Info for Seminar Visitors

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A Climatology and Experimental Automated Probabilistic Lightning Forecasts for Alaska

David Buckley, School of Meteorology
The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

08 May 2009, 2:00 PM,
NWC Rm. 5600

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The NWC Seminar Series and NSSL Colloquium* are open to all interested persons. All seminars will be held Tuesdays at 3:30 pm in NWC 1313, unless otherwise noted. To receive announcements of upcoming seminars via email, contact Marcia Palutto. To sign up to give a seminar, please contact J.J. Gourley.

Directions to the National Weather Center (.pdf, 60 kb)

08 May 2009
2:00 PM
NWC Rm. 5600 Convective Storms & NWP David Buckley
School of Meteorology
The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
A Climatology and Experimental Automated Probabilistic Lightning Forecasts for Alaska
08 May 2009
3:15 PM
NWC Rm. 5600 School of Meteorology David Parsons
Chief, World Weather Research Division World Meteorological Organization
Recent Results and Future Directions of the World Weather Research Program including THORPEX
12 May 2009
3:30 PM
NWC Rm. 1313 National Severe Storms Laboratory David Karoly
School of Earth Sciences
University of Melbourne, Australia
The recent bushfires and extreme heat wave in south-east Australia: Links to climate change?
22 May 2009
10:30 AM
NWC Rm. 1313 National Severe Storms Laboratory Thomas J. Galarneau, Jr.
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany/SUNY
Albany, NY
Life-Cycle of Tropical Storm Erin (2007): Genesis, Postlandfall Reintensification, and Widespread Heavy Rainfall
25 Aug 2009
3:30 PM
NWC Rm. 1313 School of Meteorology SoM "Welcome Back" Seminar
03 Nov 2009
3:30 PM
NWC Rm. 1313 National Severe Storms Laboratory NO SEMINAR - Conference room reserved for MPAR Symposium
17 Nov 2009
3:30 PM
NWC Rm. 1313 National Severe Storms Laboratory NO SEMINAR - Conference room reserved for MPAR Symposium

*The  NSSL COLLOQUIUM   brings renowned speakers to the Norman weather community for scientific presentations and personal interactions.