Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States

Plates 25-28

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 25.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Scrub-Shrub Wetland, SUBCLASS Broad-leaved Evergreen, DOMINANCE TYPE Rhizophora mangle, WATER REGIMES Regularly Flooded (along waterways) and Irregularly Flooded (at some distance from waterways), WATER CHEMISTRY Oligohaline, SOIL Organic. This mangrove swamp is located in the southern part of the Florida Everglades. (Dade County, Florida; December 1975; Photo by V. Carter)

GIF - Riverine System
Plate 26.--Classification: SYSTEM Riverine, SUBSYSTEM Tidal, CLASS Aquatic Bed, SUBCLASS Rooted Vascular, DOMINANCE TYPE, Myriophyllum spicatum-Hydrilla verticillata-Heteranthera dubia, WATER REGIME Permanently Flooded-Tidal, WATER CHEMISTRY Fresh-Circumneutral. (Prince Georges County, Maryland; October 1985; Photo by V. Carter)

GIF - Riverine System
Plate 27.--Two habitats are shown here. Classification of nonvegetated zone: SYSTEM Riverine, SUBSYSTEM Tidal, CLASS Unconsolidated Shore, SUBCLASS Mud, WATER REGIME Regularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Fresh-Circumneutral. Classification of vegetated zone: SYSTEM Riverine, SUBSYSTEM Tidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Nonpersistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Peltandra virginica, WATER REGIME Regularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Fresh-Circumneutral, SOIL Mineral. The photo was taken at low tide. (Cecil County, Maryland; July 1972; Photo by V. Carter)

GIF - Riverine System
Plate 28.--Classification: SYSTEM Riverine, SUBSYSTEM Lower Perennial, CLASS Unconsolidated Bottom, SUBCLASS Cobble-Gravel, WATER REGIME Permanently Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Fresh. The channel bottom is composed primarily of gravel and sand. The stream meanders through a grassy annual floodplain which is flanked by a more elevated floodplain supporting cottonwoods (Populus deltoides). (Crook County, Wyoming; May 1985; Photo by F. C. Golet)

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