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Asthma Basics for Schools

This package contains two sets of slides with presentation notes and a feedback form for use in evaluating the content and delivery of the slide presentations. You may download the slides in PowerPoint, PDF, and text only (HTML) formats below.  2008.

Part 1 -- Overview

PowerPoint icon Part 1, PowerPoint, 1.6 MB       PDF icon Part 1, PDF, 772 K       HTML (text) icon Part 1, Text

These slides provide updated information about the problem of asthma among school-age youth, the causes, signs and symptoms of asthma, the impact of asthma on student learning, asthma triggers, the control of asthma, assessing how asthma-friendly is your school, and how to handle an asthma episode.

Part 2 -- Goals

PowerPoint icon Part 2, PowerPoint, 584 K       PDF icon Part 2, PDF, 508 K       HTML (text) icon Part 2, Text

These slides provide the audience with an understanding of the asthma goals for school health based upon the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention's Strategies for Addressing Asthma within a Coordinated School Health Program.

Feedback Form

PDF icon Feedback Form, PDF, 104 K       HTML (text) icon Feedback Form, Text

Suggestions for use:

  • Part 1 -- Overview. You will need approximately 20-to-30 minutes to present Part 1 - Overview. Allow time for questions and answers, and for all members of the audience to complete and return the presentation feedback form. Part 1 may be presented to parents/guardians, community groups, school staff, as well as healthcare professionals. It is suitable for the general public.

  • Part 2 -- Goals. Allow at least 30 minutes for this presentation to audiences composed of school nurses, school staff, and healthcare professionals. More time may be needed to present Part 2 to other groups, such as school boards, and school district-level staff who may find this information helpful in preparing guidance for schools on asthma. It is recommended that Part 2 NOT be shown to audiences that have not seen Part 1 or do not have experience with asthma management for school-age youth.

  • Parts 1 & 2. If you present Parts 1 and 2 together, provide time for questions and answers, as well as sharing resources and references with the audience. Be sure to ask the audience to complete and return the Feedback Form. If combining the presentations, you will need to allow approximately 1 hour, plus time for questions and answers.
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