Table 9. Employed contingent and noncontingent workers and those with alternative and traditional work arrangements by health insurance coverage and eligibility for employer-provided pension plans, February 2005

     Table 9.  Employed contingent and noncontingent workers and those with alternative and traditional work
     arrangements by health insurance coverage and eligibility for employer-provided pension plans, February 2005
                                                        Percent with health insurance      Percent eligible for    
                                                                   coverage             employer-provided pension  
                                                                                                 plan (2)          
                                         Total employed                                                            
               Characteristic              (thousands)                                                             
                                                                                                       Included in 
                                                             Total       Provided by       Total     employer-pro-
                                                                        employer (1)                  vided pension 
     Contingent workers:                                                                                           
       Estimate 1.......................       2,504           51.8            9.4            9.2            4.6   
       Estimate 2.......................       3,177           52.5            7.9            8.3            4.1   
       Estimate 3.......................       5,705           59.1           18.1           18.6           12.4   
     Noncontingent workers..............     133,247           79.4           52.1           49.6           44.7   
     With alternative arrangements:                                                                                
       Independent contractors..........      10,342           69.3            (3)            2.6            1.9   
       On-call workers..................       2,454           66.9           25.7           33.2           27.8   
       Temporary help agency workers....       1,217           39.7            8.3            8.9            3.8   
       Workers provided by contract                                                                                
         firms..........................         813           80.2           48.9           42.6           33.5   
     With traditional arrangements......     123,843           80.0           56.0           52.9           47.7   

       1 Excludes the self-employed (incorporated and unincorporated) and independent contractors.
       2 Excludes the self-employed (incorporated and unincorporated); includes independent contractors who were
       3 Not applicable.
       NOTE:  Noncontingent workers are those who do not fall into any estimate of "contingent" workers.  Workers
     with traditional arrangements are those who do not fall into any of the "alternative arrangements" categories.

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Last Modified Date: July 27, 2005