About the National Archives

[Subchapter B -- Records Management]

Part 1228 -- Disposition of Federal Records
Subpart C -- General Records Schedules

Part 1228, Subpart C was last amended on 5/13/2002; CFR correction to §1228.42(c) on 7/22/02.

1228.40 Authority.
1228.42 Applicability.
1228.44 Current schedules.
1228.46 Availability.

Subpart C -- General Records Schedules

§1228.40 Authority.

The Archivist of the United States issues schedules authorizing disposal, after specified periods of time, of temporary records common to several or all agencies of the U.S. Government. General Records Schedules authorize the destruction of records after the stated retention period expires. Application of the disposition instructions in these schedules is mandatory (44 U.S.C. 3303a), provided an agency has not already received disposition authority from NARA.

§1228.42 Applicability.

(a) Agencies must apply GRS authorizations except as provided in paragraphs (b) or (c) of this section. Agencies must not include on SFs 115 records covered by the GRS unless a different retention period is requested, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Agencies may apply either the disposition instructions in a new or revised GRS or the disposition instructions previously approved by NARA in an agency schedule for the same series or system of records, unless NARA indicates that the new GRS disposition instruction must be applied without exception. The authority chosen by the agency must be applied on an agency-wide basis. The agency must notify NARA within 90 days of the date of the GRS change if it intends to continue using the agency schedule.

(c) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, agencies that wish a different retention period must request an exception to the GRS by submitting an SF 115 in accordance with §1228.30 accompanied by a written justification for the different retention period.

(d) Provisions of the General Records Schedules may be applied to records in the custody of the National Archives at NARA's discretion subject to the provisions of §1228.282.

§1228.44 Current schedules.

The following General Records Schedules governing the disposition of records common to several or all agencies were developed by the National Archives and Records Administration after consultation with other appropriate agencies. They have been approved by the Archivist of the United States.

Schedule Number and Type of Records Governed

1. Civilian Personnel Records.
2. Payrolling and Pay Administration Records.
3. Procurement, Supply and Grant Records.
4. Property Disposal Records.
5. Budget Preparation, Presentation, and Apportionment Records.
6. Accountable Officers' Accounts Records.
7. Expenditure Accounting Records.
8. Stores, Plant, and Cost Accounting Records.
9. Travel and Transportation Records.
10. Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Operation Records.
11. Space and Maintenance Records.
12. Communications Records.
13. Printing, Binding, Duplication, and Distribution Records.
14. Information Services Records.
15. Housing Records.
16. Administrative Management Records.
17. Cartographic, Aerial Photographic, Architectural, and Engineering Records.
18. Security and Protective Services Records.
20. Electronic Records.
21. Audiovisual Records.
22. Inspector General Records(WITHDRAWN).
23. Records Common to Most Offices Within Agencies.

§1228.46 Availability.

The GRS and instructions for their use are available from NARA (NWM). The Archivist of the United States distributes new schedules and schedule revisions under sequentially numbered GRS transmittals.

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