Table 11. Time spent in leisure and sports activities for the civilian population by selected characteristics, 2007 annual averages

       Table 11.  Time spent in leisure and sports activities for the civilian population by selected characteristics, 2007 annual
                                                            Average hours per day spent in leisure and sports activities            
                                                               Partici-                                                      Other  
                                                               pating in                                          Playing   leisure 
                                                  Total, all    sports,  Socializ-                               games and    and   
                                                  leisure and  exercise,  ing and   Watching  Reading  Relaxing/  computer   sports 
                                                    sports        and    communi-      TV               thinking  use for  activi-  
                                                  activities    recre-    cating                                  leisure    ties,  
                                                                ation                                                      including
                    Characteristic                                                                                        travel (1)
                                                         Week-     Week-     Week      Week-     Week-     Week-     Week-     Week-
                                               To-  Week-ends Week-ends Week-ends Week-ends Week-ends Week-ends Week ends Week-ends 
                                               tal, days  and days  and  days and days  and days  and days  and days- and days and  
                                               all       holi-     holi-     holi-     holi-     holi-     holi-     holi-     holi-
                                               days      days      days      days      days      days      days      days      days 
                                                          (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2) 
       Men..................................... 5.48 4.85 6.96 0.36 0.55 0.50 1.04 2.63 3.46 0.26 0.33 0.30 0.38 0.40 0.43 0.38 0.76
       Women................................... 4.76 4.32 5.80  .19  .27  .60 1.22 2.25 2.69  .41  .43  .25  .28  .24  .29  .37  .62
       Total, 15 years and over................ 5.11 4.57 6.37  .28  .41  .55 1.13 2.43 3.07  .34  .38  .28  .33  .32  .36  .38  .69
          15 to 19 years....................... 5.71 5.21 6.84  .61  .85  .73 1.47 2.07 2.30  .09  .26  .15  .21  .78  .78  .77  .97
          20 to 24 years....................... 4.90 4.14 6.49  .36  .69  .66 1.20 2.00 2.83  .14  .11  .22  .14  .46  .53  .31  .99
          25 to 34 years....................... 4.23 3.59 5.72  .21  .38  .55 1.17 1.96 2.82  .11  .15  .15  .24  .27  .35  .35  .61
          35 to 44 years....................... 4.23 3.69 5.54  .24  .35  .51 1.08 2.02 2.57  .18  .22  .19  .40  .23  .29  .31  .62
          45 to 54 years....................... 4.59 3.93 6.14  .20  .35  .47 1.13 2.20 3.10  .29  .36  .27  .31  .19  .22  .30  .66
          55 to 64 years....................... 5.34 4.81 6.61  .24  .30  .48  .89 2.65 3.53  .55  .53  .32  .37  .23  .26  .35  .71
          65 to 74 years....................... 6.83 6.56 7.50  .33  .25  .61 1.18 3.68 3.88  .67  .85  .40  .43  .43  .32  .44  .59
          75 years and over.................... 7.79 7.69 8.04  .22  .27  .62 1.00 4.27 4.31 1.12 1.09  .81  .59  .26  .34  .39  .43
        Race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity                                                                                       
       White................................... 5.06 4.50 6.38  .28  .43  .55 1.13 2.37 3.02  .36  .43  .26  .29  .31  .36  .38  .73
       Black or African American............... 5.74 5.42 6.45  .27  .26  .66 1.08 3.11 3.62  .21  .19  .45  .59  .34  .24  .40  .48
       Hispanic or Latino ethnicity............ 4.66 4.07 6.05  .21  .44  .54 1.22 2.52 2.94  .11  .10  .25  .27  .17  .32  .28  .75
                  Employment status                                                                                                 
       Employed................................ 4.17 3.52 5.74  .24  .39  .45 1.10 1.86 2.72  .22  .27  .19  .24  .23  .31  .33  .71
          Full-time workers.................... 4.00 3.30 5.69  .22  .39  .41 1.05 1.78 2.76  .19  .26  .18  .24  .20  .29  .31  .71
          Part-time workers.................... 4.79 4.33 5.91  .31  .40  .60 1.25 2.16 2.59  .30  .31  .23  .26  .31  .39  .43  .72
       Not employed............................ 6.92 6.65 7.51  .35  .44  .75 1.19 3.57 3.70  .58  .59  .45  .48  .50  .44  .46  .66
        Earnings of full-time wage and salary                                                                                       
         workers (main job only) (3)                                                                                                
       0 - $480................................ 4.02 3.39 5.59  .13  .25  .44 1.03 1.92 2.94  .10  .19  .22  .27  .27  .37  .30  .56
       $481 - $730............................. 4.16 3.44 6.05  .24  .30  .43 1.13 1.80 3.15  .15  .21  .23  .29  .20  .27  .38  .70
       $731 - $1,150........................... 3.97 3.30 5.55  .21  .38  .45 1.12 1.77 2.62  .23  .25  .13  .22  .21  .26  .30  .71
       $1,151 and higher....................... 3.89 3.12 5.67  .26  .54  .34  .93 1.67 2.55  .27  .38  .14  .19  .15  .24  .29  .85
             Presence and age of children                                                                                           
       No household children under 18.......... 5.64 5.11 6.88  .28  .40  .58 1.12 2.72 3.38  .45  .50  .32  .37  .34  .38  .41  .72
       Household children under 18............. 4.30 3.76 5.58  .26  .43  .52 1.14 1.99 2.58  .16  .20  .21  .26  .28  .32  .33  .64
         Children 13 to 17 years, none younger. 4.79 4.19 6.29  .35  .63  .57 1.26 2.15 2.65  .21  .26  .20  .30  .40  .41  .31  .78
         Children 6 to 12 years, none younger.. 4.49 3.97 5.75  .27  .32  .50 1.13 2.09 2.69  .18  .25  .22  .33  .30  .33  .41  .69
         Youngest child under 6 years.......... 3.89 3.35 5.09  .21  .40  .51 1.09 1.82 2.48  .12  .13  .20  .19  .20  .25  .29  .54
                Marital status and sex                                                                                              
       Married, spouse present................. 4.77 4.26 5.97  .24  .37  .50 1.11 2.35 2.90  .37  .39  .27  .30  .22  .26  .32  .63
          Men.................................. 5.08 4.51 6.44  .29  .47  .44  .99 2.62 3.34  .28  .41  .33  .33  .25  .27  .30  .63
          Women................................ 4.46 4.03 5.50  .20  .27  .55 1.22 2.09 2.47  .45  .38  .21  .26  .19  .26  .33  .64
       Other marital statuses.................. 5.51 4.94 6.83  .31  .46  .62 1.15 2.53 3.26  .30  .37  .29  .36  .43  .46  .45  .76
          Men.................................. 5.98 5.27 7.58  .45  .65  .59 1.09 2.63 3.60  .24  .24  .27  .44  .59  .63  .49  .92
          Women................................ 5.09 4.65 6.14  .19  .28  .66 1.21 2.44 2.94  .36  .50  .30  .29  .29  .31  .41  .61
           Educational attainment, 25 years                                                                                         
            and over                                                                                                                
       Less than a high school diploma......... 6.11 5.71 7.00  .12  .28  .64 1.08 3.74 4.05  .24  .20  .62  .69  .14  .20  .21  .50
       High school graduates, no college (4)... 5.52 4.99 6.76  .20  .34  .55 1.12 2.94 3.57  .31  .39  .37  .45  .25  .29  .38  .58
       Some college or associate degree........ 4.79 4.28 6.04  .24  .28  .54 1.07 2.27 3.13  .36  .42  .22  .25  .28  .28  .36  .62
       Bachelor's degree and higher (5)........ 4.38 3.82 5.70  .31  .38  .44 1.05 1.77 2.43  .55  .57  .14  .22  .27  .33  .34  .73
          1 Includes other leisure and sports activities, not elsewhere classified, and travel related to leisure and sports
          2 Holidays are New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
       Data were not collected about New Year’s Day in 2007.
          3 These values are based on usual weekly earnings.  Each earnings range represents approximately 25 percent of full-time
       wage and salary workers.
          4 Includes persons with a high school diploma or equivalent.
          5 Includes persons with bachelor's, master's, professional, and doctoral degrees.
          NOTE:  Unless otherwise specified, data refer to persons 15 years and over.  Persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity may
       be of any race.

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Last Modified Date: November 12, 2008