Argonne National Laboratory Work with Argonne U.S. Department of Energy

Collaborations, partnerships and access to Argonne facilities and staff

Argonne provides many ways for researchers from academia, industry and other government laboratories to work with our staff and gain access to our facilities for collaborative or proprietary research. Every year, Argonne staff collaborate with dozens of researchers from industry and hundreds from academia and other national laboratories.

Argonne Procurement

Argonne spends approximately $150,000,000 annually through procurements from a diverse group of large and small business concerns for a broad range of products and services that support the laboratory's overall mission.

Technology Transfer

A primary objective of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories is to promote the economic interests of the United States by facilitating development, transfer, and use of federally owned or originated technology to industry for public benefit and to leverage DOE resources through partnering with industry. Argonne’s Office of Technology Transfer works proactively with Argonne divisions and selected industry partners to develop commercialization strategies, seek partners with new applications and introduce advancements into commercial use through licenses and start-ups.

To learn more, select the link from the list below that best describes the kind of relationship you seek:

  • User – Are you a researcher interested in conducting research at one of Argonne's scientific user facilities?
  • CRADA – Are you interested in establishing a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) to conduct research with Argonne?
  • Work for Others – Are you interested in having Argonne conduct unique, cost-recovered research for your organization that cannot be readily performed by a commercial entity?
  • Guest – Are you a faculty member, investigator or student from an educational, research or commercial institution interested in performing research at Argonne, working with Argonne researchers?
  • Subcontractor – Are you a potential subcontractor who may be performing work at the Argonne site?
  • International Agreement Participant– Are you a potential international agreement participant who is interested in performing work at Argonne?
  • For access to Argonne technologies and commercial licensing opportunities, contact the Office of Technology Transfer.
  • See Technical Services for access to Argonne's unique technical services, including Central Shops, scientific glassblowing, and our Analytical Chemistry Laboratory.

If you have questions or would like more information, please send an e-mail to


For more information, please send e-mail to

For Argonne technologies and commercial licensing opportunities, contact the Office of Technology Transfer.

For Argonne's unique technical capabilities, see Technical Services.

For Argonne’s policy regarding the export of sensitive technologies, equipment and information, see Export Control.


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