U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


What follows are individual profiles of Cabinet level,(1) mid-size, small, and Defense Department agencies with a work force of 500 or more employees. These Profiles of Selected Indicators were created using annual accomplishment reports on minorities, women, and persons with disabilities, and the Civilian Personnel Data File (CPDF), which is maintained by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Selected discrimination complaint processing data submitted by each agency to the EEOC was also used in creating each profile.

The Profiles of Selected Indicators are a comparison between FY 2001 and FY 2002 data. Each agency's profile highlights the participation by race, national origin, gender, and disability(2) of employees in its work force and in the agency's top major occupations. The profiles offer data concerning the outcome of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) activities at the pre-complaint and complaint stages of the discrimination complaint process. In the area of discrimination complaint processing, each narrative profile also contains the number of complaints filed, complainants, complaints closed, merit decisions, findings of discrimination, and settlements. Also included are the total amounts of money paid by the agency for corrective actions and settlements, total amounts awarded in specific categories, and the average time it took during for an agency to process complaints.

Immediately following the profile of each agency is an EEO Indicators table containing selected data on the agency's performance for FY 2002. The table highlights discrimination complaint processing activities for each agency and reflects the percentage change in the data provided in FY 2001 and the data provided in FY 2002.(3)

NOTE: The EEOC relies on each agency to provide accurate and reliable data for its complaint processing program. Although the EEOC reviews and analyzes the data submitted, each agency remains ultimately responsible for the accuracy of its own data. Many agencies continue to ignore the Office of Management and Budget's Policy Directive 15 and Circular A-130 when submitting data to the EEOC. As a result, certain discrepancies may appear in the following profiles that the EEOC could not reconcile.(4)

List of Agencies Included in the Agency Profile Section

The following agencies, designated as Cabinet level, Mid-Size, Small, or Department of Defense (DOD), have profiles in this part:

Agriculture, Department of Environmental Protection Agency Agency for International Development Air Force, Department of the
Commerce, Department of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Armed Forces Retirement Home Army, Department of the
Education, Department of Federal Emergency Management Agency Broadcasting Board of Governors Army and Air Force Exchange Service
Energy, Department of General Services Agency Commodity Futures Trading Commission Defense Commissary Agency
Health and Human Services, Department of National Aeronautics and Space Administration Corporation for National Service Defense Contract Audit Agency
Housing and Urban Development, Department of Small Business Administration Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Defense Contract Management Agency
Interior, Department of the Smithsonian Institution Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Defense Education Activity
Justice, Department of Social Security Administration Federal Communications Commission Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Labor, Department of Tennessee Valley Authority Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Defense Human Resources Activity
State, Department of Federal Trade Commission Defense Information Systems Agency
Transportation, Department of Government Printing Office Inspector General, Office of the
Treasury, Department of National Archives and Records Administration Defense Logistics Agency
U.S. Postal Service National Credit Union Administration Navy, Department of the
Veterans Affairs, Department of National Gallery of Art Secretary of Defense, Office of the
National Labor Relations Board Defense Security Service
National Science Foundation Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Personnel Management
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Railroad Retirement Board
Securities and Exchange Commission

The profiles that follow are listed alphabetically, in the following order:

Agency Designation
Agency for International Development Small
Agriculture, Department of Cabinet
Armed Forces Retirement Home Small
Broadcasting Board of Governors Small
Commerce, Department of Cabinet
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Small
Corporation for National Service Small
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Small
Department of Defense Sub-elements:
Air Force, Department of the DOD
Army, Department of the DOD
Army and Air Force Exchange Service DOD
Defense Commissary Agency DOD
Defense Contract Audit Agency DOD
Defense Contract Management Agency DOD
Defense Education Activity DOD
Defense Finance and Accounting Service DOD
Defense Human Resources Activity DOD
Defense Information Systems Agency DOD
Inspector General, Office of the DOD
Defense Logistics Agency DOD
Navy, Department of the DOD
Secretary of Defense, Office of the DOD
Defense Security Service DOD
Defense Threat Reduction Agency DOD
Education, Department of Cabinet
Energy, Department of Cabinet
Environmental Protection Agency Mid-Size
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Small
Federal Communications Commission Small
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mid-Size
Federal Emergency Management Agency Mid-Size
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Small
Federal Trade Commission Small
General Services Administration Mid-Size
Government Printing Office Small
Health and Human Services, Department of Cabinet
Housing and Urban Development, Department of Cabinet
Interior, Department of the Cabinet
Justice, Department of Cabinet
Labor, Department of Cabinet
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Mid-Size
National Archives and Records Administration Small
National Credit Union Administration Small
National Gallery of Art Small
National Labor Relations Board Small
National Science Foundation Small
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Small
Office of Personnel Management Small
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Small
Railroad Retirement Board Small
Securities and Exchange Commission Small
Small Business Administration Mid-Size
Smithsonian Institution Mid-Size
Social Security Administration Mid-Size
State, Department of Cabinet
Tennessee Valley Authority Mid-Size
Transportation, Department of Cabinet
Treasury, Department of Cabinet
United States Postal Service Cabinet
Veterans Affairs, Department of Cabinet

1. Because of its size and appointing authority, the U.S. Postal Service was included in the Cabinet level agency category.

2. Estimated availability for people with targeted disabilities is based on 1990 census data.

3. This table does not reflect counseling which occurred or settlements reached through agency ADR efforts at the pre-complaint stage.

4. For example, some agencies provided data on their "total work force" which does not correspond with data on the "permanent work force" of the agency counted by the OPM (i.e., some agencies reported numbers indicating that their "total work force" was smaller than the OPM-counted "permanent work force" for that agency).

This page was last modified on June 26, 2003.

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