Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States

Plates 17-20

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 17.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Persistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Spartina foliosa, WATER REGIME Regularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Mixohaline, SOIL Mineral. The most common subordinate plants are glassworts (Salicornia spp.). This wetland borders an irregularly flooded emergent wetland dominated by glasswort. The photo was taken at high tide. (San Mateo County, California; August 1976; Photo by V. Carter)

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 18.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Persistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Carex lyngbyei, WATER REGIME Regularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Mixohaline, SOIL Organic. The photo was taken at low tide. (Coos County, Oregon; May 1977; Photo by D. D. Peters)

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 19.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Persistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Triglochin maritimum, WATER REGIME Irregularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Mixohaline, SOIL Mineral. Subordinate plants include samphire (Salicornia europaea) and seaside plantain (Plantago maritima). This stand is located at the seaward edge of the irregularly flooded zone where it is inundated by most, but not all, high tides. Water depth is less than 5 cm (2 in). Slightly more elevated stands of Triglochin maritimum contain little or no standing water between periods of inundation. (Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska; June 1985; Photo by F. C. Golet)

GIF - Estuarine System
Plate 20.--Classification: SYSTEM Estuarine, SUBSYSTEM Intertidal, CLASS Emergent Wetland, SUBCLASS Persistent, DOMINANCE TYPE Phragmites australis, WATER REGIME Irregularly Flooded, WATER CHEMISTRY Mixohaline, SOIL Mineral. Saltmeadow cordgrass (Spartina patens) and saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) are subordinate species. (Washington County, Rhode Island; July 1977; Photo by F. C. Golet)

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