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South Central ARMI

Guide to Louisiana Amphibians

Louisiana slimy salamander (Plethodon kisatchie)

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  Range Map for Louisiana slimy salamander (Plethodon kisatchie)
  Range map source: USGS National Amphibian Atlas, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Terrestrial, black salamander with bronze, silver or white flecks on dorsum ranging from 4.75 to 5 inches in length in Louisiana. Tail is circular and tapers to a point. Juveniles are black with white, bronze, or silver colored markings. Venter is a dark gray to black color. Occurs in hardwood forests where it can be found under logs and debris. Can withstand shockingly dry conditions. Forages for food on cool, humid nights. Courtship occurs July through August. Females lay eggs in late August to early September. Little is known about reproduction. Prefers hardwood sites and can be found under hardwood logs. Species is found in the hill parishes of north-central Louisiana.

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 19-Aug-2008 14:32:56 EDT