. Young, and M.L. Brooks. 2004. Seed bank assays: A method for determining annual plant diversity and community structure independent of climate. 16-18 November. Mojave Desert Science Symposium. University of Redlands, CA.[Poster with Abstract]
  • Scoles, S. J., T. C. Esque, L. A. DeFalco, S. E. Eckert, and D. F. Haines 2004. Evaluation of post fire restoration treatments to reduce invasive plant species. Presented at the Desert Managers Group Restoration Meeting, March 2-3, 2004, Barstow, California.[Presentation]
  • Scoles, S.J., L.A. DeFalco, and T.C. Esque. 2004. Can restoration go bad?: When restoration efforts help non-native plants. 16-18 November. Majave Desert Science Symposium. University of Redlands, CA.[Poster with Abstract]
  • T.C. Esque, C.R. Schwalbe, D.F. Haines, and W. L. Halvorson. 2004. Saguaros Under Siege: Invasive Species and Fire. Special Issue Desert Plants 20: 49-55.[Journal Article]
  • Brooks, M., T.C. Esque, J.R. Matchett. 2003. Current status and management of alien plants and fire in desert tortoise habitat. Presented at the 28th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Presentation]
  • Brooks, M.L. and T.C. Esque. 2003. Alien plants and fire in desert tortoise habitat. USGS Publication Brief.[Publication Brief]
  • Brooks, M.L., J.R. Matchett, T.C. Esque, and C. Wallace. 2003. Fire hazard mapping at the Mojave National Preserve. Presented at the Aridlands Restoration Workshop. 3 March 2003. Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Brooks, M.L., T. Esque, M. Pellant, and M. Whalen. 2003. Effectiveness of post-fire seedings to reduce cheatgrass - Study plan report. Technical Report Prepared for the Coordinated Intermountain Restoration Project Meeting Boise, Idaho, 31 March, 2003. 7pp.2003 Intermountain Restoration Coordination Meeting, 31 March to 1 April, Boise, Idaho.[Technical Report]
  • Brooks, M.L., T.C. Esque, and J.R. Matchett. 2003. Fire behavior, effects, and management in unburned and previously burned blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) shrublands in the Mojave Desert. P. 17 in R.K. Livingston (ed.). Third U.S. Geological Survey Wildland Fire-Science Workshop, Denver, Colorado, November 12-15, 2002. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5005, 67pp.[Proceedings]
  • Brooks, M.L., T.C. Esque, and T. Duck. 2003. Fuels and fire regimes in creosostebush, blackbrush, and interior chaparral shrublands. Technical Report for the Southern Utah Demonstration Fuels Project, USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Science Lab, Missoula, Montana. 17pp.[Technical Report]
  • Brooks, M.L., T.C. Esque, J.R. Matchett, and J. D’Elia. 2003. Recent fire history in the Mojave Desert, 1980-2001. Presented at the Aridlands Restoration Workshop. 3 March 2003. Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Brooks, M.L., T.C. Esque, J.R. Matchett. 2003. Management of alien plants and fire in the Mojave and Colorado deserts. Presented at the Aridlands Restoration Conference. 4 March 2003. Palm Springs, CA.[Presentation]
  • D.F. Haines*, T.C. Esque, M.L. Brooks, and R.H. Webb. 2003. Fire and exotics in the Mojave Desert: An irreversible change? Presented at the Aridlands Restoration Conference. 3 March 2003. Palm Springs, CA.[Presentation]
  • DeFalco, L. A., S. J. Scoles, R. B. Hunter, T. C. Esque, D. F. Haines, P. A. Medica and R. H. Webb. 2003. Does dominance of the invasive annual grass Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens impact native annual plant communities? An investigation using long-term data from the Nevada Test Site, southern Nevada. Poster presented at the Desert Managers Group and Society for Ecological Restoration, Arid Lands Habitat Restoration Conference, Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Esque, T. C., J. E. Rogers, L. A. DeFalco, K. A. Goodwin, S. J. Scoles, D. F. Haines, S. E. Eckert and D. Flock. 2003. Challenges to Joshua tree recovery in the postfire environment: attenuated mortality and hungry rodents everywhere. Poster presented at the Desert Managers Group and Society for Ecological Restoration, Arid Lands Habitat Restoration Conference, Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Esque, T. C., P.A. Medica, S.B. VanderWall, R.H. Webb, D.F. Haines, L.A. DeFalco, and C. R. Tracy. 2003. The role of small animals, invasive plants and fire in Mojave Desert seed bank dynamics and vegetation recovery. Poster presented at the Desert Managers Group and Society for Ecological Restoration, Arid Lands Habitat Restoration Conference, Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Esque, T.C., C.R. Schwalbe, L.A. DeFalco, R.B. Duncan, and T.J. Hughes. 2003. Effects of desert wildfires on desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) and other small vertebrates. Southwestern Naturalist 48: 103-110.[Journal Article]
  • Esque, T.C., D.F. Haines, L.A. DeFalco, J.E. Rodgers, K.A. Goodwin and S.J. Scoles. 2003. Mortality of adult Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia) due to small mammal herbivory at Joshua Tree National Park, California. Report prepared for National Park Service, Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit. 10 pp.[Technical Report]
  • Esque, T.C., S.E. Eckert, D.F. Haines, R.S. Schwartz, and C.R. Tracy. 2003. Fire behavior during a prescribed experimental fire in desert tortoise habitat on the Parashant National Monument in Pakoon Basin, Arizona. Report to the USDI-Bureau of Land Management, Parashant National Monument, Arizona. 12 pp.[Technical Report]
  • Fain, M.M*, T.C. Esque, and M.L. Brooks. 2003. When seeds play hide and seek: A method for determining plant community structure independent of climate. Presented at the Aridlands Restoration Workshop. 3 March. Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Goodwin*, K.A., M.B. Saethre, T.C. Esque, P.A. Medica, R. Marlow, C.R. Tracy. 2003. Determining the Carrying Capacity of Desert Tortoises In A Stochastic Environment. Presented at the 28th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Poster]
  • Goodwin, K.A., M.B. Saethre, T.C. Esque*, P.A. Medica, R. Marlow, C.R. Tracy. 2003. Reproduction of the Desert Tortoise in Clark County, Nevada. Presented at the 28th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Presentation]
  • Goodwin, K.A., T.C. Esque, P.A. Medica, M.B. Saethre, R.W. Marlow, and C.R. Tracy. 2003. Variation in reproduction of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the Mojave Desert of southern Nevada in relation to body size, primary production and climate. Submitted to the University of Navada, Reno under contract for Clark County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan. 22pp.[Technical Report]
  • Haines*, D.F., T.C. Esque, K.E. Nussear, C.R. Tracy. 2003. A regional study of hibernation of desert tortoises: Hibernation Temperatures, Timing, and Site Characteristics. Presented at the 28th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Presentation]
  • Haines, D. F., T. C. Esque, L. A. DeFalco, S. J. Scoles, M. L. Brooks and R. H. Webb. 2003. Blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) habitat, fire and exotics in the Mojave Desert. Poster presented at the Desert Managers Group and Society for Ecological Restoration, Arid Lands Habitat Restoration Conference, Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Haines, D. F., T. C. Esque, L. A. DeFalco, S. J. Scoles, M. L. Brooks and R. H. Webb. 2003. Fire and exotics in the Mojave Desert: An irreversible change? Paper presented at the Desert Managers Group and Society for Ecological Restoration, Arid Lands Habitat Restoration Conference, Palm Springs, California.[Presentation]
  • Haines, D.F., T.C. Esque, S.J. Scoles, M. L. Brooks, R.H. Webb. 2003. Do fire and exotics in the Mojave Desert: cause irreversible change? A state-transition model for blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) habitat. Presented at the Aridlands Restoration Workshop. 3 March 2003. Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Haines, DF., T.C. Esque, L.A. DeFalco, S.J. Scoles, M.L. Brooks, and R.H. Webb. 2003. Fire and exotics in the Mojave Desert: An irreversible change? A state-transition model for blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) habitat. P. 31 in R.K. Livingston (ed.). Third U.S. Geological Survey Wildland Fire-Science Workshop, Denver, Colorado, November 12-15, 2002. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5005, 67pp[Proceedings]
  • Medica, P. A., T. C. Esque, D. F. Haines, L. A. DeFalco,and R. H. Webb. 2003. Long-term responses of nocturnal rodents to wildfires in the Mojave and Great Basin Desert ecotone. Poster presented at the Desert Managers Group and Society for Ecological Restoration, Arid Lands Habitat Restoration Conference, Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Saethre*, M.B., K. Goodwin, T.C. Esque, P.A. Medica, R. Marlow, C.R. Tracy. 2003. Determining the Carrying Capacity of Desert Tortoises. Presented at the 28th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Presentation]
  • Scoles, S.J., T.C. Esque, L.A. DeFalco, S.E. Eckert, and D.F. Haines. 2003. Evaluating options for revegetation following a catastrophic fire in a pinyon-juniper community at Grand Canyon/Parashant National Monument, Arizona. Draft Annual Report to USDI-Bureau of Land Management. 21pp with appendices.[Technical Report]
  • Stitt, E.W., R.C. Averill-Murray, T.E. Christopher, D.E. Swann, C.R. Schwalbe and T.C. Esque. 2003. Desert tortoise reproduction and home range at Saguaro National Park, Tucson, Arizona. Presented at the 28th Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Presentation]
  • T.C. Esque. 2003. How do wildfire , granivores and alien grasses change Mojave Desert Seed Banks? Presented at the Aridlands Restoration Workshop. 3 March 2003. Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Webb, R. H., T. C. Esque, K. A. Thomas, D. F. Haines, M. B. Murov, L. A. DeFalco, and P. A. Medica. 2003. Changes in undisturbed perennial vegetation in the northern Mojave Desert. Poster presented at the Desert Managers Group and Society for Ecological Restoration, Arid Lands Habitat Restoration Conference, Palm Springs, California.[Poster]
  • Webb, R.H., Murov, M.B., Esque, T.C., Boyer, D.E., DeFalco, L.A., Haines, D.F., Oldershaw, D., Scoles, S.J., Thomas, K.A., Blainey, J.B., and Medica, P.A. 2003. Perennial vegetation data from permanent plots on the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-336, 200 p.[Technical Report]
  • Brooks, M.L., and T.C. Esque. 2002. Alien annual plants and wildfire in desert tortoise habitat: status, ecological effects, and management. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4:330-340.[Journal Article]
  • Brooks, M.L., and T.C. Esque. 2002. Alien plants and fire in desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) habitat of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. Chelonian Conservation Biology 4: 330-340.[Journal Article]
  • Esque, T. C. and C. R. Tracy. 2002. Seed bank variation in Mojave desertscrub relative to wildfire, granivores and invasive species. Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Tucson, Arizona.[Abstract]
  • Esque, T.C.*, D.F. Haines, and K.A. Goodwin. 2002. Management and Ecology of Buffelgrass in Wildlands of Arid and Humid Regions. Presented at the Southwest Vegetation Management Associations’ Annual Symposium. 6 November 2002. Mesa, Arizona.[Presentation]
  • Esque, T.C., A. Búrquez M., C.R. Schwalbe, T.R. Van Devender, Michelle J. M. Nijhuis, P. Anning. 2002. Fire ecology of the Sonoran desert tortoise. Chapter 13. In The Sonoran Desert Tortoise: Natural History, Biology, and Conservation. T.R. Van Devender, ed. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and The University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pp. 312-333.[Book Chapter]
  • Esque, T.C., and C.R. Schwalbe. 2002. Alien annual plants and their relationships to fire and biotic change in Sonoran Desertscrub. Chapter 10 In Invasive exotic species in the Sonoran region. Tellman, B., ed. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and The University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pp. 165-194.[Book Chapter]
  • Haines, D. F., T. C. Esque, M. L. Brooks, C. R. Schwalbe and R. H. Webb. 2002. Fire and exotics in the Mojave Desert: an irreversible change? Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Tucson, Arizona.[Abstract]
  • M.L. Brooks*, T.C. Esque, and J. D'Elia. 2002. Fire Behavior in the Mojave Desert: Potential Effects of the El Niño/La Niña Cycle. Presented at the joint symposium of the Association of Fire Ecologists and The Wildlife Society -- Western Section. 5 December 2002. San Diego, California.[Presentation]
  • Medica, P. A., T. C. Esque, D. F. Haines, L. A. DeFalco and R. H. Webb. 2002. Long-term response of nocturnal rodents to wildfire in the Mojave and Great Basin Desert ecotone. Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Tucson, Arizona.[Abstract]
  • Nussear, K.E., T.C. Esque, and C. R. Tracy. 2002. Continuously recording body temperature in terrestrial chelonians. Herpetological Review 33(2): 113-115.[Journal Article]
  • Scoles, S.J., T.C. Esque, L.A. DeFalco, S.E. Eckert and D.F. Haines. 2002. Evaluating options for revegetation following a catastrophic fire in a Pinyon-Juniper community at Grand Canyon/Parashaunt National Monument, Arizona. Report to USDI-Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District, St. George, Utah.[Technical Report]
  • Van Devender, T. R., B. E. Martin, R. C. Averill-Murray, T. C. Esque, P. A. Holm, V. M. Dickinson, C. R. Schwalbe, E. B. Wirt, S. L. Barrett. 2002. Grasses, Mallows, Desert Vine, and More: Diet of the Desert Tortoise in Arizona and Sonora. Chapter 8 in The Sonoran Desert Tortoise: Natural History, Biology and Conservation. T.R. Van Devender, ed. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pp. 159-193.[Book Chapter]
  • Webb, R. H., T. C. Esque, K. A. Thomas, D. F. Haines, M. B. Murov, L. A. DeFalco and P. A. Medica. 2002. Long-term changes in perennial vegetation in permanent plots of the northern Mojave Desert. Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Tucson, Arizona.[Abstract]
  • Brooks, M.L. and T.C. Esque. 2001. Non-native grass invasions and fire in the Mojave Desert. USGS Fact Sheet.[Fact Sheet]
  • Eckert, S. E., T. C. Esque, L. A. DeFalco and D. F. Haines. 2001. Evaluating options for revegetation following a catastrophic fire in a pinyon-juniper community at Grand Canyon / Parashant National Monument, on the Arizona Strip of Mohave County, Arizona. Report to the USDI Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District, St. George, Utah.[Technical Report]
  • Esque, T.C., L.A. DeFalco, S. Scoles and D.F. Haines. 2001. Evaluating revegetation options following wildfire in a Pinyon-Juniper community, northern Arizona. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau, November 6, 2001. Flagstaff, AZ.[Proceedings]
  • Webb, R. H., T. C. Esque, P. A. Medica, L. A. DeFalco and M. B. Murov. 2001. Monitoring of ecosystem dynamics in the Mojave Desert: the Beatley permanent plots. USGS Fact Sheet prepared in cooperation with the Recoverability and Vulnerability of Desert Ecosystems Program.[Fact Sheet]
  • Brooks, M. L. and T. C. Esque. 2000. Annual grass invasions and fire in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, National Program Review of the Invasive Species Program, Annapolis, MD.[Abstract]
  • Brooks, M. L., and T. C. Esque. 2000. Fire and exotic grasses changing Mojave's face. People, Land & Water (July/August): p. 25. U.S. Department of the Interior.[Popular Publication]
  • Brooks, M.L. and T. Esque. 2000. Alien grasses in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. Proceedings of the 1999 California Exotic Pest Plant Council Symposium 6:39-44.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T., and C. Schwalbe. 2000. Non-native grasses and fires create double jeopardy. People, Land & Water(July/August): p. 26. . U.S. Department of the Interior.[Popular Publication]
  • Esque, T.C., L. A. DeFalco, P. A. Medica, M. L. Brooks and R. H. Webb. 2000. Predicted changes in Mojave fire frequency related to invasive annual grasses. Effects of a Hotter and Drier Climate, a USGS Workshop. Tuscon, AZ.[Abstract]
  • Schwalbe, C. R., T. C. Esque, P. J. Anning, and W. L. Halvorson. 2000. Exotic grasses, long-lived species, and managing desert landscapes: a case history at Saguaro National Park. P. 87 in W. L. Halvorson and B. S. Gebow (eds), Creative Cooperation in Resource Management, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, USGS Sonoran Desert Field Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.[Proceedings]
  • Swann, D.E., C.R. Schwalbe, R. Averill-Murray, T. Edwards, T.C. Esque, H.R. Gimblett, M. Goode, L.K. Harris, M.K. Briggs, and N.C. Kline. 2000. Long-term monitoring of reptiles and amphibians at Saguaro National Park and the Rincon Valley. Page 94 in W.L. Halvorson and B.S. Gebow (eds), Creative Cooperation in Resource Management, Proc. of the Third Conference on Research and Resource Management in the Southwestern Deserts, USGS Sonoran Desert Field Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.[Proceedings]
  • Brooks, M. L., T. C. Esque, and C. R. Schwalbe. 1999. Effects of exotic grasses via wildfire on desert tortoises and their habitat. Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. St. George, Utah.[Abstract]
  • Brooks, M., T. Esque, S. Benjamin, and D. DelSordo. 1999. Digital database of fire perimeters in the Mojave Desert. United States Department of the Interior.[Database Spatial]
  • Brooks, M.L. and T. Esque. 1999. Non-native grass invasions and fire in the Mojave Desert. USGS Fact Sheet, last updated 8 September, 2001. Available online at[Fact Sheet]
  • Esque, T. C. 1999. Managing fire and invasive plants in the Mojave Desert: defining an integrated research program to address knowledge gaps. In, 25-27. Jeffrey Lovich (ed.), Proceedings: Mojave Desert Science Symposium. Las Vegas, NV.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T. C., D. F. Haines, and J. McCleave. 1999. Impacts of recreation on the desert tortoise and other wildlife in the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve. Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 12 pp.[Technical Report]
  • Esque, T. C., M. J. Nijhuis, D. F. Haines, J. W. Clark, P. J. Swantek, and C. R. Schwalbe. 1999. Effects of fire on desert tortoises at Saguaro National Park. In, W. Halvorson (ed.), Proceedings: Conference on a Century of Research In Parks. Tucson, Arizona, May 5-7, 1998.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T., S. Eckert, L. Evers, T. Duck, B. Bracken, T. Bartlett. 1999. Interagency cooperation and a large-scale habitat manipulation: the effects of alien plants and granivores on ecological recovery following wildfire (poster presentation). Mojave Desert Science Symposium, Las Vegas, NV.[Poster]
  • Esque, T.C., C.R. Schwalbe, M.J. Nijhuis, D.F. Haines, and J.W. Clark. 1999. Short-term effects of fire on desert tortoises at Saguaro National Park. In, B. Bartholomew (ed.), Proceedings: The 23th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Tucson, Arizona, April 3-5, 1998.[Proceedings]
  • Haines, D. F., T. C. Esque, and C. R. Tracy. 1999. Hibernation temperatures, timing, and site characteristics for desert tortoises in the northeast Mojave Desert (poster presentation). The 24th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. St. George, UT.[Poster]
  • Schwalbe, C.R., T.C. Esque, M.J. Nijhuis, D.F. Haines, J.W. Clark, P.J. Swantek.1999. Effects of fire on Arizona Upland desertscrub at Saguaro National Park. Pages 107-109 in, Proceedings: Conference on a Century of Parks in Southern Arizona: Second Conference on Research and Resource Management in Southern Arizona National Parks, Extended Abstracts. Edited by L. Benson and B. Gebow. National Park Service, Southern Arizona Office and USGS. Sonoran Desert Field Station, The University of Arizona, Tucson.[Proceedings]
  • Schwalbe, C.R., T.C. Esque, P.J. Swantek, W.L. Halvorson, J.L. Oldemeyer. 1996. A regional approach to understanding fire effects in the Arizona Upland Subdivision of the Sonoran Desert. In, Proceedings: Interagency Conference, Effects of fire on the Madrean Province Ecosystems. Tucson, Arizona.[Proceedings]
  • Nussear, K. E., C. R. Tracy, T. C. Esque, K. Dean-Bradley, K. Castle, and L. A. DeFalco. 1995. Diet selection: addressing the hypothesis of nutritional wisdom. Paper presented at a National Biological Service Desert Tortoise Nutrition Workshop. Zzyzx, CA.[Other]
  • Ross, D.A., T.C. Esque, R.A. Fridell, P. Hovingh. 1995. Historic distribution, current status and range extension of Bufo boreas in Utah. Herpetological Review 26: 187-188.[Journal Article]
  • Tracy, C. R., P. F. Brussard, T. Esque, L. DeFalco, K. Dean-Bradley, K. T. Castle, C. C. Peterson, B. Henen and C. R. Tracy. 1995. Requirements of the threatened desert tortoise: Competition with domestic cattle. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 76(3) SUPPL., 1995:395.[Abstract]
  • Bury, R.B., T.C. Esque, and P.S. Corn. 1994. Conservation of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) genetics and protection of isolated populations. In, pp. 59-66, K. Beaman (ed.), Proceedings: The 13th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium 1988. Laughlin, Nevada.[Proceedings]
  • Bury, R.B., T.C. Esque, L.A. DeFalco, and P.A. Medica. 1994. Distribution, habitat use and protection of desert tortoise in the Eastern Mojave Desert. In, pp. 57-72, R.B. Bury, and D.J. Germano (eds.), Biology of North American Tortoises. U.S. Department of Interior National Biological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Research 13.[Book Chapter]
  • Duck, T.A., T.C. Esque, T. Hughes. 1994. Fighting wildfires in desert tortoise habitat: Considerations for land managers. In, pp. 58-67, Anne Fletcher (ed.), Proceedings: The 19th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Tucson, Arizona.[Proceedings]
  • Duncan, R.B., T.C. Esque, and K.L. Echols. 1994. Predation on the flat-tailed horned lizard (Phrynosoma m'callii). Herpetological Review 25:68.[Journal Article]
  • Esque, T.C. 1994. Diet and diet selection of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the northeast Mojave Desert. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State University. 243 pp.[Thesis/Dissertation]
  • Esque, T.C. 1994. Diet and foraging behavior of Gopherus agassizii in the northeast Mojave Desert. In, p. 319, K. Beaman (ed.), Proceedings: The 16th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium 1991. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T.C. 1994. Diet selection and habitat use of desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the northeast Mojave Desert. In, pp. 64-68, K. Beaman (ed.), Proceedings: The 17th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T.C. and E. L. Peters. 1994. Ingestion of bones, stones and soil by desert tortoises. In, pp. 105-112, R.B. Bury, and D.J. Germano (eds.), Biology of North American Tortoises. U.S. Department of Interior National Biological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Research 13.[Book Chapter]
  • Esque, T.C., and J.L. Oldemeyer. 1994. A rangewide conservation and research program for the desert tortoise in the desert southwest. Endangered Species Update 11:8-9.[Newsletter]
  • Esque, T.C., T. Hughes, L.A. DeFalco, B.E. Hatfield, and R.B. Duncan. 1994. Effects of wildfire on desert tortoises and their habitats. In, pp. 153-154, A. Fletcher (ed.), Proceedings: The 19th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Tucson, Arizona.[Proceedings]
  • Germano, D.J., R.B. Bury, T.C. Esque, T.H. Fritts, P.A. Medica. 1994. Range and habitats of the desert tortoise. In, pp. 73-84, R.B. Bury, and D.J. Germano (eds.), Biology of North American Tortoises. U.S. Department of Interior National Biological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Research 13.[Book Chapter]
  • Tracy, C.R., and T.C. Esque. 1994. Optimal foraging in the desert tortoise. In, pp. 180, A. Fletcher (ed.), Proceedings: The 19th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Tucson, Arizona.[Proceedings]
  • Tracy, C.R., P.F. Brussard, and T.C. Esque. 1994. Controlling competition for forage between desert tortoise and domestic stock. In, pp. 178, A. Fletcher (ed.), Proceedings: The 19th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Tucson, Arizona.[Proceedings]
  • Zablan, M.A., S.C. Belfit, R.A. Fridell and T.C. Esque. 1994. History and Status of the Habitat Conservation Planning process in Washington County, Utah. In, pp. 113-119, A. Fletcher (ed.), Proceedings: The 19th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Tucson, Arizona.[Proceedings]
  • Cordery, T.E., Jr., T.A. Duck, T.C. Esque, and J.J. Slack. 1993. Vegetation needs of the desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, in the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts. In, pp. 61-80, D. D. Young (ed.), Proceedings: Symposium on Vegetation Management of Hot Desert Rangeland Ecosystems. Society for Range Management. Phoenix, Arizona.[Proceedings]
  • DeFalco, L. A., T. C. Esque, and C. R. Tracy. 1993. Social behavior of desert tortoises at two sites in the northeast Mojave Desert. In, K. M. Thorne (ed.), Proceedings: The 18th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Palm Springs. CA.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T.C., L.A. DeFalco, and C.R. Tracy. 1993. Diet and foraging of the desert tortoise. In, pp. 9-13, K. M. Thorne (ed.), Proceedings: The 18th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Palm Springs, California.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T. C., C. R. Tracy and L. A. DeFalco. 1992. Habitat use in relation to food resources in the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Paper presented at the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T.C., C. Peterson, and L.A. DeFalco, C.R. Tracy. 1992. Estimation of home ranges in a long-lived vertebrate: Gopherus agassizii. American Zoologist 32:5, p. 91A.[Proceedings]
  • Tracy, C.R., T.C. Esque, C. Peterson, L.A. DeFalco, L.C. Zimmerman, C.R. Tracy. 1992. The roles of food quality and quantity for desert tortoises: Perspectives on growth of individuals and populations. American Zoologist 32:5, p. 97A.[Proceedings]
  • Esque, T. C., L. A. DeFalco, and R. B. Bury. 1991. Nutrition and foraging ecology of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): FY1990 annual report. Report to the USDI Bureau of Land Management, Cedar City District, Utah. #UT-910-IA9-800. 50 Pp.[Technical Report]
  • Esque, T. C., R. B. Bury, and L. A. DeFalco. 1990. Nutrition and foraging ecology of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): FY1989 annual report. Report to the USDI Bureau of Land Management, Cedar City District, Utah. #UT-910-IA9-800. 69 Pp.[Technical Report]
  • Anderson, C., and T.C. Esque. 1989. Voice recording of the Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus). On, voices of the New World Owls. J.W. Hardy, B.B. Coffey Jr., and G.B. Reynard, (eds.), Bioacoustic Laboratory of the Florida Museum of Natural History. Cited as Chris Anderson (CA) and Todd Esque (TE) courtesy R.M. Ryder.[Audio]
  • Duncan, R.B. and T.C. Esque. 1986. An ecological study of a slender salamander (Batrachoceps cf. aridus) population at the Guadalupe Creek study site, Santa Rosa Mountains, Riverside County, California. Contract report (No CA950-CT4-11) prepared for U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Riverside, California. 116 pp.[Technical Report]
  • Esque, T. C., and R. B. Duncan. 1986. A population study of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) at the Sheep Mountain study plot of Nevada. Contract report (#84-34) prepared for the Nevada Department of Wildlife, Las Vegas, Nevada.[Technical Report]
  • Esque, T. C., and R. B. Duncan. 1986. A preliminary investigation of the population dynamics and ecology of the desert tortoise (Xerobates agassizii) at the Coyote Springs permanent study plot of Lincoln County, Nevada. Contract report (#86-63) prepared for the Nevada Department of Wildlife, Las Vegas, Nevada. 48 pp.[Technical Report]
  • Esque, T. C. and R. B. Duncan. 1985. A population study of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) at the Sheep Mountain study plot, Nevada. In, pp. 47-67, M. Trotter (ed.), Proceedings: The 10th Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada.[Proceedings]

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