Response to Comment on 2010 SOC:
Docket Number 08-0358

Docket No. 08-0358 requested (1) moving 29-9091 Athletic Trainers from its current location to 29-1000 Heath Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners; and (2) classifying 29-9091 Athletic Trainers with 29-1129 Therapists, All Other. The SOCPC did not accept these recommendations. Classification Principle 2 states that occupations are classified based on work performed. Athletic Trainers evaluate and advise individuals to assist recovery from or avoid athletic-related injuries or illnesses, or to maintain peak physical fitness. They do not diagnose injuries and illnesses. They may provide first aid or emergency care treatment. While they help prevent injury and illness, they are not therapists.

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Last Modified Date: March 12, 2009