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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Prior Conceptual Framework

Text Description is below the image.
  • Leverage infrastructure developed for RHIOs-
  • Reduce burden of public health reporting requirements
  • Standards-based messaging to population quality warehouse
    • Demographic (age group, zip, gender, "hashed ID")
    • Encounter data (Chief complaint, disch. dx, dispo)
    • Problem list (Diabetes, CAD)
    • Physical exam (measured temperature, BP)
    • Procedures (mammo, colonoscopy, immuniz., eye exam)
    • Lab Results (A1C, lipids, viral testing results, lead)
  • Functions
    • Clinical Preventive Services
    • Quality Benchmarking
    • Infection Disease and Outbreak Surveillance

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care