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Smoking & How to Quit
Smoking & How to Quit

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I am a 25 year old mother of 4. My oldest daughter is 5, I have a 2 year old, a 3 year old son, and a 1 year old daughter. I have not had a cigarette in 4 days. I have a constant headache. This is probably the tenth time I have quit but this time is the real thing. I am done. I am definitely not going back to smoking at any cost. More than anything it is for my children and non-smoking husband. I hated the addiction of all things. It's ruled my life. Keep the motivational comments coming.
I have been smoking since I was 15. I'm 51 now. I have been smoke free since January 3, 2007. It is getting easier day by day. I don't want to end up like my mother, dead at 57 from lung cancer. She begged me to stop the last time I saw her alive. It's been 24 years and I have finally kept my promise.
Nancy from New York
I want to quit, but I am so afraid. Of what, I don't know. On one hand I am afraid of not quitting and on the other I enjoy smoking. I think I want to quit because of the guilt. My daughters would be thrilled, but I want to do it without being told to do the right thing. I know I should quit for my health. I am afraid of the health consequences. Sometimes I don't know what to think. Sometimes I feel I am doomed to die a smoker. I hate that thought.
Lorna from Ohio
I quit smoking when I turned 30, which was in 1987. I started back in 2003. I blamed this on a very stressful time in my life. I am now four days into quitting forever. I know what it feels like to live without smoking. I know that the cravings and urges will go away. I know that any weight gained can easily be lost. I know that my worst regret will be that I did not quit sooner. I vow to myself that I will never be weak enough again to let this habit have control over me. Quitting will give me the power to do anything and I remember what a natural high this feeling gave me. Good luck to us all. One day at a time and we will all succeed.
Anonymous from Georgia
Please don't be afraid of the weight gain. A few extra pounds are nothing compared to the world that is opened up to you as a new nonsmoker. The funny thing is I can smell a smoker a mile away whereas in the past I wouldn't notice at all. It might even disgust you, but that's ok it will be a motivation to stay quit! Also, these days I have more stamina to exercise and keep up with my son. In fact I've lost weight since my days as a smoker. My skin has also never been clearer. Trust me; there are benefits to quitting that even go beyond the obvious!
I am 26 and started smoking when I was young. I quit when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter and now I am pregnant with my 4th child and I really want to quit. I go to bed at night thinking I will quit in the morning, but when I wake up all I can think about is having that first cigarette. I need help. I don't want to smoke anymore. I want to be there for my children. I have a panic disorder and the cigarettes help me calm down, but I know that I have to quit. I was supposed to quit on Christmas and it didn't happen.
Sunday from California
My children have been coming home from school sharing with me what they have found out about smoking. They have asked me to stop, but it is hard. I have been smoking since the age of fourteen, I'm forty-four. It has been 2 hours and 38 seconds since my last cigarette, I need to quit, for myself and my children.
Lorna from Maryland
Whoa! I have been trying to quit forever. A friend of mine died of cancer and she begged me to quit. It is so hard. I have made it 4 1/2 hours so far and reading all your comments on this site sure has helped me to commit to keep going. I'm doing this for myself and my family. Thanks and I will win the battle to be smoke free.
Hi! I had been smoking for about seven years. I quit once when I was pregnant with my first baby, but after my son was born I started to smoke again. I don't have any relatives in this country, so I always felt the lack of support, and the cigarettes were helping me deal with stress. Now I’m pregnant with my second baby (just find out) so I want to quit once and forever. It is much harder to find a minute to have a smoke now because I’m a busy mom. I know how hard it is, but I have to quit, because I want my baby to be healthy. I also have a problem with my health and I’m only 23. Smoking can worsen my problem. My children need me and this is why I’m quitting. It is all just a matter of time. Once two weeks pass, you will not want to smoke again. Good luck to everybody who made this decision to quit.
Elena from California
I am so happy to say I quit cold turkey one year ago the 16th of December. I've gained weight, but am losing it. I just want to say it can be done, I did it.
Margie from Texas

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Content last updated January 21, 2007.

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