National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Model Calibration and Hydrologic Procedure Development

PCU 11: Local Procedure Development

Producer: Tim Helble - Hydrologic Services Division
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Develop hydrology-related procedures in the current information processing system environment and on prototype systems at the local field office.

Description of Need

The operational hydrologic forecast model is not the only system which must be configured and supported at the local office through non-real-time operations. Field office personnel must know how to develop various types of hydrology-related procedures to address local office operations and forecast responsibilities. This includes knowing how to develop and modify programs, scripts, and database files in the current information processing system environment (e.g., AWIPS) and prototype systems. It also includes analyzing historical data and developing hydrologic studies and backup tools which will be used future forecast operations.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1. Implement new operations, functions, and techniques in the NWSRFS operational forecast system (OFS).

2. Use operating system(s) in the management of national, local, and commercial software; databases; and other files.

3. Use programming languages in procedure development efforts.

4. Use database management systems in procedure development efforts.

5. When using the current NWS information processing system, follow hardware structure, file structure, and configuration management regulations.

6. Coordinate local procedure development efforts with the RFC Development Manager in the Office of Hydrologic Development.

7. Know how to obtain and analyze historical information for use in flood event and general hydroclimatology studies.

8. Analyze historical events and choose proper data to use in developing mean areal precipitation - crest relationships, crest - crest relationships, and backwater curves (for those areas affected by backwater).

Instructional Components

Instructional Componenet 11.1: - NWSRFS Documentation: Section VIII.4.1-Introduction to Adding an Operation provides backgrounsysinformation to someone who wants to add an operation to the OFS, but is not familiar with the NWSRFS forecast component. Section VIII.4.2 then describes the various subroutines needed for operations.

Instructional Component 11.2 - NWSRFS Documentation: Section VIII.4.3A-User Documentation describes the information that a developer of a new NWSRFS operation should provide in the user information section of documentation.

Instructional Component 11.3 - NWSRFS Documentation: Section VIII.4.3B-Program Documentation describes the information that a developer of a new NWSRFS operation should provide in the program information section of documentation.

Instructional Component 11.4 - NWSRFS Documentation: Section IX.2.2B-SYSTEM: Adding Functions and Techniques describes how to add functions and techniques to the Operational Forecast Program.

Instructional Component 11.5 - Various Training Mechanisms (Proposed): Implementing Local Applications on AWIPS PDS. Training described in this PDS will optimize developers' ability to develop new data assimilation techniques and procedures on AWIPS technology.

11.5.1 - Various Training Mechanisms (Proposed): PCU #1: Utilizing Programming Languages for Developing Local Applications. Training identified in this PCU covers use of available programming tools to create local AWIPS applications, including: (1) strengths and weaknesses of programming languages for various tasks, (2) creating usable code for local applications, and (3) AWIPS-related characteristics impacting software development.

11.5.2 - Various Training Mechanisms (Proposed): PCU #2: Utilization of AWIPS Databases for Developing Local Applications. Training identified in this PCU covers use of available tools and local applications for creating, reading, and writing AWIPS data sets without negatively impacting the baseline AWIPS operations. Possible instructional components include:

  • Use of dbAccess
  • SQL
  • Informix database structure
  • Creating Informix local database
  • NetCDF
  • Radar
  • Data directory structure
  • 11.5.3 - Various Training Mechanisms (Proposed): PCU #3: Employ System Guidelines for Developing Local Applications. Training identified in this PCU covers how to design and implement local applications in a manner which ensures AWIPS integrity and follows good programming standards. Possible instructional components include:

  • File locations for source and executable
  • Monitoring CPU and disk usage
  • System libraries and user library awareness
  • Documentation standards
  • Local applications policies
  • Message handling system interface
  • LDAD interface
  • 11.5.4 - Various Training Mechanisms (Proposed): PCU #4: Create Linkages to Baseline System. Training identified in this PCU cover on how to efficiently link local applications with the existing AWIPS baseline system to maximize the benefits of the programs. Possible instructional components include:

  • Cron
  • Integration with D2D
  • LDAD
  • Browser access
  • Baseline access to program
  • 11.5.5 - Various Training Mechanisms (Proposed): PCU #5: Apply UNIX Concepts to Develop Local Applications. Training identified in this PCU describe how to effectively apply basic operating system skills in developing, installing, and maintaining local applications. Possible instructional components include:

  • Editing files
  • CDE
  • Basic skills
  • Networking fundamentals (ftp, telnet, rcp, rlogin, etc.)
  • Implementing local applications on AWIPS
  • Instructional Component 11.6 - Workshop: Hydrologic Database. This workshop covers design, performance, archive, and related issues associated with the current hydrologic database on AWIPS. During this workshop, attendees will interact with the instructor(s) and provide requirements on the future direction of RFC databases.

    Instructional Component 11.7 - Workshop: RFC INFORMIX Database. This workshop addresses issues and requirements involved with the administration of the AWIPS database at an RFC. Topics covered in this workshop include tools for monitoring database performance, approaches for improving database performance, and efficient use of SQL in local applications.

    Instructional Component 11.8 - Commercially-Provided Training: Commercial Off-the- Shelf (COTS) Software Training. As necessary, office personnel will receive training on commercial software required for local procedure development. This training may be provided on-station or off-station at a location specified by the vendor.

    Instructional Component 11.9 - On-Station Training: Development Teams. As necessary, local teams within each RFC will be formed to develop data assimilation applications and receive one-on-one training from local subject matter experts.

    Instructional Component 11.10 - Documentation: Weather Service Operations Manual, Chapter E-11: River Forecast Center Operations. A new appendix to this policy chapter will describe national policies on procedure development and the role of the RFC Development Manager in the Office of Hydrologic Development.

    Instructional Component 11.11 - Documentation: Local AWIPS Database Guidelines. This documentation contains guidelines on use of the AWIPS Local Applications Database (LAD) maintained by the Office of Hydrologic Development. This includes what type of applications should be posted by an office in the LAD, proper format for entering this information, and the policy on searching the LAD before developing a local application.

    Instructional Component 11.12 - Station Library: Commercially-Available Reference Materials. Each RFC will maintain a library of reference materials on operating systems, programming languages, database management systems, and other topics related to the development of data assimilation applications.

    Instructional Component 11.13 - Web Module (Proposed): Developing Backup Forecast Schemes. This module will provide instruction on how to develop simplified forecast schemes for use in backup operations such as:

  • Mean areal precipitation - crest relationships
  • crest - crest relationships
  • backwater curves (for those areas affected by backwater)
  • Instructional Component 11.14 - On-Station Training: Developing Local Historic Studies. Subject matter experts will provide one-on-one training and guidance covering regional and local standards for historic hydrologic studies.

    Instructional Component 11.15 - Web module (Proposed, converted from a section in the draft hydromet lesson of the Correspondence Course): Analysis of Extreme Events. This module will describe the concepts of event return period and probable maximum precipitation. A commonly used approach for estimating event return period will be described. The methods used to conduct precipitation design studies (e.g., precipitation return period, probable maximum precipitation, and depth/area/duration analyses) and flood frequency studies (e.g., probable maximum flood) will also be introduced.

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    Last Reviewed or Updated on 03/07/01