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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

New York State Laws: HISPC Part 1 Solutions & Implementation Approach

Text Description is below the image.

  • Priority Solutions Areas
    • Patient Engagement
    • Consent
    • Security/Access/Use
    • Patient Identification
  • Implementation Approach
    • Leadership Entity
      • Identify or establish an independent, statewide, public-private group to:
        • Convene stakeholders
        • Align HIE policies
        • Identify best practices
        • Publish recommendations
        • Provide technical, business practice and policy guidance
    • Accreditation Process
      • Establish a private sector accreditation process for RHIOs that ensures a minimum level of privacy and security practices across the state.
      • Evaluate whether accreditation would qualify for certain benefits such as eligibility for state funding, access to Medicaid data, etc.
    • Clarification of Laws
      • Establish a shared interpretation of relevant state and federal regulations that impact HIE.
    • New Laws
      • Create new law where necessary to govern the electronic exchange of health information.


Patient Engagement
Support the right of patients to expeditiously access their own health information, and to make choices about the collection, storage, use and disclosure of their data.
Engage people in taking a more informed and active role in their own health care.

Ensure that patients are able to make meaningful consent decisions about the disclosure of their healthcare information, and that custodians of healthcare information comply with patient consent mandates under state and federal law.
Security/ Access/ Use
Establish a common set of interoperable policies and technical requirements determining: data access and use; authentication; auditing, compliance and software and data security.
Patient Identification Provide for a reliable approach to correctly match patients with their health information ensuring providers have the right record(s) for the right patient at the point of care.

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