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Study Description

Project No.70131

Coordinated Intermountain Restoration Project

The Coordinated Intermountain Research Project (CIRP) evolved from the Intermountain Greenstripping and Rehabilitation Research Project (IGRRP), which was established by the Idaho State Office, Bureau of Land Management, in 1982, to select plant materials and technologies to reduce wildfire incidence and improve rehabilitation practices. Research and technical assistance associated with CIRP will emphasize the restoration of native species on rangelands that are infested with exotic annual grasses or other invasive or noxious weeds. To accomplish this objective, the project will promote the understanding of disturbance dynamics along with selecting plant materials, site preparation techniques, weed control methods, seeding equipment, management methods, and monitoring techniques for restoration projects. CIRP will not address the restoration of forested or woodland (juniper) ecosystems. It will include a component on fuels management to reduce the impacts of wildfires on semi-arid rangeland ecosystems where exotic annual grasses provide the fuel. The people who will benefit directly from this research includes land managers and users of public and private lands in the northern Great Basin, the Columbia Plateau, and the Snake River Plain. CIRP will provide an integration framework for a multi-disciplinary approach to research with numerous opportunities for input and collaboration.

Additional Study Information:

Contact Information:
David A. Pyke, Rangeland Ecologist
USGS FRESC Corvallis Research Group
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: (541) 758-8780
Email: david_a_pyke@usgs.gov