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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Long Work Hours Adversely Affect Vigilance (AACN Sample) (continued)

Text Description is below the image.

Same slide as Slide 33, only the values 1.15, 2.40 and 1.9 are highlighted.

Work Duration (hours) Struggling to Stay Awake on Duty Fell Asleep on Duty
No. shifts (%) OR (p-value) No. Shifts (%) OR (p-value)
< 8.5 77 (14%) 1.0 4 (0.7%) 1.0
> 8.5, <12.5 279 (16%) 1.1 ( 0.695) 30 (1.8%) 1.9 (0.043)
> 12.5 847 (23%) 1.15 (0.007) 44 (3.9%) 2.40 (0.014)
Total 1203   178  

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