Well Number
Year record began
Mean depth to water below land surface, in feet
Last recorded water level
date of last recorded water level
trend from last month
trend from last year
Departure from mean for all years in feet
This month
Last month
This month last year
This month for all years
Maximum for this month/year of occurrence
Minimum for this month/year of occurrence
Observation wells in the Ohio River Basin
Allegheny AG-700 1967 7.87 7.42 7.62 6.83 7.62/00 6.13/89 8.14 7/29 DOWN DOWN -1.04
Beaver BV-156 1967 8.79 8.42 8.72 9.31 11.50/73 8.51/90 9.07 7/20 DOWN DOWN .52
Butler BT-311 1970 18.17 8.30 6.02 16.14 26.53/88 3.85/90 20.43 7/28 DOWN DOWN -2.03
Crawford CW-413 1967 52.17 50.24 50.08 51.02* 54.59/92* 48.03/89* 52.74 7/29 DOWN DOWN -1.15*
Elk EK-108 1975 5.81 5.31 5.89 4.53 6.54/99 2.78/90 6.65 7/25 DOWN UP -1.28
Erie ER-82 1966 20.84 19.43 19.97 20.31* 22.25/83* 18.49/96* 21.31 7/29 DOWN DOWN -.53*
Fayette FA-17 1968 23.16 21.86 21.49 22.97 23.95/95 21.49/00 23.40 7/29 DOWN DOWN -.19
Forest FO-11 1974 9.62 8.25 9.22 9.79 10.93/88 9.03/87 10.27 7/29 DOWN DOWN .17
Green GR-118 1973 27.58 26.89 30.07 33.23 41.41/87 24.74/96 28.28 7/20 DOWN UP 5.65
Lawrence LA-1201 1967 17.47 16.82 16.37 17.13 18.37/88 14.67/78 17.85 7/29 DOWN DOWN -.34
Mercer MR-1364 1964 N/D 3.36+ 2.90 4.29 5.70/88 2.90/00 3.92+ 7/21 N/D N/D N/D
Somerset SO-2 1937 32.87^ 32.91^ 33.03 33.76* 38.25/99* 32.64/96* 32.97^ 7/20 UP UP .89*
Warren WR-50 1972 41.76 41.03 42.24 42.58 44.31/77 40.70/97 42.37 7/29 DOWN UP .82
Washington WS-155 1971 36.39 35.61 36.38 36.12 37.14/88 35.38/77 36.55 7/20 DOWN DOWN -.27
Westmoreland WE-300 1968 16.39 16.11 16.00 17.84 28.74/68 14.85/89 15.04 7/20 DOWN DOWN 1.45


N/D indicates no data NDR indicates no data received at time of report
DOWN = Water level is lower than that reported for last month or year
UP = Water level is higher than that reported for last month or year
Shaded block indicates this month is a new recorded maximum or minimum
Year refers to water year, October 1 - September 30.



* Value for well is computed using less than the full period of record because of a change in well hydraulics, or nearby non-climatic
hydrologic stress.
^ Below normal conditions for well SO-2 are due to nearby pumping.
+ Well MR-1364 was affected by the Pymatuning Earthquake on Sept. 25, 1998. Record adjusted to compute current conditions shown on
Note: Water levels from well MG-225 are being collected but not reported in this monthly summary, because they are not comparable to
historical levels due to changes in ground-water pumping.