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(Last Update - March 19, 2008)
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In Progress


Batchelder, H.P., and N.A. Bond. Physical and biological patterns, processes and variability in the northeast Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Busby, M.S., and R.L. Cartwright. Paraliparis adustus and Paraliparis bullacephalus: Two new snailfish species (Teleostei: Liparidae) from Alaska. Ichthyological Research [in press].


Ciannelli, L., B. Laurel, T. Hurst, J.T. Duffy-Anderson and M. Behrenfeld. Environmental effects on food and larval mismatch. Fisheries Oceanography [in preparation].


Cooper, D., J.T. Duffy-Anderson, J.A. Lanksbury, K.L. Mier, P.J. Stabeno and R.J. Foy. Variation in vertical distribution with ontogeny and abiotic factors in capelin (Mallotus villosus) larvae in the Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography [submitted].


Coyle, K.O., S. Hinckley, A.J. Hermann, E.J. Lessard, T.E. Whitledge and R.R. Hopcroft. Northern Gulf of Alaska simulations of oceanic and shelf ecosystems: refining and tuning an NPZ model embedding in a general circulation model. Continental Shelf Research [in revision].


Dobbins, E.L., A.J. Hermann, P.J. Stabeno, N.A. Bond and R.C. Steed. Modeled transport of freshwater from a line-source in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Doyle, M.J., S.J. Picquelle, K.L. Mier, M. Spillane and N.A. Bond. Larval fish abundance and physical forcing in the Gulf of Alaska, 1981–2003. Progress in Oceanography [in press]


Duffy-Anderson, J.T., M.J. Doyle, K.L. Mier, P.J. Stabeno and T.K. Wilderbuer. Early life ecology of Alaska plaice in the Eastern Bering Sea: seasonality, distribution, and dispersal. Journal of Sea Research [submitted].


Gaichas, S. , G. Skaret, J. Falk-Petersen, J.S. Link, W. Overholtz, B.A. Megrey, H. Gjøsæter, W.T. Stockhausen, A. Dommasnes, K.D. Friedland and K.Y. Aydin. A comparison of community and trophic structure in five marine ecosystems based on energy budgets and system metrics. Progress in Oceanography [in press].


Grant, W.S., and M.F. Canino. Effect of sampling on inferring ice-age demography of North Pacific walleye pollock with Bayesian skyline plots. Molecular Ecology [submitted].


Grant, W.S., and M.F. Canino. Ice-age population history of North Pacific walleye pollock. Journal of Biogeography [submitted].


Grant, W.S., I.B. Spies and M.F. Canino. Shifting balance stock structure in North Pacific Walleye pollock (Gadus Chalcogrammus). Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences [submitted].


Hermann, A.J., E.N. Curchitser, D.B. Haidvogel and E.L. Dobbins. A comparison of remote versus local influence of El Niño on the coastal circulation of the Northeast Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Hermann, A.J., S. Hinckley, E.L. Dobbins, D.B. Haidvogel, N.A. Bond, C.W. Mordy, N.B. Kachel and P.J. Stabeno. Quantifying cross-shelf and vertical nutrient flux in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska with a spatially nested, coupled biophysical model. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Hinckley, S., K.O. Coyle, G.A. Gibson, A.J. Hermann and E.L. Dobbins. A biophysical NPZ model with iron for the Gulf of Alaska: Reproducing the differences between an oceanic HNLC ecosystem and a classical northern temperate shelf ecosystem. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Hinckley, S., B.A. Megrey and T. Miller. Recruitment prediction. In: Manual of Recommended Practices for Modelling Physical-Biological Interactions During Fish Early Life. E. North, A. Gallego and P Petitgas (eds.). ICES Cooperative Research Reports [in press].


Hinckley, S., J.M. Napp, A.J. Hermann and C. Parada. Simulation of physically-mediated variability in prey resources of a larval fish: a three-dimensional NPZ model. Fisheries Oceanography [in press].


Holliday, D.V., P.L. Donaghey, C. Greenlaw, J.M. Napp and J.M. Sullivan. High frequency acoustics and bio-optics in ecosystems research. ICES Journal of Marine Science [in press].


Hollowed, A.B., and K.M. Bailey. Climate and fisheries: the past, the future, and the need for coalescence. Fisheries Research [in press].


Hurst, T., D. Cooper, J. Scheingross, E. Seale, B. Laurel and M. Spence. Effects of ontogeny, temperature, and light on vertical movements of larval Pacifc cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Fisheries Oceanography [accepted].


Kachel, N.B., C.W. Mordy, R.K. Reed and P.J. Stabeno. Observations of coastal waters along the Kenia Peninsula: 2001–2004. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, Topical Studies [in preparation].


LaCroix, J.J., A.C. Wertheimer, J.A. Orsi, M.V. Sturdevant, E.A. Fergusson and N.A. Bond. A top-down survival mechanism during early marine residency explains coho salmon year-class strength in Southeast Alaska. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Ladd, C.A., W.R. Crawford, C.E. Harpold, W.K. Johnson, N.B. Kachel, J.M. Napp, P.J. Stabeno and F. Whitney. A synoptic survey of young mesoscale eddies in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Ladd, C.A., and J.E. Overland. A Note on retrospective analysis of sea surface temperature in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. Journal of Geophysical Research [in preparation].


Ladd, C.A., and P.J. Stabeno. Freshwater transport through the Aleutian Passes. Geophys. Res. Lett [in preparation].


Lett, C., K.A. Rose and B.A. Megrey. Biophysical models of small pelagic fish. Chapter 6 in Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish. D. Checkley, C. Roy, J. Alheit, and Y. Oozeki (eds.). Cambridge University [in press].


Link, J.S., W.T. Stockhausen, G. Skaret, W. Overholtz, B.A. Megrey, H. Gjøsæter, S. Gaichas, A. Dommasnes, J. Falk-Petersen, J. Kane, F.J. Mueter, K.D. Friedland and J. Hare. A comparison of biological trends from four marine ecosystems: synchronies, differences, and commonalities. Progress in Oceanography [in press].


Liu, H., L. Ciannelli, M.B. Decker, C.A. Ladd and K.-S. Chan. Shifts in jellyfish distribution relative to large-scale climate variability in the eastern Bering Sea: a new approach to analyzing zero-inflated spatio-temporal data. Ecological Indicators [in preparation].


Logerwell, E., J.T. Duffy-Anderson and M.T. Wilson. The physical and biological processes resulting in habitat partitioning by two potential competitors, juvenile pollock and capelin, in the Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography [submitted].


Martin, J.P., C.M. Lee, C.C. Eriksen, C.A. Ladd and N.B. Kachel. Kinematics of a Gulf of Alaska eddy as observed with Seaglider. Journal of Geophysical Research [in preparation].


Megrey, B.A., and K.Y. Aydin. A macrodescriptor perspective of ecological attributes for the Bering and Barents Seas. Deep-Sea Research II [in press].


Megrey, B.A., J. Hare, W.T. Stockhausen, A. Dommasnes, H. Gjøsæter, W. Overholtz, S. Gaichas, G. Skaret, J. Falk-Petersen, J.S. Link and K.D. Friedland. A cross-ecosystem comparison of spatial and temporal patterns of covariation in the recruitment of functionally analogous fish stocks. Progress in Oceanography [in press].


Megrey, B.A., and J.B. Lee. On the utility of self-organizing maps (SOM) and k-means clustering to characterize and compare marine ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography [in preparation].


Megrey, B.A., J.S. Link, G.L. Hunt, Jr. and E. Moksness. Comparative marine ecosystem analysis: applications, opportunities, and lessons learned. Progress in Oceanography [in press].


Megrey, B.A., J.S. Link, G.L. Hunt, Jr. and E. Moksness. Preface. Progress in Oceanography [in press].


Mordy, C.W., L.B. Eisner, P.D. Proctor, P.J. Stabeno, T.E. Whitledge and A. Devol. A breakdown in the marine nitrogen cycle: Accumulation of nitrite on the Bering Sea shelf. Marine Chemistry [in preparation].


Overland, J.E., J. Alheit, A. Bakun, J.W. Hurrell, D.L. Mackas and A.J. Miller. Climate controls on marine ecosystems and fish populations. Journal of Marine Systems [in press].


Parada, C., D.A. Armstrong, B. Ernst, S. Hinckley and J.M. Orensanz. Spatial dynamics of snow crab (Chionocetes opilio) in the eastern Bering Sea - Putting together the pieces of the puzzle. Bulletin of Marine Science [submitted].


Parada, C., B. Ernst, S. Hinckley, J.M. Orensanz, D.A. Armstrong, E.N. Curchitser and A.J. Hermann. Patterns of connectivity and potential settlement regions of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) larvae in the eastern Bering Sea. Progress in Oceanography [in preparation].


Parada, C., S. Hinckley and J. Horne. Connectivity of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) spawning and nursery areas in the Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography [in progress].


Parada, C., S. Hinckley, J. Horne, M. Dorn, A.J. Hermann and B.A. Megrey. Comparing simulated walleye pollock recruitment indices to data and stock assessment models from the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series [in review].


Parada, C., S. Hinckley, J. Horne and M.M. Mazur. Nursery areas of walleye pollock population in Gulf of Alaska: A life history modeling approach. Journal of Marine Systems [in progress].


Politikos, D.V., G. Triantafyllou, G. Petihakis, S. Somarakis, S.-I. Ito, B.A. Megrey and D.E. Tzanetis. Linking a lower trophic ecosystem model with a bioenergetics model for European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus). Ecological Modeling [in preparation].


Schwing, F.B., R. Mendelssohn, S.J. Bograd, J.E. Overland, M. Wang and S.-I. Ito. Climate change, teleconnection patterns, and regional processes forcing marine populations in the Pacific. Journal of Marine Systems [in press].


Sohn, D., L. Ciannelli and J.T. Duffy-Anderson. Distribution and potential drift pathways of Greenland halibut (Reinharditus hippoglossoides) during early life stages in the Bering Sea. Fisheries Oceanography [in review].


Spies, I.B., S.A. Lowe and M.F. Canino. Apparent genetic panmixia in the marine fish species, Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society [submitted].


Stabeno, P.J., C.A. Ladd and R.K. Reed. Observations of the Aleutian North Slope Current, Bering Sea, 1996–2001. Journal of Geophysical Research [in press].


Stabeno, P.J., J.M. Napp, C.W. Mordy and T.E. Whitledge. The influence of seasonal sea ice on the eastern Bering Sea shelf ecosystem: 2005. Progress in Oceanography [submitted]


Wang, M., J.E. Overland and N.A. Bond. Climate projections for selected large marine ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems [in press].


Wilson, M.T. The ecology of small midwater fishes in the western Gulf of Alaska: I. Geographic distribution in relation to prey density and hydrography. Marine Ecology Progress Series [in review].


Wilson, M.T., C.M. Jump and A. Buchheister. The ecology of small midwater fishes in the western Gulf of Alaska: II. Geographic variation in fish consumption of krill relative to standing stock and hydrography. Marine Ecology Progress Series [in review].


Zhang, C.-I., J.B. Lee, S.K. Lee and B.A. Megrey. Structure and function of three marine ecosystems in Korea: A comparitive study. Progress in Oceanography [in preparation].


Zhang, C.-I., and B.A. Megrey. A simple biomass-based length cohort analysis for estimating biomass that incorporates growth. [in preparation].



Cartwright, R.L. (2009). Description of early life history stages of the northern sculpin (Icelinus borealis Gilbert) (Teleostei: Cottidae). Fish. Bull., 107, 175–185. [HTML] [PDF]


Cunningham, K.M., M.F. Canino, I.B. Spies and L. Hauser (2009). Genetic isolation by distance and localized fjord population structure in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus): limited effective dispersal in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 66, 153–166. [HTML] [PDF]


Hermann, A.J., and C.W. Moore (2009). Visualization in fisheries oceanography: new approaches for the rapid exploration of coastal ecosystems. Chapter 10 in Computers in Fisheries Research, 2nd Edition, B.A. Megrey and E. Moksness (eds.), Springer Science and Business Media B.V. [HTML] [PDF]


Jakobsen, T., M. Fogarty, B.A. Megrey and E. Moksness (2009). Introduction. In Fish Reproductive Biology and its Implications for Assessment and Management, T. Jakobsen, M. Fogarty, B.A. Megrey and E. Moksness (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. [HTML] [PDF]


Lee, Y.-W., B.A. Megrey and S.A. Macklin (2009). Evaluating the performance of Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recruitment forecasting models using a Monte Carlo resampling strategy. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 66, 367–381. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A., M. Fujii and S.-I. Ito (2009). CCCC/ESSAS workshop on "Marine Ecosystem Model Inter-Comparisons." PICES Press, 17(1), 20, 21. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A., and E. Moksness (2009). Past, present and future trends in the use of computers in fisheries research. Chapter 1 in Computers in Fisheries Research, 2nd Edition, B.A. Megrey and E. Moksness (eds.), Springer Science and Business Media B.V. [HTML] [PDF]


Napp, J.M. (2009). The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Events PICES Press, 17(1), 40, 41, 43. [HTML] [PDF]


Rollins, M.F., N. Vu, I.B. Spies and S. Kalinowski (2009). Twelve microsatellite loci for lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Mol. Ecol. Res., 9(3), 871–873. [HTML] [PDF]



Bailey, K.M., A.A. Abookire and J.T. Duffy-Anderson (2008). Ocean transport paths for the early life history stages of offshore spawning flatfishes: a case study in the Gulf of Alaska. Fish Fish., 44–66. [HTML] [PDF]


Boeing, W.J., and J.T. Duffy-Anderson (2008). Ichthyoplankton dynamics and biodiversity in the Gulf of Alaska: Responses to environmental change. Ecol. Indicat., 8, 292–302. [HTML] [PDF]


Bond, N.A., H.P. Batchelder and S.J. Bograd (2008). Forecasting northeastern Pacific ecosystem responses to La Niña. Eos Trans. AGU, 89, 321, 322. [HTML] [PDF]


Brodeur, R.D., M.B. Decker, L. Ciannelli, J.E. Purcell, N.A. Bond, P.J. Stabeno, E. Acuna and G.L. Hunt, Jr. (2008). Rise and fall of jellyfish in the eastern Bering Sea in relation to climate regime shifts. Prog. Oceanogr., 77, 103–111. [HTML] [PDF]


Canino, M.F., I.B. Spies, J.L. Guthridge and M.M. Hollowed (2008). Atka mackerel mating system. Chapter 3 in Reproductive Ecology of Atka MackerelPleurogrammus monopterygiusin Alaska, S.F. McDermott, M. Canino, N. Hillgruber, D. Cooper, I. Spies, J.L. Guthridge, S. Atkinson, J.N. Ianielli and P. Woods (eds.), NPRB Project 522 Final Report, 66–88. [HTML] [PDF]


Coyle, K.O., A.I. Pinchuk, L.B. Eisner and J.M. Napp (2008). Zooplankton species composition, abundance and biomass on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf during summer: The potential role of water-column stability and nutrients in structuring the zooplankton community. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 55, 1775–1791. [HTML] [PDF]


Dougherty, A.B. (2008). Daily and sub-daily otolith increments of larval and juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas), as validated by alizarin complexone experiments. Fish. Res., 90, 271–278. [HTML] [PDF]


Freitas, V., K.M. Bailey and H.W. van der Veer (2008). Population regulation of epibenthic species in coastal ecosystems, with implications for latitudinal patterns. J. Sea Res., 60, 105–116. [HTML] [PDF]


Hay, D.E., K.A. Rose, J. Schweigert and B.A. Megrey (2008). Geographic variation in North Pacific herring populations: pan-Pacific comparisons and implications for climate change impacts. Prog. Oceanogr., 77, 233–240. [HTML] [PDF]


Hunt, G.L., Jr., P.J. Stabeno, S.L. Strom and J.M. Napp (2008). Patterns of spatial and temporal variation in the marine ecosystem of the southeastern Bering Sea, with special reference to the Pribilof Domain. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 55, 1919–1944. [HTML] [PDF]


Jump, C.M., J.T. Duffy-Anderson and K.L. Mier (2008). Comparison of the Sameoto, Manta, and MARMAP neustonic ichthyoplankton samplers in the Gulf of Alaska. Fish. Res., 89, 222–229. [HTML] [PDF]


Macklin, S.A., J.D. Schumacher, S.E. Moore and S. Smith (2008). Editorial: Sustaining the marine ecosystem of the Pribilof Islands. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 55, 1698–1700. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A. and S.A. Macklin (2008). Pacific-wide marine metadata discovery, management and delivery: The PICES Metadata Federation. In ICES 2008 Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 22–26 September 2008, Paper R:06, 8 p. [HTML] [PDF]


Mier, K.L., and S.J. Picquelle (2008). Estimating abundance of spatially aggregated populations: comparing adaptive sampling with other survey designs.. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 65, 176–197. [HTML] [PDF]


Mordy, C.W., P.J. Stabeno, D. Righi and F.A. Menzia (2008). Origins of the subsurface ammonium maximum in the Southeast Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 55, 1738–1744. [HTML] [PDF]


Mueter, F.J., and M. Litzow (2008). Sea ice retreat alters the biogeography of the Bering Sea continental shelf. Ecol. Appl., 18(2), 309–320. [HTML] [PDF]


Napp, J.M. (2008). The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events. PICES Press, 16(1), 31–33. [HTML] [PDF]


Napp, J.M. (2008). The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events. PICES Press, 16(2), 30, 31. [HTML] [PDF]


Overland, J.E., S.N. Rodionov, S. Minobe and N.A. Bond (2008). North Pacific regime shifts: Definitions, issues and recent transitions. Prog. Oceanogr., 77, 92–102. [HTML] [PDF]


Overland, J.E., J. Turner, J. Francis, N. Gillett, G. Marshall and M. Tjernström (2008). The Arctic and Antarctic: Two faces of climate change. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(19), 177, 178. [HTML] [PDF]


Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2008). The Poles: Atmosphere. In State of the Climate in 2007, D. H. Levinson and J. H. Lawrimore (eds.). Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 89(7), S85, S86. [HTML] [PDF]


Overland, J.E., M. Wang and S.A. Salo (2008). The recent Arctic warm period. Tellus, 60A(5895), 589–597. [HTML] [PDF]


Ray, G.C., G.L. Hufford, I.I. Krupnik and J.E. Overland (2008). Diminishing sea ice. Science (Letters), 321(5895), 1443, 1444. [HTML] [PDF]


Rose, K.A., B.A. Megrey, D.E. Hay, F.E. Werner and J. Schweigert (2008). Climate regime effects on Pacific herring growth using coupled nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton and bioenergetics models. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 137, 278–297. [HTML] [PDF]


Sambrotto, R.N., C.W. Mordy, S.I. Zeeman, P.J. Stabeno and S.A. Macklin (2008). Physical forcing and nutrient conditions associated with patterns of Chl a and phytoplankton productivity in the southeastern Bering Sea during summer. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 55, 1745–1760. [HTML] [PDF]


Stabeno, P.J., N.B. Kachel, C.W. Mordy, D. Righi and S.A. Salo (2008). An examination of the physical variability around the Pribilof Islands in 2004. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 55, 1701–1716. [HTML] [PDF]


Sullivan, M.E., N.B. Kachel, C.W. Mordy and P.J. Stabeno (2008). The Pribilof Islands: Temperature, salinity and nitrate during summer 2004. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 55, 1729–1737. [HTML] [PDF]


Vance, T.C., S. Cross, B.A. Megrey, S. Mesick and C.W. Moore (2008). GeoFish – visualization and analysis of particle tracking model output for fish and shellfish larvae. In ICES 2008 Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 22–26 September 2008, Paper R:23, 12 p. [HTML] [PDF]


Vance, T.C., N. Merati, C.W. Moore and S. Mesick (2008). GeoFish - Tracking trajectories of fish larvae. In Proceedings of the ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, CA, August 4–8, 2008, 9 p. [HTML] [PDF]



Abookire, A.A., and K.M. Bailey (2007). The distribution of life cycle stages of two deep-water pleuronectids, Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) and rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus), at the northern extent of their range in the Gulf of Alaska. J. Sea Res., 57, 198–208. [HTML] [PDF]


Bailey, K.M., and L. Ciannelli (2007). Walleye pollock. Section 2.5.5 in Long-Term Ecological Change in the Northern Gulf of Alaska, R. B. Spies (ed.), Elsevier, 85–93. [HTML] [PDF]


Blood, D.M., A.C. Materese and M.S. Busby (2007). Spawning, egg development, and early life history dynamics of arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) in the Gulf of Alaska. NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 7, 28 p. [HTML] [PDF]


Boeing, W.J., M.H. Martin and J.T. Duffy-Anderson (2007). Groundfish. Section 4.6 in Long-Term Ecological Change in the Northern Gulf of Alaska, R. B. Spies (ed.), Elsevier, 300–311. [HTML] [PDF]


Ciannelli, L., K.M. Bailey, K.-S. Chan and N.C. Stenseth (2007). Phenological and geographical patterns of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) spawning in the western Gulf of Alaska. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 64, 713–722. [HTML] [PDF]


Cokelet, E.D., A.J. Jenkins and L.L. Etherington (2007). A transect of Glacier Bay ocean currents measured by Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). In: Piatt, J.F., and S.M. Gende (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science Symposium, October 26–28, 2004, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5047, 80–83. [HTML] [PDF]


Dougherty, A.B., K.M. Bailey and K.L. Mier (2007). Interannual differences in growth and hatch date distributions of age-0 walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) sampled from the Shumagin Islands region of the Gulf of Alaska, 1985 – 2001. J. Fish Biol., 71, 763–780. [HTML] [PDF]


Eriksson, C., A. Omstedt, J.E. Overland, D.B. Percival and H.O. Mofjeld (2007). Characterizing the European sub-Arctic winter climate since 1500 using ice, temperature, and atmospheric circulation time series. J. Climate, 20(21), 5316–5334. [HTML] [PDF]


Hollowed, A.B., C.D. Wilson, P.J. Stabeno and S.A. Salo (2007). Effect of ocean conditions on the cross-shelf distribution of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and capelin (Mallotus villosus). Fish. Oceanogr., 16(2), 142–154. [HTML] [PDF]


Ito, S.-I., B.A. Megrey, M.J. Kishi, D. Mukai, Y. Kurita, Y. Ueno and Y. Yamanaka (2007). On the interannual variability of the growth of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira): A simple 3-box model using NEMURO.FISH. Ecol. Model., 202, 174–183. [HTML] [PDF]


Kishi, M.J., M. Kashiwai, D.M. Ware, B.A. Megrey, D.L. Eslinger, F.E. Werner, M. Noguchi-Aita, T. Azumaya, M. Fujii, S. Hashimoto, D. Huang, H. Iizumi, Y. Ishida, S. Kang, G.A. Kantakov, H.-C. Kim, K. Komatsu, V.V. Navrotsky, S. Smith, K. Tadokoro, A. Tsuda, O. Yamamura, Y. Yamanaka, K. Yokouchi, N. Yoshie, J. Zhang, Y.I. Zuenko and V.I. Zvalinsky (2007). NEMURO–A lower trophic level model for the North Pacific marine ecosystem. Ecol. Model., 202, 12–25. [HTML] [PDF]


Ladd, C.A. (2007). Interannual variability of the Gulf of Alaska eddy field. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L11605, doi:10.1029/2007GL029478. [HTML] [PDF]


Ladd, C.A., C.W. Mordy, N.B. Kachel and P.J. Stabeno (2007). Northern Gulf of Alaska eddies and associated anomalies. Deep-Sea Res. 1, 54, 487–509. [HTML] [PDF]


Lanksbury, J.A., J.T. Duffy-Anderson, K.L. Mier, M.S. Busby and P.J. Stabeno (2007). Distribution and transport patterns of northern rock sole, Lepidopsetta polyxstra, larvae in the southeastern Bering Sea. Prog. Oceanogr., 72, 39–62. [HTML] [PDF]


Logerwell, E., P.J. Stabeno, C.D. Wilson and A.B. Hollowed (2007). The effect of oceanographic variability and interspecific competition on juvenile pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and capelin (Mallotus villosus) distributions on the Gulf of Alaska shelf. Deep-Sea Res. 2, 54, 2849–2868. [HTML] [PDF]


Mazur, M.M., M.T. Wilson, A.B. Dougherty, A. Buchheister and D.A. Beauchamp (2007). Temperature and prey quality effects on growth of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas): a spatially explicit bioenergetics approach. J. Fish Biol., 70, 816–836. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A., S.A. Macklin, K. Bahl and P.D. Klawitter (eds.) (2007). Metadata Federation of PICES member countries. PICES Technical Report No. 1, 159 p. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A., S.A. Macklin and T. Suzuki (2007). Japan joins PICES Marine Metadata Federation. PICES Press, 15(1), 30–33. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A., K.A. Rose, S.-I. Ito, D.E. Hay, F.E. Werner, Y. Yamanaka and M. Noguchi-Aita (2007). North Pacific basin-scale differences in lower and higher trophic level marine ecosystem responses to climate impacts using a nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model coupled to a fish bioenergetics model. Ecol. Model., 202, 196–210. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A., K.A. Rose, R. Klumb, D.E. Hay, F.E. Werner, D.L. Eslinger and S. Smith (2007). A bioenergetics-based population dynamics model of Pacifc herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) coupled to a lower trophic level nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model: Description, calibration and sensitivity analysis. Ecol. Model., 202, 144–164. [HTML] [PDF]


Megrey, B.A., F.E. Werner, M.J. Kishi and S.-I. Ito (2007). A seven-year effort of the PICES CCCC MODEL Task Team culminates in a dedicated issue of Ecological Modelling. PICES Press, 15(1), 27–29. [HTML] [PDF]


Mueter, F.J., J.L. Boldt, B.A. Megrey and R. Peterman (2007). Recruitment and survival of Northeast Pacific Ocean fish stocks: temporal trends, covariation, and regime shifts. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 64, 911–927. [HTML] [PDF]


Napp, J.M. (2007). The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events. PICES Press, 15(2), 24, 25. [HTML] [PDF]


Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2007). Future climate of the North Pacific Ocean. Eos Trans. AGU, 88, 178, 182. [HTML] [PDF]


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Brodeur, R.D., and M.T. Wilson (1999). Pre-recruit walleye pollock in the eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska ecosystems. Proceedings of the International Marince Science Symposium, pp. 238-251.


Brodeur, R.D., M.T. Wilson, G.E. Walters and I.N. Melnikov (1999). Forage fishes in the Bering Sea: distribution, species associations, and biomass trends. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 509-536.


Coachman, L.K., T.E. Whitledge and J.J. Goering (1999). Silica in Bering Sea deep and bottom water. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 285-310 (1999).


Francis, R.C., K.Y. Aydin, R. Merrick and S.M. Bollens (1999). Modeling and management of the Bering Sea ecosystem. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 409-434 (1999).


Hunt, G.L., Jr., C.L. Baduini, R.D. Brodeur, K.O. Coyle, N.B. Kachel, J.M. Napp, S.A. Salo, J.D. Schumacher, P.J. Stabeno, D.A. Stockwell, T.E. Whitledge and S.I. Zeeman (1999). The Bering Sea in 1998: a second consecutive year of extreme weather-forced anomalies. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 80, No. 561, pp. 565-566.


Hunt, G.L., Jr., and G.V. Byrd (1999). Marine bird populations and carrying capacity of the eastern Bering Sea. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 631-650 (1999).


Kowalik, Z., and P.J. Stabeno (1999). Trapped motion around the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 104, No, C11, pp. 25,667-25,684 (November 15, 1999).


Luchin, V.A., V.A. Menovschikov, V.M. Lavrientiev and R.K. Reed (1999). Thermohaline structure and water masses in the Bering Sea. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 61-91 (1999).


Macklin, S.A. (1999). Bering Sea FOCI, 1991–1997, Final Report. NOAA Special Report ERL PMEL, NTIS: PB99-147308, 167 pp. (December 1998).


Macklin, S.A. (1999). Bering Sea FOCI. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 733-751 (1999).


Macklin, S.A. (1999). Report on the FOCI international workshop on recent conditions in the Bering Sea, Seattle, Washington, 9–10 November, 1998. NOAA Special Report ERL, NTIS: PB2002-105260, 47 pp. (January 1999).


Macklin, S.A. (1999). Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity (SEBSCC). PICES Press, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 24-28 and p. 34 (May 1999).


Napp, J.M., K.L. Mier and M.K. Cohen (1999). Estimation of larval fish prey volume: mensuration formulae for copepod nauplii. Journal of Plankton Research, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp. 1,633-1,642 (September 1999) .


Niebauer, H.J., N.A. Bond, L.P. Yakunin and V.V. Plotnikov (1999). An update on the climatology and sea ice of the Bering Sea. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 29-60 (1999).


Overland, J.E., S.A. Salo, L.H. Kantha and C.A. Clayson (1999). Thermal stratification and mixing on the Bering Sea shelf. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 129-146 (1999).


Porter, S.M., and G.H. Theilacker (1999). The development of the digestive tract and eye in larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 722-729 (July 1999).


Reed, R.K. (1999). A time series of temperature, salinity, and geopotential across the southeastern Bering Sea shelf, 1995–1999. NOAA Technical Report, ERL 455-PMEL 43, NTIS: PB2000-100564, 15 pp. (September 1999).


Reed, R.K., and C.W. Mordy (1999). Bering Sea deep circulation: water properties and geopotential. Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 763-773 (September 1999).


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1999). A recent full-depth survey of the Alaskan Stream. Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 55, pp. 79-85 (April 1, 2000).


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1999). The Aleutian North Slope Current. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 177-191 (1999).


Schabetsberger, R.D., R.D. Brodeur, T. Honkalehto and K.L. Mier (1999). Sex-biased egg cannibalism in spawning walleye pollock: the role of reproductive behavior. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 54, Issue 2, pp. 175-190 (February 1999). (Incorrectly noted as B295 in article)


Schumacher, J.D., and V. Alexander (1999). Variability and role of the physical environment in the Bering Sea ecosystem. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 147-160 (1999).


Stabeno, P.J. (1999). The status of the Bering Sea during the first 8 months of 1998. PICES Press, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 6-8 (January 1999).


Stabeno, P.J. (1999). The status of the Bering Sea: July–December 1998. PICES Press, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 3-5 (July 1999).


Stabeno, P.J., J.D. Schumacher and K. Ohtani (1999). The physical oceanography of the Bering Sea. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 1-28 (1999).


Stabeno, P.J., J.D. Schumacher, S.A. Salo, G.L. Hunt, Jr. and M.V. Flint (1999). Physical environment around the Pribilof Islands. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 193-215 (1999).


Stabeno, P.J., and P. van Meurs (1999). Evidence of episodic on-shelf flow in the southeastern Bering Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 104, No. C12, pp. 29,715-29,720 (December 15, 1999).


Swartzman, G.L., R.D. Brodeur, J.M. Napp, G.L. Hunt, Jr., D. Demer and R.P. Hewitt (1999). Spatial proximity of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) to zooplankton near the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska. ICES, Journal of Marine Science, Vol 56, No. 4, pp. 545-560 (August 1, 1999).


Whitledge, T.E., and V.A. Luchin (1999). Summary of chemical distributions and dynamics in the Bering Sea. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-SG-99-03, pp. 217-250 (1999).


Wyllie-Echeverria, T., and K. Ohtani (1999). Seasonal sea ice variability and the Bering Sea ecosystem. In: Dynamics of the Bering Sea (T.R. Loughlin and K. Ohtani, eds.), University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska, AK-5G-99-03, pp. 435-452 (1999).



Bailey, K.M. (1998). Local stocks of walleye pollock: genetic, metapopulation and source-sink issues. In: The Implications of Localized Fishery Stocks (Hunt von Herbing, I., I. Kornfield, M. Tupper, and J. Wilson, eds.), NRAES-118, N.E. Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, Cooperative Extension, 152 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853-5701, pp. 117-128 (1998).


Bond, N.A., and P.J. Stabeno (1998). Analysis of surface winds in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, using moored buoy observations. Weather and Forecasting, Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp. 547-559 (September 1998).


Brodeur, R.D. (1998). In situ observations of the association between juvenile fishes and Scyphomedusae in the Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 163, pp. 11-20 (March 12, 1998).


Brodeur, R.D. (1998). Prey selection by age-0 walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in nearshore waters of the Gulf of Alaska. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 51, Issue 2, pp. 175-186 (1998).


Ciannelli, L., R.D. Brodeur and T. Buckley (1998). Development and application of a bioenergetics model for juvenile walleye pollock. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 52, Issue 5, pp. 879-898 (May 1998).


Megrey, B.A., and S.A. Macklin (1998). Bering Sea ecosystem biophysical metadatabase: a collaborative research tool for fisheries oceanography and ecosystem investigations. PICES Press 6, No. 1, January 1998.


Niebauer, H.J. (1998). Variability in Bering Sea ice cover as affected by a regime shift in the North Pacific in the period 1947–1996. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 103, No. C12, pp. 27,717-27,737 (November 15, 1998).


Overland, J.E., S.L. McNutt, S.A. Salo, J. Groves and S. Li (1998). Arctic sea ice as a granular plastic. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 103, No. C10, pp. 21,845-21,867 (September 15, 1998).


Pinchuk, A.I., and A.J. Paul (1998). Growth of Metridia pacifica (Copepoda: Calanoida) nauplii in the laboratory. Plankton Biology and Ecology, Vol. 45, Issue 2, pp. 195-201 (August 1998).


Reed, R.K. (1998). Confirmation of a convoluted flow over the southeastern Bering Sea shelf. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 99-103 (January 1999).


Royer, T.C., and P.J. Stabeno (1998). Polar ocean boundaries. In: The Sea, Volume 11, Regional Studies and Syntheses (A.R. Robinson and K.H. Brink, eds), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 69-78 (June 1998).


Schumacher, J.D., and P.J. Stabeno (1998). The continental shelf of the Bering Sea. In: The Sea, Volume 11, Regional Studies and Syntheses (A.R. Robinson and K.H. Brink, eds), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 789-822 (June 1998).


Schumacher, J.D., P.J. Stabeno, N.A. Bond and J.M. Napp (1998). Ecosystem anomalies in the eastern Bering Sea during 1997. NPAFC Workshop on Climate Change and Salmon Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 44-46.


Siefert, D.L.W. (1998). Distinguishing between stage I and stage II nauplii of the copepods, Metridia and Pseudocalanus from the Bering Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1,061-1,072 (June 1998).


Stabeno, P.J. (1998). The status of the Bering Sea in the first eight months of 1997. PICES Press, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 8-11 (January 1998).


Stabeno, P.J. (1998). The status of the Bering Sea in the second half of 1997. PICES Press, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 8-9, 29 (July 1998).


Stabeno, P.J., J.D. Schumacher, R.F. Davis and J.M. Napp (1998). Under-ice observations of water column temperature, salinity and Spring phytoplankton dynamics: eastern Bering Sea shelf, 1995. Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 239-255 (January 1998).


Sugisaki, H., R.D. Brodeur and J.M. Napp (1998). Summer distribution and abundance of macrozooplankton in the western Gulf of Alaska and the southeastern Bering Sea. Proceedings of Comparison between the Oyashio Region and Bering Sea Ecosystem Symposium, pp. 96-112.


Vance, T.C., C.T. Baier, R.D. Brodeur, K.O. Coyle, M.B. Decker, T. Wyllie-Echeverria, G.L. Hunt, Jr., M. Jump, J.M. Napp, J.D. Schumacher, P.J. Stabeno, D.A. Stockwell, C. Tynan, T.E. Whitledge and S.I. Zeeman, C. Tynan, and T.E. Whitledge (1998). Aquamarine waters recorded for first time in Eastern Bering Sea. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 79, No. 10, p. 121,126.


Vance, T.C., and S.A. Macklin (1998). What the heck is a coccolithophore? Alaska Fisherman's Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 36-37.


Wyllie-Echeverria, T. (1998). Remotely sensed seasonal sea ice conditions and oceanology of the Bering Sea. In: Remote Sensing of the Pacific Ocean by Satellites(Robert A. Brown, ed.), Earth, Ocean, and Space Pty Ltd., Sydney, Australia, 454 pp.


Wyllie-Echeverria, T., and W.S. Wooster (1998). Year-to-year variations in Bering Sea ice cover and some consequences for fish distributions. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 159-170 (July 1998).



Bailey, K.M. (1997). Structural dynamics and ecology of flatfish populations. Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 37, Issues 3-4, pp. 269-280 (November 1997).


Bailey, K.M., P.J. Stabeno and D.A. Powers (1997). The role of larval retention and transport features in mortality and gene flow of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 51, Issue 1, pp. 135-154 (July 1997).


Boehlert, G.W., and J.D. Schumacher (1997). Environmental data can improve fisheries research management. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 78, No. 2.


Brodeur, R.D., M.T. Wilson, J.M. Napp, P.J. Stabeno and S.A. Salo (1997). Distribution of juvenile pollock relative to frontal structure near the Pribilof islands, Bering Sea. In: Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems, Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-97-01, pp. 573-589.


Canino, M.F. (1997). Nucleic acid contents and growth of first-feeding walleye pollock in response to prey densities typical of sub-Arctic ecosystems. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 51, Issue 1, pp. 41-52.


Cokelet, E.D., and P.J. Stabeno (1997). Mooring observations of the thermal structure, salinity and currents in the SE Bering Sea basin. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 102, No. C10, pp 22,947-22,964 (October 15, 1997).


Cullen, J.J., A.M. Ciotti, R.F. Davis and M.R. Lewis (1997). Optical detection and assessment of algal blooms. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 42, No. 5, Part 2: The Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms, pp. 1,223-1,239 (July 1997).


Davis, R.F., G. Lazin, J. Bartlett, A.M. Ciotti and P.J. Stabeno (1997). Remote sensing of a pigment patch in the southeastern Bering Sea. In: Ocean Optics XIII (S.G. Ackleson, ed.), SPIE, International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 2963, pp. 654-657.


Davis, R.F., C.C. Moore, J.R.V. Zaneveld and J.M. Napp (1997). Reducing the effects of fouling on chlorophyll estimates derived from long-term deployments of optical instruments. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 102, No. C3, pp. 5,851-5,856 (March 15, 1997).


Hinckley, S., A.J. Hermann and B.A. Megrey (1997). Development of a spatially explicit, individual-based model of marine fish early life history. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 139, pp. 47-68 (August 29, 1997).


Incze, L.S., D.L.W. Siefert and J.M. Napp (1997). Mesozooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska: abundance and community composition. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 287-305 (March 1997).


Lazin, G., R.F. Davis, A.M. Ciotti and M.R. Lewis (1997). Ocean color measurements from low flying aircraft: atmospheric and surface glint correction. In: Ocean Optics XIII (S.G. Ackleson, ed.), SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 2963, pp. 703-707.


Liu, A.K., C.Y. Peng and S.Y.S. Chang (1997). Wavelet analysis of satellite images for coastal watch. IEEE, Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 22, pp. 9-17.


Pinchuk, A.I. (1997). Early life history of Metridia pacifica brodsky, (Copepoda: Calanoida) from the southeastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, 65 pp.


Pinchuk, A.I. (1997). Naupliar development of Metridia pacifica brodsky, 150 (Copepoda: Calanoida) reared in the laboratory. Journal of Crustacean Biology, Vol. 17, pp. 343-351.


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1997). Long-term measurements of flow near the Aleutian Islands. Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 55. pp. 565-575.


Ryer, C.H., and B.L. Olla (1997). Altered search speed and growth: social versus independent foraging in two pelagic juvenile fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 153, pp. 273-281.


Schumacher, J.D. (1997). Application of environmental data in fisheries science: examples from Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI). In: Changing Oceans and Changing Fisheries: Environmental Data for Fisheries Science (G.W. Boehlert and J.D. Schumacher, eds.), NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS-SWFSC-239, pp. 94-102.


Spring, S.M. (1997). Swimming behavior of walleye pollock larvae Theragra chalcogramma in relation to food. M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 123 pp.


Stabeno, P.J. (1997). The status of the Bering Sea in the second half of 1996. PICES Press, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 14-15.



Bailey, K.M., R.D. Brodeur and A.B. Hollowed (1996). Cohort survival patterns of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: a critical factor analysis. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 179-188.


Bailey, K.M., A.L. Brown, M.M. Yoklavich and K.L. Mier (1996). Interannual variability in growth of larval and juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the western Gulf of Alaska, 1983–1991. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 137-147.


Bailey, K.M., S.J. Picquelle and S.M. Spring (1996). Mortality of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the western Gulf of Alaska, 1988–1991. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 124-136.


Brodeur, R.D., and K.M. Bailey (1996). Predation on the early life stages of marine fishes: a case study on walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Survival Strategies in Early Life Stages of Marine Sources, A.A. Balkema Publications, pp. 245-259.


Brodeur, R.D., B.W. Frost, S.R. Hare, R.C. Francis and W.J. Ingraham, Jr. (1996). Interannual variations in zooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Alaska and covariation with California Current zooplankton biomass. CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 37, pp. 80-99.


Brodeur, R.D., J.M. Napp, M.T. Wilson, S.J. Bograd, E.D. Cokelet and J.D. Schumacher (1996). Acoustic detection of mesoscale biophysical features in the Shelikof sea valley, and their relevance to pollock larvae in the Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 71-80.


Brodeur, R.D., S.J. Picquelle, D.M. Blood and N. Merati (1996). Walleye pollock egg distribution and mortality in the western Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 92-111.


Brodeur, R.D., and M.T. Wilson (1996). A review of the distribution, ecology and population dynamics of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 148-166.


Brodeur, R.D., and M.T. Wilson (1996). Mesoscale acoustic patterns of juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the western Gulf of Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 1951-1963 (September 1996).


Cokelet, E.D., M.L. Schall and D.M. Dougherty (1996). ADCP-referenced geostrophic circulation in the Bering Sea basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 26, No. 7, pp. 1,113-1,128 (July 1996).


Davis, R.F. (1996). Comparisons of modeled to observed global irradiance. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 35, Issue 2, pp. 192-201 (February 1996).


Hermann, A.J., S. Hinckley, B.A. Megrey and P.J. Stabeno (1996). Interannual variability of the early life history of walleye pollock near Shelikof Strait as inferred from a spatially explicit, individual-based model. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 39-70.


Hermann, A.J., W.C. Rugen, P.J. Stabeno and N.A. Bond (1996). Physical transport of young pollock larvae (Theragra chalcogramma) near Shelikof Strait as inferred from a hydrodynamic model. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 58-70.


Hermann, A.J., and P.J. Stabeno (1996). An eddy-resolving model of circulation on the western Gulf of Alaska shelf. 1. Model development and sensitivity analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 101, No. C1, pp. 1,129-1,149 (January 16, 1996).


Howell-Kubler, A.N., E.J. Lessard and J.M. Napp (1996). Springtime microprotozoan abundance and biomass in the southeastern Bering Sea and Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Plankton Research, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 731-745 (May 1996).


Kendall, A.W., Jr., R.I. Perry and S. Kim (Eds.) (1996). Fisheries oceanography of walleye pollock in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), 203 pp.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., J.D. Schumacher and S. Kim (1996). Walleye pollock recruitment in Shelikof Strait: applied fisheries oceanography. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 4-18.


Lessard, E.J., M.P. Martin and D.J.S. Montagnes (1996). A new method for live-staining protozoa with DAPI for use as a tracer of ingestion by walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 204, pp. 43-57.


Megrey, B.A., A.B. Hollowed, S.R. Hare, S.A. Macklin and P.J. Stabeno (1996). Contributions of FOCI research to forecasts of year-class strength of walleye pollock in Shelikof Strait. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 189-203.


Merati, N., and R.D. Brodeur (1996). Feeding habits and daily ration of juvenile walleye pollock in the western Gulf of Alaska. NOAA Technical Report, NMFS, pp. 65-79.


Napp, J.M., L.S. Incze, P.B. Ortner, D.L.W. Siefert and L. Britt (1996). The plankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska: standing stock, production, mesoscale variability and their relevance to larval fish survival. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 19-38.


Olla, B.L., M.W. Davis, C.H. Ryer and S.M. Sogard (1996). Behavioral determinants of distribution and survival in early stages of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma: a synthesis of experimental studies. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 167-178.


Overland, J.E., P.J. Stabeno and S.A. Salo (1996). Direct evidence for northward flow on the northwestern Bering Sea shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 101, No. C4, pp. 8,971-8,976 (April 15, 1996).


Paul, A.J., J.M. Paul and K.O. Coyle (1996). Abundance and taxa composition of copepod nauplii over southeastern Bering Sea deep water spawning grounds of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Crustaceana, Vol. 69, pp. 494-508.


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1996). On the climatological mean circulation over the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 16, Issue 10, pp. 1,297-1,305 (June 1996).


Sogard, S.M., and B.L. Olla (1996). Diel patterns of behavior in juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 47, pp. 379-386.


Sogard, S.M., and B.L. Olla (1996). Food deprivation affects vertical distribution and activity of a marine fish in a thermal gradient: potential energy-conserving mechanisms. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 133, pp. 43-55 (March 28, 1996).


Stabeno, P.J., and A.J. Hermann (1996). An eddy circulation model for the western Gulf of Alaska shelf. 2. Comparison of results to oceanographic observations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 101, No. C1, pp. 1,151-1,161 (January 15, 1996).


Stabeno, P.J., J.D. Schumacher, K.M. Bailey, R.D. Brodeur and E.D. Cokelet (1996). Observed patches of walleye pollock eggs and larvae in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: their characteristics, formation and persistence. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 81-91.


Theilacker, G.H., K.M. Bailey, M.F. Canino and S.M. Porter (1996). Variations in larval walleye pollock feeding and condition: a synthesis. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 5 (Supplement 1), pp. 112-123.


U.S. GLOBEC (1996). Report on climate change and carrying capacity planning meeting (A.B. Hollowed, ed.; Contributions by R.D. Brodeur, N.A. Bond, E.D. Cokelet, A.J. Hermann, B.A. Megrey, J.M. Napp, J.E. Overland, R.K. Reed, J.D. Schumacher, P.J. Stabeno, et. al.). U.S. GLOBEC Report No. 15, University of California, Berkeley.


Wilson, M.T., R.D. Brodeur and S. Hinckley (1996). Distribution and abundance of age-0 walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the western Gulf of Alaska, September during 1990. NOAA Technical Report, NMFS, pp. 11-24.


Wyllie-Echeverria, T. (1996). The relationship between the distribution of one year old pollock and sea ice characteristics. NOAA Technical Report, NMFS, TR-126, pp. 47-56.



Bailey, K.M., A.L. Brown, V.V. Navrotsky and M.T. Reilly (1995). Three-dimensional imaging of walleye pollock otoliths: reconstruction from serial sections and fluorescent laser cytometry. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 47, Issue 4, pp. 671-678 (October 1995).


Bailey, K.M., M.F. Canino, J.M. Napp, S.M. Spring and A.L. Brown (1995). Contrasting years of prey levels, feeding conditions and mortality of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the western Gulf of Alaska . Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 119, pp. 11-23 (March 23, 1995).


Bailey, K.M., S.A. Macklin, M. Shima, P.J. Anderson, R.D. Brodeur, R.C. Francis, A.B. Hollowed, W.J. Ingraham, Jr., J.F. Piatt, R.K. Reed, T.C. Royer, D.A. Somerton and W.S. Wooster, and W.S. Wooster (1995). ENSO events in the northern Gulf of Alaska, and its effects on selected marine fisheries. CalCOFI Report, Vol. 36, pp. 78-96.


Brodeur, R.D., M.S. Busby and M.T. Wilson (1995). Summer distribution of early life stages of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, and associated species in the western Gulf of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 93, pp. 603-618.


Canino, M.F., and K.M. Bailey (1995). Gut evacuation of walleye pollock larvae in response to feeding conditions. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 46, pp. 389-403.


Canino, M.F., and E.M. Caldarone (1995). Modification and comparison of 2 fluorometric techniques for determining nucleic acid contents of fish larvae. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 93, pp. 158-165.


Davis, M.W., and B.L. Olla (1995). Formation and maintenance of aggregations in walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, larvae under laboratory conditions: role of visual and chemical stimuli. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 44, pp. 385-392.


DeWitt, C.L. (1995). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations, 1995: 1993 field operations report. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-55, 98 pp.


Doyle, M.J., W.C. Rugen and R.D. Brodeur (1995). Neustonic ichthyoplankton in the western Gulf of Alaska during Spring. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 93, pp. 231-253.


Hillgruber, N., L.J. Haldorson and A.J. Paul (1995). Feeding selectivity of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the oceanic domain of the Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 120, pp. 1-10 (April 20, 1995).


Macklin, S.A., B.A. Megrey, A.B. Hollowed, P.J. Stabeno and S.R. Hare (1995). Guiding fisheries management by examining relationships between features of the environment and recruitment variation in Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock. Coastal Zone '95, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY 10017, pp. 173-174.


Megrey, B.A., S.J. Bograd, W.C. Rugen, A.B. Hollowed, P.J. Stabeno, S.A. Macklin, J.D. Schumacher and W.J. Ingraham, Jr. (1995). An exploratory analysis of associations between biotic and abiotic factors and year-class strength of Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 121, pp. 227-243.


Megrey, B.A., A.B. Hollowed and R.T. Baldwin (1995). Sensitivity of optimum harvest strategy estimates to alternative definitions of risk. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 51, pp. 2,695-2,704.


Olla, B.L., M.W. Davis, C.H. Ryer and S.M. Sogard (1995). Behavioral responses of larval and juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma: possible mechanisms controlling distribution and recruitment. ICES, Special Science Symposia, Vol. 201, Mass Rearing of Juvenile Fish (Bergen, 1993), pp. 3-15.


Oozeki, Y., and K.M. Bailey (1995). Ontogenetic development of digestive enzyme activities in larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Marine Biology, Vol. 122, pp. 177-186.


Reed, R.K. (1995). On geostrophic reference levels in the Bering Sea basin. Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 489-498.


Reed, R.K. (1995). On the variable subsurface environment of fish stocks in the Bering Sea. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 4, pp. 317-323.


Reed, R.K. (1995). Water properties over the Bering Sea shelf: climatology and variations. NOAA Technical Report ERL 452-PMEL 42, 15 pp.


Reed, R.K., and S.J. Bograd (1995). Transport in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: an update. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 15, Issues 2-3, pp. 213-218.


Roach, A.T., K. Aagaard, C.H. Pease, S.A. Salo, T. Weingartner, V. Pavlov and G.H. Kruse (1995). Direct measurements of transport and water properties through the Bering Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 100, No. C9, pp. 18,443-18,457 (September 15, 1995).


Ryer, C.H., and B.L. Olla (1995). Influences of food distribution on fish foraging behaviour. Animal Behaviour, Vol. 49, Issue 2, pp. 411-418 (February 1995).


Schleiger, D.R., C.L. DeWitt and S.A. Macklin (1995). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations: 1992 field operations report. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-54, NTIS PB95-240503, 77 pp.


Schumacher, J.D., and A.W. Kendall, Jr. (1995). An example of fisheries oceanography: walleye pollock in Alaskan waters. U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 1991-1994, Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 33, Supplement 1995, American Geophysical Union, pp. 1,153-1,163.


Severin, K.P., J. Carroll and V.V. Navrotsky (1995). Electron microprobe analysis of juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, otoliths from Alaska: a pilot stock separation study. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 43, pp. 269-283.


Stabeno, P.J., A.J. Hermann, N.A. Bond and S.J. Bograd (1995). Modeling the impact of climate variability on the advection of larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska. Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 121, pp. 719-727.


Stabeno, P.J., R.K. Reed and J.D. Schumacher (1995). The Alaska Coastal Current: continuity of transport and forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 100, No. C2, pp. 2,477-2,485 (February 15, 1995).


Theilacker, G.H., and S.M. Porter (1995). Condition of larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the western Gulf of Alaska assessed with historical and shrinkage indices. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 93, pp. 333-344.


Wyllie-Echeverria, T. (1995). Sea-ice conditions and the distribution of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the Bering and Chukchi Sea shelf. Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 121, pp. 131-136.



Bailey, K.M. (1994). Predation on juvenile flatfish and recruitment variability. Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 32, pp. 175-189.


Bailey, K.M., and S.A. Macklin (1994). Analysis of patterns in larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma survival and wind mixing events in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 113, pp. 1-12.


Blood, D.M., A.C. Materese and M.M. Yoklavich (1994). Embryonic development of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, from Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 92, pp. 207-222.


Bograd, S.J., P.J. Stabeno and J.D. Schumacher (1994). A census of mesoscale eddies in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, during 1989. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 99, No. C9, pp. 18,243-18,254 (September 15, 1994).


Bond, N.A., J.E. Overland and P. Turet (1994). Spatial and temporal characteristics of the wind forcing of the Bering Sea. Journal of Climate, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 1,139-1,143 (July 1994).


Brodeur, R.D., and W.C. Rugen (1994). Diel vertical distribution of ichthyoplankton in the northern Gulf of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 92, pp. 223-235.


Canino, M.F. (1994). Effects of temperature and food availability on growth and RNA/DNA ratios of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) eggs and larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 175, pp. 1-16.


Davis, M.W., and B.L. Olla (1994). Ontogenetic shift in geotaxis for walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, free embryos and larvae: potential role in controlling vertical distribution. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 39, pp. 313-318.


Incze, L.S., and T. Ainaire (1994). Distribution and abundance of copepod nauplii and other small (40–300 m) zooplankton during Spring in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 92, pp. 67-78.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., L.S. Incze, P.B. Ortner, S.R. Cummings and P.K. Brown (1994). The vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 92, pp. 540-554.


Liu, A.K., C.Y. Peng and J.D. Schumacher (1994). Wave-current interaction study in the Gulf of Alaska for detection of eddies by synthetic aperture radar. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 99, No. C5, pp. 10,075-10,085 (May 15, 1994).


Overland, J.E., M. Spillane, H.E. Hurlburt and A.J. Wallcraft (1994). A numerical study of the circulation of the Bering Sea basin and exchange with the North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 736-758 (April 1994).


Reed, R.K., J.D. Schumacher, C.H. Pease, P.J. Stabeno, A.W. Kendall, Jr. and P. dell'Arciprete (1994). Bering Sea circulation explored. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 75, No. 342.


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1994). Flow along and across the Aleutian ridge. Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 52, pp. 639-648.


Schumacher, J.D., and P.J. Stabeno (1994). Ubiquitous eddies of the eastern Bering Sea and their coincidence with concentrations of larval pollock. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 3, pp. 182-190.


Shima, M., and K.M. Bailey (1994). Comparative analysis of ichthyoplankton sampling gear for early life stages of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 3, pp. 50-59.


Siefert, D.L.W. (1994). The importance of sampler mesh size when estimating total daily egg production by Pseudocalanus spp. in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Plankton Research, Vol. 16, pp. 1,489-1,498.


Sogard, S.M., and B.L. Olla (1994). The potential for intracohort cannibalism in age-0 walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, as determined under laboratory conditions. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 39, pp. 183-190.


Stabeno, P.J., and R.K. Reed (1994). Circulation in the Bering Sea basin observed by satellite-tracked drifters: 1986-1993. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 24, No.4, pp. 848-854 (April 1994).


Stabeno, P.J., R.K. Reed and J.E. Overland (1994). Lagrangian measurements in the Kamchatka Current and Oyashio. Journal of Oceanography, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 653-662.



Bailey, K.M., R.D. Brodeur, N. Merati and M.M. Yoklavich (1993). Predation on walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) eggs and yolk-sac larvae by pelagic crustacean invertebrates in the western Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 2, pp. 30-39.


Bond, N.A., and S.A. Macklin (1993). Aircraft observations of offshore-directed flow near Wide Bay, Alaska. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 121, No. 1, pp. 150-161 (January 1993).


Brodeur, R.D., and N. Merati (1993). Predation on walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) eggs in the western Gulf of Alaska: the roles of vertebrate and invertebrate predators. Marine Biology, Vol. 117, pp. 483-493.


DeWitt, C.L., and J.B. Clark (1993). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations: 1991 field operations report. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-41, NTIS PB93-188290, 112 pp.


Hermann, A.J., and H. Hsu (1993). A vertical coordinate mapping technique for semispectral primitive equation models of oceanic circulation. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Technologies, Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 381-396 (June 1993).


Hinckley, S., K.M. Bailey, S.J. Picquelle, M.M. Yoklavich and P.J. Stabeno (1993). Age-specific mortality and transport of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the western Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 98, pp. 17-29.


Hollowed, A.B., and B.A. Megrey (1993). Evaluation of risks associated with application of alternative harvest strategies for Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management Strategies for Exploited Fish Populations, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Anchorage, Alaska, AK-SG-93-02, pp. 291-320.


Kim, S. (1993). Descriptive hydrography of Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, during the Spring spawning time of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the early 1980's. Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Korea, Vol. 28, pp. 35-46.


Macklin, S.A., P.J. Stabeno and J.D. Schumacher (1993). A comparison of gradient and observed over-the-water winds along a mountainous coast. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 98, pp. 16,555-16,569.


Olla, B.L., and M.W. Davis (1993). The influence of light on egg buoyancy and hatching rate of the walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 42, Issue 5, pp. 693-698 (May 1993).


Overland, J.E., and N.A. Bond (1993). The influence of coastal orography: the Yakutat Storm. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 121, No. 5, pp. 1,388-1,397 (May 1993).


Picquelle, S.J., and B.A. Megrey (1993). A preliminary spawning biomass estimate of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Shelikof Strait, Alaska, based on the annual egg production method. Bulletin of Marine Science, Vol. 53, pp. 728-749.


Reed, R.K., G.V. Khen, P.J. Stabeno and A.V. Verkhunov (1993). Water properties and flow over the deep Bering Sea basin, Summer 1991. Deep-Sea Research, Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Vol. 40, pp. 2,325-2,334.


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1993). Observations of velocity divergence in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 13, pp. 225-232.


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1993). The recent return of the Alaskan Stream to Near Strait. Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 51, pp. 515-527.


Schumacher, J.D., P.J. Stabeno and S.J. Bograd (1993). Characteristics of an eddy over a continental shelf: Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 98, pp. 8,395-8,404.


Sogard, S.M., and B.L. Olla (1993). Effects of light, thermoclines and predator presence on vertical distribution and behavioral interactions of juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma pallas. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 167, pp. 179-195.


Sogard, S.M., and B.L. Olla (1993). The influence of predator presence on utilization of artificial seagrass habitats by juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 37, pp. 57-65.


Theilacker, G.H., and W. Shen (1993). Calibrating starvation-induced stress in larval fish using flow cytometry. American Fisheries Society Symposium 14, pp. 85-94.


Theilacker, G.H., and W. Shen (1993). Fish larval condition analyzed using flow cytometry. In: Physiological and biochemical aspects of fish development (B.T. Walther and J.J. Fyhn, eds.), University of Bergen, Norway, pp. 346-355.



Bailey, K.M., and S.M. Spring (1992). Comparison of larval, age-0 juvenile and age-2 recruit abundance indices of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the western Gulf of Alaska. ICES, Journal of Marine Science, Vol. 49, pp. 297-304.


Bollens, S.M., B.W. Frost, H.R. Schwaninger, C.S. Davis, K.J. Way and M.C. Landsteiner (1992). Seasonal plankton cycles in a temperate fjord, and comments on the match-mismatch hypothesis. Journal of Plankton Research, Vol. 14, pp. 1,279-1,305.


Brown, A.L., and K.M. Bailey (1992). Otolith analysis of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma from the western Gulf of Alaska. Marine Biology, Vol. 112, pp. 23-30.


Davis, M.W., and B.L. Olla (1992). Comparison of growth, behavior and lipid concentrations of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma larvae fed lipid-enriched, lipid-deficient and field-collected prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 90, pp. 23-30.


DeWitt, C.L., and J.B. Clark (1992). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations Shelikof Strait: 1990 field operations report. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-39, NTIS PB92-177831, 98 pp.


DeWitt, C.L., W.J. Floering and R.K. Reed (1992). Technical note: an observation of spurious salinity data. Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 56-57 (Fall 1992).


Kendall, A.W., Jr., and T. Nakatani (1992). Comparisons of early-life-history characteristics of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, and Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 90, pp. 129-138.


Olla, B.L., and M.W. Davis (1992). Phototactic responses of unfed walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, larvae: comparisons with other measures of condition. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 35, pp. 105-108.


Reed, R.K., A.V. Verkhunov, G.V. Khen, E.D. Cokelet, J.E. Overland and T.E. Whitledge (1992). Recent U.S.-U.S.S.R. cruise in Bering Sea. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 73, No. 16, p. 184.


Ryer, C.H., and B.L. Olla (1992). Social mechanisms facilitating exploitation of spatially variable ephemeral food patches in a pelagic marine fish. Animal Behaviour, Vol. 44, pp. 69-74.


Schumacher, J.D., and R.K. Reed (1992). Characteristics of currents over the continental slope of the eastern Bering Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 97, pp. 9,423-9,433.


Stabeno, P.J., and R.K. Reed (1992). A major circulation anomaly in the western Bering Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 19, pp. 1,671-1,674.


Vastano, A.C., L.S. Incze and J.D. Schumacher (1992). Observation and analysis of fishery processes: larval pollock at Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 1, pp. 20-31.



Baird, T.A., and B.L. Olla (1991). Social and reproductive behavior of a captive group of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 30, pp. 295-301.


Baird, T.A., C.H. Ryer and B.L. Olla (1991). Social enhancement of foraging on an ephemeral food source in juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Vol. 31, pp. 307-311.


Bograd, S.J. (1991). Sea level and bottom pressure measurements in the northern Gulf of Alaska. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-29, 58 pp.


Bond, N.A., and M.A. Shapiro (1991). Polar lows over the Gulf of Alaska in conditions of reverse shear. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp. 551-572 (February 1991).


Bond, N.A., and M.A. Shapiro (1991). Research aircraft observations of the mesoscale and microscale structure of a cold front over the eastern Pacific Ocean. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 119, No. 12, pp. 3,080-3,094 (December 1991).


Brodeur, R.D., K.M. Bailey and S. Kim (1991). Cannibalism on eggs by walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 71, pp. 207-218.


Canino, M.F., K.M. Bailey and L.S. Incze (1991). Temporal and geographic differences in feeding and nutritional condition of walleye pollock larvae Theragra chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 79, pp. 27-35.


Grover, J.J. (1991). Trophic relationship of age-0 and age-1 walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma collected together in the eastern Bering Sea. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 89, pp. 719-722.


Hinckley, S., K.M. Bailey, S.J. Picquelle, J.D. Schumacher and P.J. Stabeno (1991). Transport, distribution, and abundance of larval and juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the western Gulf of Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 48, pp. 91-98.


Ingraham, W.J., Jr., R.K. Reed, J.D. Schumacher and S.A. Macklin (1991). Circulation variability in the Gulf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 72, p. 257 and 264.


Lawrence, L.A., J. Gray and D.M. Blood (1991). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) field operations - 1987. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-28, 61 pp.


Megrey, B.A. (1991). Pollock recruitment and reproduction. In: Discussion Summaries from the International Workshop on Bering Sea Pollock Stock Assessment; AFSC Processed Report 91-06 (J.E. Pearce, compiler), NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 53 pp.


Megrey, B.A. (1991). Population dynamics and management of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska, 1976–1986. Fisheries Research, Vol. 11, pp. 321-354.


Picquelle, S.J., and B.A. Megrey (1991). A method of estimating spawning biomass from egg surveys with an application to walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. AFSC Processed Report 93-04, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 79 pp.


Reed, R.K. (1991). Circulation and water properties in the central Bering Sea during OCSEAP studies, Fall 1989–Fall 1990. NOAA Technical Report ERL 446-PMEL 41, 13 pp.


Reed, R.K., F.I. Gonzalez and L. Miller (1991). On the structure and stability of the Alaskan Stream. Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 49, pp. 719-726.


Roach, A.T., and J.D. Schumacher (1991). Observations of seasonal and interseasonal variability in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Proceedings from the Seventh Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, Coastal Zone '91, ASCE/Long Beach, California 95461, pp. 3,304-3,317.


Schumacher, J.D., W.E. Barber, B. Holt and A.K. Liu (1991). Satellite observations of mesoscale features in lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. NOAA Technical Report ERL 445-PMEL 40, 18 pp.


Schumacher, J.D., and A.W. Kendall, Jr. (1991). Some interactions between young walleye pollock and their environment in the western Gulf of Alaska. CalCOFI Report, Vol. 32, pp. 22-40.


Siefert, D.L.W., and L.S. Incze (1991). Zooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, April 1988: data from Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) cruises. AFSC Processed Report 91-03, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 63 pp.


Siefert, D.L.W., and L.S. Incze (1991). Zooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, April and May 1989: data from Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) cruises. AFSC Processed Report 91-16, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 119 pp.


Spitz, Y.H., and V.V. Navrotsky (1991). Separation of boundary currents due to bottom topography. Deep-Sea Research, Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Vol. 38, pp. 1-20.


Spring, S.M., and K.M. Bailey (1991). Distribution and abundance of juvenile pollock from historical shrimp trawl surveys in the western Gulf of Alaska. AFSC Processed Report 91-18, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 66 pp.


Stabeno, P.J., and B.A. Megrey (1991). Bio-physical models of the recruitment process in Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, CM 1991, Mini-symposium No. 4.


Stabeno, P.J., and R.K. Reed (1991). Recent lagrangian measurements along the Alaskan Stream. Deep-Sea Research, Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Vol. 38, pp. 289-296.



Bailey, K.M., R.D. Brodeur and S. Kim (1990). Egg cannibalism by spawning adult walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 71, p. 93.


Bates, R.D. (1990). Estimation of seasonal egg production and daily mortality for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in Shelikof Strait, Alaska, during the years 1981, 1985, and 1986. NWAFC Processed Report 90-08, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 114 pp.


Grover, J.J. (1990). Feeding ecology of late-larval and early-juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma from the Gulf of Alaska in 1987. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 88, pp. 463-470.


Hinckley, S. (1990). Variation of egg size of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma with a preliminary examination of the effect of egg size on larval size. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 88, pp. 471-483.


Hinckley, S., K.M. Bailey, S.J. Picquelle, M.M. Yoklavich and J.D. Schumacher (1990). Realistic estimation of mortality rates of larval walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska as determined from field sampling. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 71, p. 93.


Incze, L.S., P.B. Ortner and J.D. Schumacher (1990). Microzooplankton, vertical mixing and advection in a larval fish patch. Journal of Plankton Research, Vol. 12, pp. 365-379.


Incze, L.S., and D.L.W. Siefert (1990). Seasonal and interannual patterns of zooplankton on the southern shelf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 71, p. 189.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., and S.J. Picquelle (1990). Egg and larval distributions of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 88, pp. 133-154.


Kim, S., and B. Bang (1990). Oceanic dispersion of larval fish and its implication for mortality estimates: case study of walleye pollock larvae in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 88, pp. 303-311.


Kim, S., and E.P. Nunnallee (1990). Distribution of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, spawning in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, based on acoustic and ichthyoplankton surveys 1981, 1984 and 1985. Bulletin of the Korean Fisheries Society, Vol. 23, pp. 425-437.


Macklin, S.A., N.A. Bond and J.P. Walker (1990). Structure of a low-level jet over lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 118, No. 12, pp. 2,568-2,578 (December 1990).


Megrey, B.A., A.B. Hollowed and R.D. Methot (1990). Integrated analysis of Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock catch-at-age and research survey data using two different stock assessment procedures. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin, Vol. 50, pp. 279-302.


Megrey, B.A., and V.G. Wespestad (1990). Alaskan groundfish resources: 10 years of management under the Magnuson Fishery and Conservation and Management Act. North American Journal of Fishery Management, Vol. 10, pp. 125-143.


Nieman, D.R., P.B. Ortner and L.S. Incze (1990). Zooplankton distribution across the Alaska Coastal Current front. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 71, p. 177.


Olla, B.L., and M.W. Davis (1990). Behavioral responses of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma pallas to light, thermoclines and food: possible role in vertical distribution. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 135, pp. 59-68.


Olla, B.L., and M.W. Davis (1990). Effects of physical factors on the vertical distribution of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma under controlled laboratory conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 63, pp. 105-112.


Ortner, P.B., V.V. Navrotsky and L.S. Incze (1990). Biological characterization of a coastal mesoscale eddy. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 71, p. 177.


Reed, R.K. (1990). A year-long observation of water exchange between the North Pacific and the Bering Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 1,604-1,609 (November 1990).


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1990). Flow trajectories in the Bering Sea: evidence for chaos. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 17, pp. 2,141-2,144.


Rugen, W.C. (1990). Spatial and temporal distribution of larval fish in the western Gulf of Alaska, with emphasis on the period of peak abundance of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) larvae. NWAFC Processed Report 90-01, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 162 pp.


Savage, D.S. (1990). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations - field operations 1989. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-26, NTIS PB90-208448, 68 pp.


Siefert, D.L.W., L.S. Incze and P.B. Ortner (1990). Vertical distribution of zooplankton, including ichthyoplankton, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: data from Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) cruise in May 1987. NWAFC Processed Report 90-05, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington 98115, 129 pp.


Stabeno, P.J., J.D. Schumacher, L.S. Incze and S.J. Picquelle (1990). Modelling the diffusion and advection of pollock larvae in the Gulf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 71, p. 93.


Wespestad, V.G., and B.A. Megrey (1990). Assessment of the walleye pollock stocks in the eastern North Pacific Ocean: an integrated analysis using research survey and commercial fisheries data. Journal du Conseil international pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Vol. 189, pp. 33-49.


Yamashita, Y., and K.M. Bailey (1990). Electron transport system (ETS) activity as a possible index of respiration for larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, Vol. 56, pp. 1,059-1,062.


Yoklavich, M.M., and K.M. Bailey (1990). Hatching period, growth and survival of young walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma as determined from otolith analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 64, pp. 13-23.



Bailey, K.M. (1989). Interaction between the vertical distribution of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the eastern Bering Sea, and cannibalism. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 53, pp. 205-213.


Bailey, K.M., and E.D. Houde (1989). Predation on eggs and larvae of marine fishes and the recruitment problem. Advances in Marine Biology, 25th Edition, pp. 1-83.


Barry, R.G., and C.W. Ziskin (1989). Circulation indices for the Alaskan sector of the North Pacific Ocean. Final Report NOAA-ERL/CIRES Task No. 3, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, 287 pp.


Blood, D.M. (1989). A working bibliography of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). NWAFC Processed Report 89-19, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 56 pp.


Christensen, J.P., and L.S. Incze (1989). Nutrient, chlorophyll, and hydrographic distributions during the cruise FOCI88-II in the Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Technical Report, Vol. 71, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04575, 64 pp.


Dunn, J.R., and W.C. Rugen (1989). A catalogue of Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center ichthyoplankton cruises, 1965–1988. NWAFC Processed Report 89-04, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 197 pp.


Hinckley, S. (1989). A catalogue of Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center ichthyoplankton cruises, 1965–1988. In: Part I, Proceedings of Workshop on Year-class Variations as Determined from Pre-recruit Investigations, September 28-30, 1988, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, pp. 63-101.


Hinckley, S., K.M. Bailey, J.D. Schumacher, S.J. Picquelle and P.J. Stabeno (1989). Preliminary results of a survey for late-stage larval walleye pollock and observations of larval drift in the western Gulf of Alaska, 1987. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Walleye Pollock, Anchorage, Alaska, November 14-16, 1988, Alaska Sea Grant Report 89-1, pp. 297-306.


Hollowed, A.B., and K.M. Bailey (1989). New perspectives on the relationship between recruitment of Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) and the ocean environment. Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 108, pp. 207-220.


Incze, L.S., and D.E. Campbell (1989). Estimation of ichthyoplankton (Theragra chalcogramma) mortality rates from a patch study: FOCI 1986. Technical Report 72, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04575, 41 pp.


Incze, L.S., A.W. Kendall, Jr., J.D. Schumacher and R.K. Reed (1989). Interactions of a mesoscale patch of larval fish (Theragra chalcogramma) with the Alaska Coastal Current. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 9, pp. 269-284.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., and S. Kim (1989). Buoyancy of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) eggs in relation to water properties and movement in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 108, pp. 169-180.


Kim, S. (1989). Early life history of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma, in the Gulf of Alaska. In:Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Walleye Pollock, Anchorage, Alaska, November 14-16, 1988, Sea Grant Report 89-1, pp. 117-139.


Kim, S., and D.R. Gunderson (1989). Cohort dynamics of walleye pollock in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, during the egg and larval period. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Vol. 118, pp. 264-273.


Kim, S., and A.W. Kendall, Jr. (1989). Distribution and transport of larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, in relation to water movement. Journal du Conseil international pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Vol. 191, pp. 127-136.


Lackmann, G.M., and J.E. Overland (1989). Atmospheric structure and momentum balance during a gap-wind event in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 117, No. 8, pp. 1,817-1,833 (August 1989).


Mulligan, T.J., K.M. Bailey and S. Hinckley (1989). The occurrence of larval and juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the eastern Bering Sea with implications for stock structure. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Walleye Pollock, Anchorage, Alaska, November 14-16, 1988, Sea Grant Report 89-1, pp. 471-489.


Proctor, P.D. (1989). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations - field operations 1988. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-25, NTIS PB90-159088, 69 pp.


Reed, R.K., L.S. Incze and J.D. Schumacher (1989). Estimation of the effects of flow on dispersion of larval pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. In: Effects of Ocean Variability on Recruitment and an Evaluation of Parameters Used in Stock Assessment Models (R.J. Beamish and G.A. McFarlane, eds.), Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 108, pp. 239-246.


Reed, R.K., and J.D. Schumacher (1989). Some mesoscale features of flow in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 94, pp. 12,603-12,606.


Reed, R.K., and J.D. Schumacher (1989). Transport and physical properties in central Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 9, pp. 261-268.


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1989). Circulation and property distributions in the central Bering Sea, Spring 1988. NOAA Technical Report ERL 439-PMEL 39, NTIS PB90-155847, 13 pp.


Reed, R.K., and P.J. Stabeno (1989). Recent observations of variability in the path and vertical structure of the Alaskan Stream. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1,634-1,642 (October 1989).


Schumacher, J.D., and A.W. Kendall, Jr. (1989). Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI): walleye pollock recruitment in the western Gulf of Alaska. In: Proceedings of the Gulf of Alaska, Cook Inlet, and North Aleutian Basin Information Update Meeting, OCSEAP/MMS, Anchorage, Alaska, pp. 39-47.


Schumacher, J.D., P.J. Stabeno and A.T. Roach (1989). Volume transport in the Alaska Coastal Current. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 9, pp. 1,071-1,083.


Siefert, D.L.W., and L.S. Incze (1989). Zooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, April to August 1986: data from Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) cruises. NWAFC Processed Report 89-17, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 169 pp.


Siefert, D.L.W., and L.S. Incze (1989). Zooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, April to July 1987: data from Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) cruises. NWAFC Processed Report 89-22, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 136 pp.


Wooster, W.S., and K.M. Bailey (1989). Recruitment of marine fishes revisited. Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 108, pp. 153-159.


Yamashita, Y., and K.M. Bailey (1989). A laboratory study of the bioenergetics of larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 87, pp. 525-536.


Yoklavich, M.M., and K.M. Bailey (1989). Growth of larval and juvenile walleye pollock from Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, as determined from daily increments in otoliths. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Walleye Pollock, Anchorage, Alaska, November 14-16, 1988, Sea Grant Report 89-1, pp. 241-251.



Bailey, K.M., and C.L. Stehr (1988). The effects of feeding periodicity and ration on the rate of increment formation in otoliths of larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 122, pp. 147-161.


Bond, N.A., and R.G. Fleagle (1988). Prefrontal and postfrontal boundary layer processes over the ocean. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 116, No. 6, pp. 1,257-1,273 (June 1988).


Businger, S., and B. Walter (1988). Comma cloud development and associated rapid cyclogenesis over the Gulf of Alaska: a case study using aircraft and operational data. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 116, No. 5, pp. 1,103-1,123 (May 1988).


Fleagle, R.G., N.A. Bond and W.A. Nuss (1988). Atmosphere-ocean interaction in mid-latitude storms. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol. 38, pp. 50-63.


Gray, J. (1988). Scales of adjustment of offshore-directed winds along a mountainous coast. Proceedings from the Fourth Conference on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorologic Society, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, pp. 12-17.


Incze, L.S., C.M. Lynde, S. Kim and R. Strickland (1988). Walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the eastern Bering Sea. In: Species Synopsis ( N.J. Wilimovsky, L.S. Incze, and S.J. Westrheim, eds.), Washington Sea Grant Program and Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, pp. 55-69.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., and P. Ferraro (1988). Ichthyoplankton of the Gulf of Alaska near Kodiak Island, March to June 1985. NWAFC Processed Report 88-03, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 88 pp.


Kim, S., and D.R. Gunderson (1988). Walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Gulf of Alaska. In: Species Synopsis (N.J. Wilimovsky, L.S. Incze, and S.J. Westrheim, eds.), Washington Sea Grant Program and Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, pp. 70-82.


Lackmann, G.M. (1988). Evaluation of the Rossby radius for offshore-directed flow near a mountainous coast. Proceedings from the Fourth Conference on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorologic Society, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, pp. 1-5.


Macklin, S.A. (1988). FOCI surface meteorological observations at Cherni Island and Ugaiushak Island - FY86. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-21, NTIS PB88-179270, 15 pp.


Macklin, S.A. (1988). Structure of a mountain-gap wind blowing over a coastal inlet. Proceedings from the Fourth Conference on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorologic Society, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, pp. 6-11.


Macklin, S.A., G.M. Lackmann and J. Gray (1988). Offshore-directed winds in the vicinity of Prince William Sound, Alaska. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 116, No. 6, pp. 1,289-1,301 (June 1988).


Reed, R.K., J.D. Schumacher and A.W. Kendall, Jr. (1988). NOAA's Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) in the western Gulf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 69, pp. 890-891 and p. 894.


Reed, R.K., J.D. Schumacher and A.T. Roach (1988). Geostrophic flow in the central Bering Sea, Fall 1986 and Summer 1987. NOAA Technical Report ERL 433-PMEL 38, NTIS PB88-174354, 13 pp.


Rugen, W.C., and A.C. Materese (1988). Spatial and temporal distribution and relative abundance of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) larvae in the western Gulf of Alaska. NWAFC Processed Report 88-18, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 53 pp.


Siefert, D.L.W., L.S. Incze and P.B. Ortner (1988). Vertical distribution of zooplankton, including ichthyoplankton, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska: data from Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) cruise in May 1986. NWAFC Processed Report 88-28, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 232 pp.


Siefert, D.L.W., L.S. Incze and S.G. Smith (1988). Zooplankton of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, March to October 1985: results of Fishery Oceanography Experiment (FOX). NWAFC Processed Report 88-22, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 228 pp.



Bailey, K.M., S. Hinckley, J.D. Schumacher and P.J. Stabeno (1987). Observations of early life stages of pollock and the Alaskan Coastal Current in the western Gulf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 68, p. 1,751.


Bailey, K.M., and E.D. Houde (1987). Predators and predation as a regulatory force during the early life of fishes. In: International Council for Exploration of the Seas, CM 1987, Mini-symposium No. 2, 30 pp.


Bates, R.D. (1987). Estimation of egg production, spawner biomass, and egg mortality for walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait from ichthyoplankton surveys during 1981. NWAFC Processed Report 87-20, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 192 pp.


Bates, R.D. (1987). Ichthyoplankton of the Gulf of Alaska near Kodiak Island, April–May 1984. NWAFC Processed Report 87-11, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 53 pp.


Dunn, J.R., and A.C. Materese (1987). A review of the early life history of northeast Pacific gadoid fishes. Fisheries Research, Vol. 5, pp. 163-184.


Dwyer, D.A., K.M. Bailey and P.A. Livingston (1987). Feeding habits and daily ration of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea, with special reference to cannibalism. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 44, pp. 1,972-1,984.


Hinckley, S. (1987). The reproductive biology of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Bering Sea, with reference to spawning stock structure. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 85, pp. 481-498.


Hollowed, A.B., K.M. Bailey and W.S. Wooster (1987). Patterns in recruitment of marine fishes in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Biological Oceanography, Vol. 5, pp. 99-131.


Incze, L.S., D.A. Armstrong and S.L. Smith (1987). Abundance of larval tanner crabs (Chionoecetes spp.) in relation to adult females and regional oceanography of the southeastern Bering Sea. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Vol. 44, pp. 1,143-1,156.


Incze, L.S., J. Gray, J.D. Schumacher, A.W. Kendall, Jr., K.M. Bailey and S.A. Macklin (1987). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) field operations - 1986. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-20, NTIS PB88-148598, 64 pp.


Incze, L.S., J.D. Schumacher, P.B. Ortner and K. McCauley (1987). Vertical mixing of water and small zooplankton: a drogue study. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 68, p. 1,759.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., M.E. Clarke, M.M. Yoklavich and G.W. Boehlert (1987). Distribution, feeding, and growth of larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, from Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska. Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 85, pp. 499-521.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., and W.H. Lenarz (1987). Status of early life history studies of northeast Pacific rockfishes. Proceedings from the International Rockfish Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, pp. 99-128.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., and A.C. Materese (1987). Biology of eggs, larvae, and epipelagic juveniles of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, in relation to their potential use in management. Marine Fishery Review, Vol. 49, pp. 1-13.


Macklin, S.A. (1987). Coastal winds of the southeast Alaska Peninsula. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-73, NTIS PB87-206173, 131 pp.


Reed, R.K. (1987). Salinity characteristics and flow of the Alaska Coastal Current. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 7, pp. 573-576.


Reed, R.K., J.D. Schumacher and L.S. Incze (1987). Circulation in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1,546-1,554 (September 1987).


Roach, A.T., J.D. Schumacher and P.J. Stabeno (1987). Observations of currents, surface winds, and bottom pressure in Shelikof Strait, Autumn 1984. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-74, NTIS PB88-121736, 116 pp.


Schumacher, J.D. (1987). Rapporteur's Report: description of the physical and biological environment (of the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea). Fisheries Research, Vol. 5, pp. 111-118.



Bailey, K.M., R.C. Francis and K.F. Mais (1986). Evaluating incidental catches of 0-age Pacific hake to forecast recruitment. CalCOFI Report, Vol. 27, pp. 109-112.


Bailey, K.M., R.C. Francis and J.D. Schumacher (1986). Recent information on the causes of variability in recruitment of Alaska pollock in the eastern Bering Sea: physical conditions and biological interactions. Proceedings of the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vol. 47, pp. 155-165.


Bailey, K.M., and C.L. Stehr (1986). Laboratory studies on the early life history of the walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 99, pp. 233-246.


Dwyer, D.A., K.M. Bailey, P.A. Livingston and M. Yang (1986). Some preliminary observations on the feeding habits of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea, based on field and laboratory studies. Proceedings of the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vol. 45, pp. 228-246.


Hinckley, S. (1986). Oocyte development and ovarian maturation in walleye pollock: a preliminary analysis. In: A Workshop on Comparative Biology, Assessment, and Management of Gadoids from the North


Hinckley, S. (1986). Spawning dynamics and fecundity of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea. M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 104 pp.


Incze, L.S., R.S. Otto and M.K. McDowell (1986). Recruitment variability of juvenile red king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica, in the southeastern Bering Sea. In: North Pacific Workshop on Stock Assessment and Management of Invertebrates (G.S. Jamieson and N. Bourne, eds.), Canadian Special Publication on Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Vol. 92, pp. 370-378.


Kim, S. (1986). Oceanography and meteorology of Shelikof Strait, Alaska, during spawning season of walleye pollock: results of Fishery Oceanography Experiment (FOX). NWAFC Processed Report, 86-15, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 87 pp.


Macklin, S.A., N.I. Jenkins and A.T. Roach (1986). Upper-air observations in the vicinity of Shelikof Strait during the Fishery Oceanography Experiment (FOX), March 1985. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-16, NTIS PB87-196408, 51 pp.


Reed, R.K., and J.D. Schumacher (1986). Current measurements along the shelf break in the Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 1,985-1,990 (November 1986).


Reed, R.K., and J.D. Schumacher (1986). Physical oceanography. In: The Gulf of Alaska: Physical Environment and Biological Resources (D.W. Hood and S.T. Zimmerman, eds.), NOAA and Minerals Management Service, Anchorage, Alaska, MMS 86-0095, NTIS PB87-103230, pp. 57-75.


Reed, R.K., J.D. Schumacher and L.S. Incze (1986). Hydrography of Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 67, p. 1,042.


Reed, R.K., J.D. Schumacher and L.S. Incze (1986). Water properties and circulation in Shelikof Strait, Alaska during 1985. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-68, NTIS PB87-143053, 35 pp.


Roach, A.T., and J.D. Schumacher (1986). Observations of the Alaska Coastal Current in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 67, p. 1,042.


Schumacher, J.D., S.A. Macklin, A.W. Kendall, Jr. and L.S. Incze (1986). Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI): an overview. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 67, p. 1,010.


Schumacher, J.D., and R.K. Reed (1986). On the Alaska Coastal Current in the western Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 91, pp. 9,655-9,661.


Schumacher, J.D., and J.G. Wilson (1986). On the atmospheric and oceanic environment of the Gulf of Alaska. In: A Workshop on Comparative Biology, Assessment, and Management of Gadoids from the North Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Proceedings Part I, June 1985, NOAA/NWAFC, Seattle, Washington, pp. 135-178.


Wilson, J.G., L.S. Incze, S.A. Macklin and J.D. Schumacher (1986). FOX 1985 - The northwest Gulf of Alaska Fishery Oceanography Experiment. NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-15, NTIS PB86-199817/XAB, 133 pp.


Wilson, J.G., and J.E. Overland (1986). Meteorology. In: The Gulf of Alaska: Physical Environment and Biological Resources (D.W. Hood and S.T. Zimmerman, eds.), NOAA and Minerals Management Service, Anchorage, Alaska, MMS 86-0095, NTIS PB87-103230, pp. 31-54.



Healey, M.C., L.S. Incze, S. Tabata, R.K. Reed and W Pearcy (1985). Inventory of time series of physical, chemical, biological, and fisheries data from the eastern North Pacific. Canadian Technical Reports of Fishery and Aquatic Science, 1416, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, 59 pp.


Hinckley, S. (1985). Spatial and temporal distribution of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) spawning in the Bering Sea in 1984. NWAFC Processed Report 85-22, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 21 pp.


Incze, L.S., and J.D. Schumacher (1985). Variability of the environment and selected fisheries resources of the Bering Sea ecosystem. In: Variability and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems (K. Sherman and L.M. Alexander, eds.), AAAS Selected Symposium 99, pp. 109-143.


Kendall, A.W., Jr., and L.S. Incze (1985). What happened to the 1985 year class of walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska? Unpublished Report of CalCOFI presentation on 23 October 1985, 31 pp.


Reed, R.K. (1985). On salinity structures of the Alaskan Coastal Current. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 66, p. 1,296.


Reed, R.K., and J.D. Schumacher (1985). On the general circulation in the subarctic Pacific. In: Proceedings from the Workshop on the Fate and Impact of Marine Debris, November 1984 (R.S. Shomura and H.O. Yoshida, eds.), Honolulu, Hawaii, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFC-54, NTIS PB86-146941, pp. 483-496.


Schumacher, J.D., L.S. Incze, S.A. Macklin and A.W. Kendall, Jr. (1985). A Fishery-Oceanography Experiment in the Gulf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 66, p.1,327.



Incze, L.S., and J.D. Schumacher (1984). Influence of mesoscale environmental events on upper trophic level biomass in the eastern Bering Sea. Abstract, AAAS Symposium Proceedings on Variability and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems, Vol. 100, New York, New York.


Macklin, S.A., R.L. Brown, J. Gray and R.W. Lindsay (1984). METLIB-II a program library for calculating and plotting atmospheric and oceanic fields. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-54, NTIS PB84-205434, 53 pp.


Macklin, S.A., J.E. Overland and R.M. Reynolds (1984). Aspects of coastal zone meteorology of the Gulf of Alaska. Abstracts of Symposium on Meteorology and Oceanography of North American High Latitudes, American Meteorological Society, p. 138.


Macklin, S.A., J.E. Overland and J.P. Walker (1984). Low-level gap winds in Shelikof Strait. Third Conference on Meteorology of the Coastal Zone, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, pp. 97-102.


McConaghy, D.C. (1984). FOCUS Users Guide. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-58, NTIS PB85-133767, 35 pp.


Reed, R.K., and J.D. Schumacher (1984). Additional current measurements in the Alaskan Stream near Kodiak Island. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 1,239-1,246 (July 1994).


Schumacher, J.D. (1984). Oceanography. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Walleye Pollock and its Ecosystem in the Eastern Bering Sea, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/NWC-62, NTIS PB85-138055, pp. 13-42.



Francis, R.C., and K.M. Bailey (1983). Factors affecting recruitment of selected gadoids in the northeast Pacific and east Bering Sea. In: From Year to Year (W. Wooster, ed.), Washington Sea Grant Program, WSG, WO83-3, pp. 35-60.


Kim, S., and A.W. Kendall, Jr. (1983). The numbers and distribution of walleye pollock eggs and larvae in the southeastern Bering Sea. NWAFC Processed Report, 83-22, NOAA/NMFS, Seattle, Washington, 35 pp.


McConaghy, D.C., M.J. McPhail, P.D. Moen and K.S. Parker (1983). FOCUS - Fisheries Oceanography Cooperative Users System. NOAA Technical Memoranda ERL PMEL-50, NTIS PB84-145689, 74 pp.


Parker, K.S., and D.C. McConaghy (1983). FOCUS - An environmental data accessing system for Alaskan fishery oceanography investigations. Proceedings Third Working Symposium on Oceanographic Data Systems, 1983, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 188-193.


Parker, K.S., and J.D. Schumacher (1983). Interannual variations in halibut abundance and the Kenai Current in the Gulf of Alaska. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 64, p. 1,080.


Schumacher, J.D., and R.K. Reed (1983). Interannual variability in the abiotic environment of the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. In: From Year to Year (W. Wooster, ed.), Washington Sea Grant Program, WSG, WO83-3, pp. 111-133.

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