Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States

Unconsolidated Bottom

Definition. The Class Unconsolidated Bottom includes all wetland and deepwater habitats with at least 25% cover of particles smaller than stones, and a vegetative cover less than 30%. Water regimes are restricted to subtidal, permanently flooded, intermittently exposed, and semipermanently flooded.

Description. Unconsolidated Bottoms are characterized by the lack of large stable surfaces for plant and animal attachment. They are usually found in areas with lower energy than Rock Bottoms, and may be very unstable. Exposure to wave and current action, temperature, salinity, and light penetration determines the composition and distribution of organisms.

Most macroalgae attach to the substrate by means of basal hold-fast cells or discs; in sand and mud, however, algae penetrate the substrate and higher plants can successfully root if wave action and currents are not too strong. Most animals in unconsolidated sediments live within the substrate, e.g., Macoma and the amphipod Melita. Some, such as the polychaete worm Chaetopterus, maintain permanent burrows, and others may live on the surface, especially in coarse-grained sediments.

In the Marine and Estuarine Systems, Unconsolidated Bottom communities are relatively stable. They vary from the Arctic to the tropics, depending largely on temperature, and from the open ocean to the upper end of the estuary, depending on salinity. Thorson (1957) summarized and described characteristic types of level-bottom communities in detail.

In the Riverine System, the substrate type is largely determined by current velocity, and plants and animals exhibit a high degree of morphologic and behavioral adaptation to flowing water. Certain species are confined to specific substrates and some are at least more abundant in one type of substrate than in others. According to Hynes (1970:208), "The larger the stones, and hence the more complex the substratum, the more diverse is the invertebrate fauna." In the Lacustrine and Palustrine Systems, there is usually a high correlation, within a given water body, between the nature of the substrate and the number of species and individuals. For example, in the profundal bottom of eutrophic lakes where light is absent, oxygen content is low, and carbon dioxide concentration is high, the sediments are ooze-like organic materials and species diversity is low. Each substrate type typically supports a relatively distinct community of organisms (Reid and Wood 1976:262).

Subclasses and Dominance Types.

Dominance Types for Unconsolidated Bottoms in the Marine and Estuarine Systems were taken predominantly from Miner (1950), Smith (1964), Abbott (1968), and Ricketts and Calvin (1968). Dominance Types for Unconsolidated Bottoms in the Lacustrine, Riverine, and Palustrine Systems were taken predominantly from Krecker and Lancaster (1933), Stehr and Branson (1938), Johnson (1970), Brinkhurst and Jamieson (1972), Clarke (1973), Hart and Fuller (1974), Ward (1975), and Pennak (1978).
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