NASQAN Constituents

USGS Laboratory Schedule/Lab CodeAnalyteParameter Code
Field parameter Temperature 00010
Field parameter Specific conductance 00095
Field parameter Dissolved oxygen 00300
Field parameter pH 00400
Field parameter Alkalinity, filtered, field 39086
998/1201 Calcium 00915
998/1201 Magnesium 00925
998/1201 Sodium 00930
998/1201 Potassium 00935
998/1201 Chloride 00940
998/1201 Sulfate 00945
998/1201 Fluoride 00950
998/1201 Silica 00955
998/1201 Arsenic 01000
998/1201 Boron 01020
998/1201 Iron 01046
998/1201 Strontium 01080
998/1201 Vanadium 01085
998/1201 Lithium 01130
998/1201 Selenium 01145
998/1201 Residue, 180 degrees Celsius (TDS) 70300
997/1010/1069 Nitrogen, ammonia, filtered 00608
997/1010/1069 Nitrogen, nitrite, filtered 00613
997/1010/1069 Nitrogen, ammonia + organic (Kjeldahl), filtered 00623
997/1010/1069 Nitrogen, ammonia + organic (Kjeldahl), unfiltered 00625
997/1010/1069 Nitrogen, nitrite + nitrate, filtered 00631
997/1010/1069 Phosphorus, unfiltered, total as phosphorus 00665
997/1010/1069 Phosphorus, filtered 00666
997/1010/1069 Phosphorus, phosphate, ortho, filtered 00671
997/1010/1069 Carbon, organic, filtered, recoverable (DOC) 00681
997/1010/1069 Carbon, inorganic, sediment, suspended (PIC) 00688
997/1010/1069 Carbon, organic, sediment, suspended, recoverable (POC) 00689
997/1010/1069 Carbon, inorganic + organic, sediment, suspended (PC) 00694
997/1010/1069 Total nitrogen 49570
997/1010/1069 Ultraviolet absorbing organic constituents - 254 nm 50624
997/1010/1069 Ultraviolet absorbing organic constituents - 280nm 61726
LC 8096 Ultraviolet absorbing organic constituents - 412nm 66700
LC 8097 Carbon, inorganic, filtered (DIC) 00691
SusSed Suspended sediment, percent finer than 62 microns 70331
SusSed Suspended sediment 80154
2033 Terbuthylazine 04022
2033 Hexazinone 04025
2033 Simazine 04035
2033 Prometryn 04036
2033 Prometon 04037
2033 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine {CIAT} 04040
2033 Cyanazine 04041
2033 Fonofos 04095
2033 alpha-Endosulfan 34362
2033 Dicrotophos 38454
2033 Dichlorvos 38775
2033 Chlorpyrifos 38933
2033 Dieldrin 39381
2033 Metolachlor 39415
2033 Malathion 39532
2033 Diazinon 39572
2033 Atrazine 39632
2033 Alachlor 46342
2033 Acetochlor 49260
2033 1-Naphthol 49295
2033 Cyfluthrin 61585
2033 Cypermethrin 61586
2033 Endosulfan sulfate 61590
2033 Fenamiphos 61591
2033 Iprodione 61593
2033 Isofenphos 61594
2033 lambda-Cyhalothrin 61595
2033 Metalaxyl 61596
2033 Methidathion 61598
2033 Myclobutanil 61599
2033 Oxyfluorfen 61600
2033 Phosmet 61601
2033 Tefluthrin 61606
2033 Tribufos 61610
2033 2-Chloro-2,6-diethylacetanilide 61618
2033 2-Ethyl-6-methylaniline 61620
2033 3,4-Dichloroaniline 61625
2033 3,5-Dichloroaniline 61627
2033 4-Chloro-2-methylphenol 61633
2033 Azinphos-methyl-oxon 61635
2033 Chlorpyrifos, oxygen analog 61636
2033 Diazinon, oxygen analog 61638
2033 Disulfoton sulfone 61640
2033 Ethion monoxon 61644
2033 Fenamiphos sulfone 61645
2033 Fenamiphos sulfoxide 61646
2033 Malaoxon 61652
2033 Paraoxon-methyl 61664
2033 Phorate oxygen analog 61666
2033 Phosmet oxon 61668
2033 Terbufos oxygen analog sulfone 61674
2033 Fipronil 62166
2033 Fipronil sulfide 62167
2033 Fipronil sulfone 62168
2033 Desulfinylfipronil amide 62169
2033 Desulfinylfipronil 62170
2033 Tebuconazole 62852
2033 cis-Propiconazole 79846
2033 trans-Propiconazole 79847
2033 Ethion 82346
2033 Metribuzin 82630
2033 2,6-Diethylaniline 82660
2033 Trifluralin 82661
2033 Dimethoate 82662
2033 Phorate 82664
2033 Parathion-methyl 82667
2033 EPTC 82668
2033 Tebuthiuron 82670
2033 Molinate 82671
2033 Ethoprophos 82672
2033 Benfluralin 82673
2033 Carbofuran 82674
2033 Terbufos 82675
2033 Propyzamide 82676
2033 Disulfoton 82677
2033 Propanil 82679
2033 Carbaryl 82680
2033 Thiobencarb 82681
2033 Dacthal 82682
2033 Pendimethalin 82683
2033 Propargite 82685
2033 Azinphos-methyl 82686
2033 cis-Permethrin 82687

Method References

Field Parameters

Schedules 998/1201

Schedule 997

Schedule 1010/1069

Lab Code 8096

Lab Code 8097

Suspended sediment

Schedule 2033

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