Internet Address:   Transmission of material in
Media Contact: Michael L. Dolfman,(212) 337-2500    this release is embargoed
Information: Martin Kohli,(646) 264-3620            until after 8:30 A.M. (ET)
                                                    Friday, January 16, 2009

  Retail prices in the greater New York area, as measured by the
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), decreased 0.6
percent in December after dropping 1.6 percent in November.  Michael
L. Dolfman, Regional Commissioner of the U. S. Department of Labor's
Bureau of Labor Statistics, noted that this was the first time since
the Bureau began publishing the monthly series in 1940 that the index
registered four consecutive contractions.  The December decline
reflected lower prices for transportation and apparel.  These were
partially offset by increases for housing and education and
communication.  For the year ended in December 2008, the CPI-U
advanced 1.6 percent, the lowest over-the-year increase since 1999,
and the index for all items less food and energy rose 2.6 percent.
  The transportation index decreased 4.3 percent in December, the
fifth consecutive monthly fall.  (See chart A.)  The decline was
primarily due to a sharp 19.7-percent drop in gasoline prices.  Since
July, the New York area gasoline index has retreated 55.4 percent.
Lower prices for new vehicles and used cars and trucks contributed to
the December decrease.  Over the year, transportation prices fell
10.0 percent, the largest 12-month decline since the series start in

  The apparel index, often down in December with seasonal sales,
fell 6.1 percent over the month.  Markdowns for women's, men's, and
girls' apparel, as well as women's footwear, contributed to the
month's decline, the largest since June 2002.

Chart A. Over-the-month percent changes in consumer price indexes, New Yotk-Northern New Jersey, July-December 2008

        New York-Northern New Jersey CPI monthly and annual percent changes
                              (not seasonally adjusted)
           |   2003    |   2004    |   2005    |   2006    |   2007    |   2008    
   Month   | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  

 January     0.8  3.3    0.3  2.7    0.6  4.1    0.8  3.7    0.2  2.7    0.2  3.7
 February    0.8  3.3    0.6  2.5    0.4  3.9    0.2  3.6    0.6  3.1    0.5  3.6
 March       0.5  3.1    1.1  3.2    1.7  4.4    0.8  2.7    0.7  2.9    0.9  3.8
 April      -0.2  2.6    0.3  3.7    0.0  4.2    0.9  3.6    0.5  2.5    0.3  3.6
 May         0.1  2.8    0.2  3.9   -0.5  3.4    0.6  4.8    0.6  2.5    1.0  4.0
 June        0.1  2.8    0.8  4.6   -0.3  2.3    0.5  5.6    0.5  2.5    1.0  4.5
 July        0.4  3.0   -0.2  3.9    0.9  3.4    0.2  5.0    0.2  2.5    0.7  5.1
 August      0.7  3.1    0.1  3.3    0.8  4.1    0.4  4.7   -0.1  1.9    0.1  5.4
 September   0.3  3.3    0.1  3.2    0.8  4.8   -0.5  3.3    0.0  2.4   -0.2  5.2
 October     0.2  3.3    0.7  3.7    0.4  4.5   -0.5  2.4    0.1  3.1   -0.7  4.3
 November   -0.3  3.1    0.0  3.9   -0.6  3.9   -0.4  2.6    0.4  3.9   -1.6  2.2
 December   -0.1  3.2   -0.2  3.8   -0.5  3.6    0.2  3.3    0.0  3.7   -0.6  1.6

  The housing index rose 0.3 percent in December, after declining
0.5 to 0.8 percent in each of the previous three months.  The upturn
was primarily due to the fuels and utilities component.  A 9.0-
percent jump in electricity charges outweighed lower prices for fuel
oil, while natural gas prices inched up 0.1 percent.  In the shelter
component, a decrease in out-of-town lodging charges was largely
offset by 0.4-percent increases for both owners' equivalent rent and
residential rent.  The housing index rose 3.2 percent over the year,
with fuels and utilities increasing 5.5 percent.
  Prices for education and communication advanced 0.6 percent in
December.  Higher-priced long distance telephone service contributed
to the December rise.  Over the year, the education and communication
index rose 5.2 percent, the largest 12-month change since the
category was first tracked ten years ago.
  Among other expenditure categories, the food and beverages index
remained unchanged in December.  A 0.3-percent decline in prices for
food at home offset increases for food away from home and for
alcoholic beverages.  Chicken and apples were among the items
contributing to the month's decline for at-home food.  For the year
ended in December, grocery prices rose 7.5 percent, while prices for
food away from home increased 4.7 percent.
  Recreation prices were also unchanged in December.  Medical care
inched up 0.1 percent, while other goods and services rose 0.3
  With the New York-Northern New Jersey Consumer Price Index for All
Urban Consumers at 233.012 in December (1982-84=100), $23.30 was
required to purchase what $10 could in the 1982-84 base period.  The
purchasing power of the dollar was 42.9 cents in 1982-84 dollars and
14.8 cents in 1967 dollars.  In December, the Consumer Price Index
for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) was 227.223, down
0.7 percent over the month.  The CPI-W rose 1.5 percent over the
year.  On a 1967 base, the December CPI-W was 646.960.
  Data in this report are not seasonally adjusted.  Accordingly,
month-to-month changes may reflect the impact of seasonal influences.
The New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA
consolidated area comprises the five boroughs of New York City,
Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Orange
Counties in New York State; Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer,
Monmouth, Middlesex, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union
and Warren Counties in New Jersey; Fairfield County and parts of
Litchfield, New Haven and Middlesex Counties in Connecticut; and Pike
County in Pennsylvania.

NYLS - 7361                                          Labor - New York

Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes and percent changes for selected periods
   New York-Northern N.J.-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)

                                                        Indexes                Percent change from-
                 Item and Group
                                               Oct.       Nov.       Dec.      Dec.     Oct.     Nov.  
                                               2008       2008       2008      2007     2008     2008  
              Expenditure category

  All items...............................   238.403    234.498    233.012     1.6     -2.3     -0.6 
  All items (1967=100)....................   689.190    677.900    673.604      -        -        - 
   Food and beverages.....................   228.086    228.189    228.213     6.2       .1       .0 
    Food..................................   227.469    227.518    227.406     6.2       .0       .0 
     Food at home.........................   229.598    229.060    228.416     7.5      -.5      -.3 
     Food away from home..................   230.968    231.728    232.258     4.7       .6       .2 
    Alcoholic beverages...................   232.963    233.887    235.943     5.0      1.3       .9 
   Housing................................   257.047    254.912    255.615     3.2      -.6       .3 
    Shelter...............................   308.989    307.725    307.530     3.1      -.5      -.1 
     Rent of primary residence 1/.........   301.253    302.313    303.511     5.5       .7       .4 
     Owners' equivalent rent of primary
         residence 1/ 2/..................   315.708    316.402    317.595     3.6       .6       .4 
    Fuels and utilities...................   206.142    197.831    203.310     5.5     -1.4      2.8 
     Household energy.....................   208.566    199.327    204.909     5.3     -1.8      2.8 
      Gas (piped) and electricity 1/......   196.765    192.300    202.702     9.4      3.0      5.4 
       Electricity 1/.....................   172.388    161.685    176.269     7.3      2.3      9.0 
       Utility (piped) gas service 1/.....   245.375    255.610    255.854    13.1      4.3       .1 
    Household furnishings and operations..   128.179    126.961    127.748      .2      -.3       .6 

   Apparel................................   119.420    115.048    108.045      .7     -9.5     -6.1 

   Transportation.........................   200.291    185.353    177.308   -10.0    -11.5     -4.3 
    Private transportation................   190.389    174.393    165.547   -11.8    -13.0     -5.1 
     Motor fuel...........................   240.938    177.894    143.045   -40.2    -40.6    -19.6 
      Gasoline (all types)................   239.551    176.390    141.564   -40.6    -40.9    -19.7 
       Gasoline, unleaded regular 3/......   240.551    175.580    139.517   -42.2    -42.0    -20.5 
       Gasoline, unleaded midgrade 3/ 4/..   245.311    182.606    149.579   -37.1    -39.0    -18.1 
       Gasoline, unleaded premium 3/......   238.551    180.129    148.179   -36.8    -37.9    -17.7
   Medical care...........................   367.629    367.298    367.657     1.0       .0       .1 

   Recreation 5/..........................   115.532    115.171    115.148     1.6      -.3       .0 

   Education and communication 5/.........   132.926    133.122    133.955     5.2       .8       .6 

   Other goods and services...............   354.472    348.845    349.842     2.9     -1.3       .3 

                                                    Commodity and service group

  All items...............................   238.403    234.498    233.012     1.6     -2.3      -.6 
   Commodities............................   182.371    175.447    170.806    -2.6     -6.3     -2.6 
    Commodities less food and beverages...   151.290    141.312    134.645    -8.7    -11.0     -4.7 
     Nondurables less food and beverages..   187.541    169.745    157.964   -11.0    -15.8     -6.9 
     Durables.............................   104.737    103.968    103.331    -4.4     -1.3      -.6 
   Services...............................   286.410    285.001    286.137     3.8     -0.1      0.4 

                                                     Special aggregate indexes

  All items less medical care.............   232.433    228.442    226.907     1.6     -2.4      -.7 
  All items less shelter..................   210.814    205.703    203.633      .6     -3.4     -1.0 
  Commodities less food...................   154.709    144.985    138.530    -8.1    -10.5     -4.5 
  Nondurables.............................   209.944    200.453    194.149    -2.1     -7.5     -3.1 
  Nondurables less food...................   190.601    173.737    162.649   -10.0    -14.7     -6.4 
  Services less rent of shelter 2/........   271.275    269.623    272.531     4.7       .5      1.1 
  Services less medical care services.....   279.180    277.695    278.870     3.9      -.1       .4 
  Energy..................................   222.851    191.180    179.954   -15.9    -19.2     -5.9 
  All items less energy...................   241.579    240.364    239.821     3.1      -.7      -.2 
   All items less food and energy.........   245.648    244.187    243.559     2.6      -.9      -.3 

  1/ This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item stratum index series
     were calculated using a geometric means estimator.
  2/ Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
  3/ Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
  4/ Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
  5/ Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.
  -  Data not available.


Last Modified Date: February 20, 2009