Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States

Plates 21-24

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 21.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Persistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Scirpus americanus, WATER REGIME Regularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Mixohaline, SOIL Organic. Subordinate species include saltmeadow cordgrass (Spartina patens) and saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora); these appear as a fringe at the water's edge. (Dorchester County, Maryland; June 1974; Photo by V. Carter)

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 22.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Persistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Carex lyngbyei, WATER REGIME Irregularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Oligohaline, SOIL Mineral. Subordinate species include sedge (Carex pluriflora), silverweed (Potentilla anserina), arrow grass (Triglochin maritimum), and mare's tail (Hippuris tetruphylla). Located on the floodplain of a tidal river, this site receives freshwater runoff from the Chugach Mountains and the Twenty-mile Glacier (center background), and is also inundated by exceptionally high tides. Soil salinity during October 1985 was 3.0 ‰. (Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska; June 1985; Photo by F. C. Golet)

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 23.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Nonpersistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Hippuris tetraphylla, WATER REGIME Regularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Mixohaline, SOIL Mineral. This stand of mare's tail lies at the landward limit of the regularly flooded zone, where the substrate is covered with several centimeters of water at high tide. The Azun River, source of the tidal water, is just visible at the right-hand edge of the photo. (Mouth of Azun River, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska; July 1985; Photo by F. C. Golet)

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 24.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Scrub-Shrub Wetland, SUBCLASS Broad-leaved Deciduous, DOMINANCE TYPE Iva frutescens, WATER REGIME Irregularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Mixohaline, SOIL Mineral. Subordinate plants growing beneath the marsh elder are black grass (Juncus gerardii), salt grass (Distichlis spicata), and saltmeadow cordgrass (Spartina patens). This wetland lies toward the landward edge of an irregularly flooded persistent-emergent wetland dominated by saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), saltmeadow cordgrass, and salt grass (background). (Washington County, Rhode Island; July 1977; Photo by F. C. Golet)

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