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Saturday, 01/17/2009 

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BIG "I" News


For the Consumer

New Year A Great Time For  Insuranec "Makeover"
It's a new year and Americans everywhere are thinking about finances in the slumping economy. While families are looking for ways to tighten their belts, they should also consider making an appointment with an insurance professional for a free insurance "makeover." In fact, almost twenty-four percent of households, representing about 39 million homeowners, say they have already made changes to their insurance coverage because of the troubled economy, according to a recent survey by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (the Big “I”) and its local Trusted Choice® member agencies.Full Story

BIG "I" Spotlight

Big “I” and Future One Release 2008 Agency Universe Findings
Future One, a collaboration of the Big “I” and leading independent agency companies, has released key findings from the recently completed 2008 Agency Universe Study. This study is hailed as the most comprehensive of the independent agency system.
 The study surveys a wealth of issues about independent agencies operating in the U.S. including their numbers, revenue base and sources, number of employees, ownership, mix of business, diversification of products, technology uses, non-insurance income sources, and marketing methods.  Purchase your copy of the study today. Check out a preview.





Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Inc.
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