Fill in any or all of the fields
ZIP Code:

Zoom To: City/Zip Code open city/zip dialog

Select a predefined theme from below by clicking on it, or specify you own criteria on the Custom Maps tab.

Site Type:


Surface Water Networks:

Select sites criteria from the options to the left, then click a mapping button (to the right) to map the data.
-101 11905 Sites mvwms webparam/_sites/
site_type state epa_region suid swnets

-101 11905 Sites mvwms webparam/_sites/
site_type state epa_region suid swnets

Select water quality criteria from the options below and site criteria from the options at left. A constituent must be selected or WQ data will not be mapped. Click a mapping button (to the right) to map the data.
-101 11905 Water Quality mvwms webparam/_waterquality/
site_type state epa_region suid swnets constituent binning_method threshold aggregate_type specific_year start_year end_year plot_order marker_size

-101 11905 Water Quality mvwms webparam/_waterquality/
site_type state epa_region suid swnets constituent binning_method threshold aggregate_type specific_year start_year end_year plot_order marker_size


Choose a statistical function in the "Statistical Options" section below to aggregate sampled concentrations to a single value per site. For surface water sites, all samples taken during the time-period of interest are considered. For groundwater sites, one sample from NAWQA's first cycle (1992-2002) and one from the second cycle (2002+) are aggregated unless the time period of interest does not cover both cycle periods. The list below displays constituent name and the percent of NAWQA samples that include a respective analysis of that constituent.

Enter Constituent Query:

Statistical Options:

Select a method to define bins for value ranges.

Choose a statistical function to aggregate the time-series of samples collected at each site.

Map Marker Size:

Choose a marker size for points drawn on the map.

Water Year:

Water Years are 1990-current and are 4 digit years. Enter a single year, or a year range.


Plot Order:

Select the order the points are plotted. Random mixes the point stacking order, giving an even view of areas with many sampling locations. For all options, groundwater points are plotted on top of surface water points.
National Map Catalog

NAWQA Data Warehouse Layer Legend

Background Layer Legends

10/25/75/90 Box Plot with boxes representing national data. With the "Points On", each data point matches one or more site on the map. With the mouse, hover over a data point to see its location on the map.

Toggle Points:

Points On
Points Off



Roll Up/Down:

Expand SW/GW
Collapse SW/GW

Export the data points on the map. To download an export select a link below.