Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States


The breadth and complexity of preparing this classification caused us to solicit help and advice from individuals too numerous to list here. Frequently the recommendations were in conflict and we take responsibility for the decisions we have made but acknowledge all suggestions including those not accepted. Several meetings were crucial in formulating the present classification and in modifying earlier drafts. We thank those who attended the formative meeting at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, January 1975; The National Wetland Classification and Inventory Workshop at College Park, Maryland, July 1975; and the review panels assembled at Sapelo Island, Georgia, and at St. Petersburg, Florida. We also thank those individuals and agencies who responded to distribution of the operational draft. Special credit is due the regional coordinators of the National Wetlands Inventory and P. B. Reed, who have furnished continuing consultation on application of the system. Martel Laboratories field-tested the system and furnished specific criticisms. We were advised by J. Everett on geomorphology, K. K. Young and O. Carter on soil taxonomy, R. P. Novitzki on hydrology, and R. H. Chabreck on coastal wetland ecology. M. L. Heinselman and R. H. Hofstetter helped with difficult problems of peatland ecology and terminology. R. L. Kologiski aided with botanical problems. J. H. Montanari, W. O. Wilen, and the entire National Wetlands Inventory staff furnished encouragement and logistic support. The staff of the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center contributed substantially to completion of the classification. Art work and graphics were prepared by J. Rodiek, R. L. Duval, and C. S. Shaiffer. J. H. Sather worked closely with us and served as editor on previous drafts.
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