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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

The Search for Unintended Consequences

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  • Has our focused attention on diabetes and glycemic control been associated with:
    • Higher rates of clinically important hypoglycemia?
    • Inattention to/reduced quality for other conditions?
  • Has the CDS been associated with "Alert Fatigue"*?—do clinicians want to keep or eliminate the CDS at the end of the trial?

* Chronic Alert Fatigue Syndrome (CAFS) "is an insidious disorder, characterized by mental exhaustion and exasperation secondary to frequent, involuntary exposure to displays of alerts and reminders in computerized clinical information systems." Greengold NL. P & T. 2005;30:506-511.

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care