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South Central ARMI

Guide to Louisiana Amphibians

Woodhouse's toad (Bufo woodhousii)

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  Range Map for Woodhouse's toad (Bufo woodhousii)
  Range map source: USGS National Amphibian Atlas, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
This species is similar in overall appearance to B. fowleri. The main differences between them are that the spots are usually lighter in color on B. woodhousii or may appear "washed out" and the warts in the spots may number just one or two to several. B. fowleri has very dark, well-defined spots with at least three warts present in each. B. woodhousii is found primarily in western portions of Louisiana and may be less common in the state than B. fowleri. There is evidence that the two species hybridize in Louisiana, and there may be a large zone of intergradation in the State where toads could exhibit intermediate characters. The taxonomy of the B. woodhousii x fowleri complex is still being debated.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 22-Aug-2008 14:43:42 EDT