2006  | 2005  | 2004  | 2003  | 2002  | 2001  | 2000  | 1999  | 1998  | 1997

Conferences, Meetings, and Workshops (2001)

Workshops, Conferences and Proceedings 2002
AMS Conferences, Meetings and Symposia
ICES Symposia 1995-2002

IAPSO/IABO Joint Assembly

Please NOTE: The abstract deadline is 28 February 2001.

October 21 - 28, 2001
Mar del Plata, Argentina

The Joint Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) and the International Association for Biological Oceanography (IABO), to be held in Mar del Plata, Argentina, on 21 - 28 October 2001, with Joint Symposia of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), the Climate Variability and Predictability Program (CLIVAR), the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), the Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics Program (GLOBEC), and the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), has issued a call for abstracts.

Abstracts must be submitted electronically, and must be in the format given on the Joint Assembly Web page. Joint Assembly Format (note that there is an underline between "2001" and "ocean" in the URL address)

Details of the symposia are on the Joint Assembly Web page.


September 23 - 26, 2001
Stanford Sierra Camp Fallen Leaf Lake, California

The 48th annual Eastern Pacific Oceanic Conference (EPOC) will be held at the Stanford Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, California from 23-26 September 2001. EPOC is a multidisciplinary meeting concerning research results from the eastern Pacific Ocean, including the equatorial region. EPOC provides an opportunity for scientists to meet and discuss scientific issues of the region, in a rural setting with few distractions. As is the custom at EPOC, the meeting times will be adjusted to allow time during the day for recreation, and to enjoy the surroundings.

Sessions are planned for:

-- sediment transport processes
-- inner-shelf processes and ocean-bay interactions
-- Lagrangian parcel trajectories, parcel retention and tracking
-- wind-driven transport at mesoscales
-- ecosystem dynamics, biophysical modeling and data assimilation

Four of these sessions will be half-day sessions of 15 minute talks (with 5 minutes for questions). The fifth will be a poster session held during the evening.

The abstract and registration deadline is August 13, 2001.

Anticipated registration costs will be $60 ($40 for students)

Anticipated costs for food and lodging at the Stanford Sierra Camp will be $141/$167 per person per night (dependent on occupancy per cabin). No partial stays are allowed. We will try to provide some accommodations for non-attending spouses/partners.

Abstract submission, registration, lodging and travel information will be handled via the web. An announcement regarding the web site (under development) will be sent shortly.

Need more information? Contact Ed Dever at the address below

Ed Dever, Meeting Chairperson
Center for Coastal Studies M/C 0209
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093-0209
TEL: (858) 534-8091
FAX: (858) 534-0300

EPOC Executives:

Jack Barth, EPOC President
College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
104 Ocean Admin Bldg.
Corvallis, OR 97331-5503
TEL: (541)737-1607
FAX: (541)737-2064

Jeff Paduan, EPOC Treasurer
Department of Oceanography
Code OC/Pd
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943
TEL: (831) 656-3350;
FAX: (831) 656-2712

John Largier, EPOC Secretary
Marine Life Research Group M/C 0209
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093-0209
TEL: (858) 534-6268
FAX: (858) 534-6500

2001 Arctic Science Odyssey

September 12 - 15, 2001
Anchorage, Alaska

This session is to help SSL investigators share their research plans and results with other investigators in Alaska and beyond. In part, this is in response to the large amount of research has been initiated since SSL were listed. The Arctic Science conference is being Chaired by Don Spalinger.

Russian-American Bering Sea Conference

Spring of 2001
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, Russia

In the North of the Pacific Ocean Russia and the USA have common interests in the protection of living resources of the Bering Sea, one of the most productive seas of the ocean, which resources - especially those of pollock and salmon are a national patrimony of both countries. These resources tend recently to decrease, what arouses anxiety among people of two nations, from the point of view of conservation of these resources as well as economic sustainability of fishing companies’ complex of Russia and the USA in the North Pacific region, that is why The Pacific Environment and Resources Center (PERC, the USA) and Charitable Voluntary Fund for conservation of bioresources of Northern Pacific (the Northern Pacific Fund, Russia) are preparing for the Russian-American conference on the problems of conservation of Bering Sea bioresources, which is planned to be convened in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski in sp ring, 2001.

The conference aims to unite and strengthen activities of wide sections of the population (first of all those of fishermen) of both nations to work out various types (including public) of joined control and management of living resources of the Bering Sea , which are common and indivisible into Russian and American but playing a vital role in determining way of life of people in coastal areas of two countries.

Everyone interested in the conference may take part in it (intramurally or extra-murally). Materials about extra-mural conference (starting with this appeal in the «Pacific Herald») will be released in our newspaper regularly as well as in the Internet in the Northern Pacific under "Hot line". Aleksei Vakhrin News administrator of Northern Pacific magazine & server.

Please, send your proposals, requests, materials, report theses, articles to the address:

Sergei Vakhrin, Northern Pacific Fund’s President
Northern Pacific Fund
58 Korolyova St., Suite 202,
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, 683024, Russia,
fax +7 (4152) 11-90-45


David Gordon, PERC’s Program Director
Pacific Environment & Resources Center (PERC)
1440 Broadway, Suite 306 Oakland, CA 94612, USA
phone 510-251-8800 ext. 304
fax 510-251-8838

Coastal Zone 01

July 15 - 19, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio

The Coastal Zone conference series is the world's largest, most prestigious gathering of coastal resource management professionals. Presentations will delve into the most pressing coastal resource management issues of today and tomorrow. In addition to the stimulating sessions, Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum will provide participants with after-conference entertainment and activities. Mark your calendars!

International Symposium on Climate, the Environment and Societies in the New Millennium

June 25 - 30, 2001
Jerusalem, Israel

The international Geographical Union, Commission of Climatology is planning to hold its annual meeting in Israel in the year 2001. In recent years the subject of climatic variability and possible climate change attracted much attention in both the scientific community as well as the executive branches of government.

The conference program will be based on five major sectors:

For more information contact
Dr. E.H. Steinberger, Chairman
Hebrew University, Dept. of Atmospheric Science
Jerusalem 91904 Israel

Canada Wave Phenomena III:
Waves in Fluids from the Microscopic to the Planetary Scale

June 11 - 15, 2001
Edmonton, AB, Canada

35th Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

May 27 - June 1, 2001
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

The theme of 35th CMOS Congress is Extreme Weather. Papers are being solicited on all aspects of extreme weather events found globally such as severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, tropical cyclones, flooding, droughts, blizzards, etc. Particular emphasis should be placed on forecasting, impacts, warning and emergency preparedness, remote sensing, numerical, atmosphere-ocean interactions, and climate modeling and variability, as they relate to extreme weather.

The Oceanography Society, Biennial Scientific Meeting

April 2 - 5, 2001
Miami, Florida

This program will span a broad range of topics in oceanography and the day-by-day session themes will allow a focus on interdisciplinary topics and research enabled through advanced technology. The themes are:

  • Air-Sea Interactions
  • The Water Column
  • The Seafloor

  • The meeting format will include plenary sessions of invited and contributed talks on the daily session themes and contributed posters focusing on, but not limited to, the session topics.

    Eighth International Meeting on Statistical Climatology

    March 12 - 16, 2001
    Luneburg, Germany

    The purpose of the meetings is to bring together climatologists and statisticians, to exchange concepts and problems. Climatologists present statistical problems in climatology (including meteorology and related fields) and consider the methods that are currently used to deal with these problems. Also, techniques tailored by climatologists for the specific needs of climatology are presented. Statisticians, on the other hand, present new, state-of-the art techniques developed within mathematical statistic s and other scientific fields. By discussing the needs of climatology and the possibilities offered by modern statistics, synergetic effects are obtained, advancing the methodical basis of climatology and helping statistics to focus on relevant problems.

    Note! When you click on some of the links on this page you will be leaving the NPO web site. You may wish to review the privacy notice on those sites since their information collection practices may differ from ours.

    [Last updated: 2007-07-03]