Census 2000 PHC-T-17. Multigenerational Households for the United States, States, and for Puerto Rico: 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, special tabulation. Internet release date: September 7, 2001 [For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf1.pdf] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Multigenerational households by type /1 | |--------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Householder | Householder | Householder with | | | with child and | with parent | parent, child, | All households | Total /2 | grandchild | and child | and grandchild ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- United States 105,480,101 3,929,122 2,561,637 1,289,159 78,326 Alabama 1,737,080 64,841 50,679 12,925 1,237 Alaska 221,600 6,784 4,681 2,029 74 Arizona 1,901,327 75,296 50,817 22,957 1,522 Arkansas 1,042,696 33,158 25,614 6,911 633 California 11,502,870 642,474 353,682 273,017 15,775 Colorado 1,658,238 44,214 29,240 14,166 808 Connecticut 1,301,670 41,621 23,701 17,188 732 Delaware 298,736 10,992 7,741 3,063 188 District of Columbia 248,338 11,399 9,138 2,024 237 Florida 6,337,929 238,213 142,326 90,353 5,534 Georgia 3,006,369 129,162 90,413 36,053 2,696 Hawaii 403,240 33,106 20,462 11,391 1,253 Idaho 469,645 10,907 7,571 3,168 168 Illinois 4,591,779 184,505 120,437 60,202 3,866 Indiana 2,336,306 62,864 46,862 15,032 970 Iowa 1,149,276 17,906 13,512 4,174 220 Kansas 1,037,891 22,378 16,065 6,014 299 Kentucky 1,590,647 43,223 32,719 9,875 629 Louisiana 1,656,053 79,898 64,075 14,407 1,416 Maine 518,200 8,713 5,657 2,942 114 Maryland 1,980,859 88,923 56,832 30,211 1,880 Massachusetts 2,443,580 75,081 43,175 30,673 1,233 Michigan 3,785,661 116,662 84,832 29,987 1,843 Minnesota 1,895,127 31,076 21,087 9,648 341 Mississippi 1,046,434 54,262 44,319 8,826 1,117 Missouri 2,194,594 58,438 43,713 13,779 946 Montana 358,667 6,638 5,006 1,565 67 Nebraska 666,184 10,973 8,018 2,840 115 Nevada 751,165 30,005 16,978 12,371 656 New Hampshire 474,606 10,674 6,352 4,157 165 New Jersey 3,064,645 144,142 76,572 64,599 2,971 New Mexico 677,971 29,276 22,346 6,401 529 New York 7,056,860 312,270 178,039 127,841 6,390 North Carolina 3,132,013 101,544 74,032 25,699 1,813 North Dakota 257,152 2,799 2,190 594 15 Ohio 4,445,773 123,767 90,449 31,378 1,940 Oklahoma 1,342,293 38,306 29,286 8,492 528 Oregon 1,333,723 33,284 21,067 11,671 546 Pennsylvania 4,777,003 147,077 99,251 45,270 2,556 Rhode Island 408,424 12,972 7,264 5,485 223 South Carolina 1,533,854 63,722 49,252 13,212 1,258 South Dakota 290,245 5,169 4,143 973 53 Tennessee 2,232,905 75,753 56,307 18,106 1,340 Texas 7,393,354 353,682 244,216 101,898 7,568 Utah 701,281 25,673 18,198 7,038 437 Vermont 240,634 3,839 2,443 1,347 49 Virginia 2,699,173 92,471 60,693 30,097 1,681 Washington 2,271,398 57,193 35,324 20,983 886 West Virginia 736,481 19,011 14,661 4,099 251 Wisconsin 2,084,544 39,255 27,514 11,229 512 Wyoming 193,608 3,531 2,686 799 46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puerto Rico 1,261,325 92,847 73,026 17,848 1,973 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Parent may be either parent or parent-in-law of the householder. Child may be the natural born, adopted or stepchild of the householder. Relationship refers to how each person is related to the houesholder. /1 Individual types may include a small number of households with members from additional generations, for example, grandparents or great-grandparents of the householders for which tabulated data are not available. /2 Total represents only those three types of households specified in the table.