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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Fisheries Management - Information Bulletins

Information Bulletin 00-3
Sustainable Fisheries Division

January 14, 2000
8:15 a.m.

American Fisheries Act Sideboard Closures During 2000

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) provides advance notice of anticipated directed fishing prohibitions by unrestricted AFA catcher/processors for the species in the specified areas set out below, effective 1200 hrs, Alaska local time (A.l.t.), January 20, 2000, through 2400 hrs, A.l.t., December 31, 2000, according to Steven Pennoyer, Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS.

Species Area Gear types
Sablefish trawl BSAI all
Greenland turbot BSAI all
Arrowtooth flounder BSAI all
Flathead sole BSAI all
Pacific ocean perch BSAI all
Other red rockfish BS all
Sharpchin/Northern rockfish AI all
Shortraker/Rougheye rockfish AI all
Other rockfish BSAI all
Squid BSAI all
Other species BSAI all

NMFS also provides advance notice of anticipated directed fishing prohibitions by non-exempt AFA catcher vessels for the species in the specified areas set out below. These closures are effective 1200 hrs, A.l.t., January 20, 2000, through 2400 hrs, A.l.t., December 31, 2000, except for pollock in Statistical area 610 and in the Shelikof Strait Conservation Zone which closes 1200 hrs, A.l.t., January 21, 2000, according to Steven Pennoyer, Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS.

Species Area Gear
Pacific cod BSAI fixed, jig
Sablefish BSAI trawl
Atka mackerel BSAI all
Greenland Turbot BSAI all
Arrowtooth flounder BSAI all
Pacific ocean perch BSAI all
Other red rockfish BSAI all
Sharpchin/northern rockfish AI all
Shortraker/rougheye rockfish AI all
Other rockfish BSAI all
Squid BSAI all
Other species BSAI all
Pollock 620, 630 outside Shelikof Strait all
Pollock1 610, Shelikof Strait all
Pacific cod GOA all
Deep water flatfish GOA all
Flathead sole GOA all
Shallow water flatfish GOA all
Arrowtooth flounder GOA all
Sablefish GOA trawl
Pacific ocean perch GOA all
Shortraker/rougheye rockfish GOA all
Other rockfish GOA all
Northern rockfish GOA all
Demersal shelf rockfish GOA all
Thornyhead rockfish GOA all
Other species GOA all

1Closures take effect 12 noon A.l.t., January 21, 2000.

These actions will be necessary to prevent exceeding the 2000 sideboard amounts of groundfish, established under an Emergency Interim Rule to implement the American Fisheries Act that will be published in the Federal Register.

After the effective date of the rulemaking authorizing these closures, the maximum retainable bycatch amounts at 50 CFR 679.20(e) and (f) apply at any time during a trip. Other closures would remain in full force and effect.

This information bulletin provides notice that a regulatory change is antic

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