Stopping the Silent Invasion
Report a Pest: 643-PEST
Call the Pest Hotline to report invasive pests.
What's This?

Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC)


The Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) is a voluntary partnership of private citizens, community organizations, businesses, land owners, and government agencies to address invasive species issues on the island of Hawaii. BIISC's mission includes education, early detection, rapid response, control and eradication of invasive pests threatening agriculture, native ecosystems, industry, human health or the quality of life within Hawaii County.

BIISC partners

Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources: Division of Forestry & Wildlife
U.S.D.A. Forest Service
University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
U.S. Geological Survey
The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii
Kamehameha Schools
Malama O Puna
Hawaii County
Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Next BIISC meeting

Please call BIISC at (808) 933-3326 for more information about the next meeting.

BIISC administrative products (PDFs)

The following documents are in PDF format and can be read with Adobe Reader.

BIISC brochures
Big Island Invasion 2007
The "Big Island Invasion" brochure contains information about BIISC, the committee's target species, and invasive plants to avoid using in landscaping.
War on the purple plague (miconia control)
What's in your backyard? (invasives around us)
Plume poppy (pest alert)

Strategic plan
Current strategic plan (May, 2004)

BIISC bylaws
BIISC Memorandum of Understanding and Bylaws (May, 2005)

Action plans
Draft BIISC miconia Evaluation Protocol for 2004 BIISC Action Plan for 2003
BIISC Action Plan for 2000-2002
Miconia calvescens Management Plan for the Big Island (2000)

Progress reports
BIISC 2008 annual report
BIISC report 4/01/2008 to 09/30/2008
BIISC FY 2007 2nd quarter report
BIISC FY 2007 1st quarter report
BIISC FY 2006 4th quarter report
BIISC 2006 annual report

Miconia reports
Miconia control on Hawaii Island: NFWF project report and recommendations - 2007.
Operation miconia progress report, July 2000 - June 2001
Operation miconia progress report, 1999 - 2000
Additional miconia reports, 1999 - 2000.

Contact us

BIISC staff welcome your questions, comments, and participation. Please see BIISC contact information.

Join our e-mail list

For up-to-date information about BIISC activities, join the BIISC e-mail list.

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© 2008 Hawaii Invasive Species Partnership