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National Institutes of Health Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Last Update: 05/06/2009 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Ren, Zhaoxia

Address: 6100 Executive Blvd Room 4B15, MSC 7510
Bethesda Md 20892-7510
For FedEx use:
Rockville Md 20852
Organization:  Obstetric & Pediatric Pharmacology (OPP) Branch

Dr. Zhaoxia Ren joined the OPPB as a medical officer in May 2008. She received her M.D. in China, where she also took ophthalmology residency training. After moving to the United States, she received a Ph.D. in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, and received her postdoctoral training in human genetics from the National Eye Institute, NIH. Prior to joining NICHD, Dr. Ren was a program director and held other positions at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). Dr. Ren managed one of the largest national cooperative genetic studies on alcoholism at NIAAA and initiated NIAAA international research collaborations in China and Korea. In addition, Dr. Ren served on a variety of trans-NIH committees and working groups, including the Gene-Environment Interaction (GEI) Coordinating Committee, GEI Genetics Subcommittee, and Roadmap Initiative on Pharmacogenomics Working Group. Her outstanding performance had resulted in several NIAAA Director’s Awards and the NIH Director’s group award for her role in the development and implementation of NIH Genome-Wide Association Studies Policy. Currently, Dr. Ren manages the OPPB’s pharmacogenomics program, serves as the program scientist for the Obstetric Pharmacology Research Units Network, and is the Branch’s liaison to the neuroscience research program. After less than a year at the NICHD, Dr. Ren is involved in many trans-NIH activities, including the NIH Pharmacogenetics Research Network, has organized a Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act workshop, and is responsible for multiple funding opportunity announcements. Dr. Ren has also published numerous peer-reviewed articles.