BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Honduras Local time: 02:27 PM

Find A US Business Partner

We can offer your company comprehensive, customized assistance with your business goals and strategies in the Honduran Market.

The Services we offer are:

International Buyer Program

The U.S. Commercial Service can assist you in your visit to many leading U.S. trade shows with such things as discounted travel, show passes and support at the show. More...

Directory of US Exporters & Export Service Providers                                   
This publication is the official U.S. Department of Commerce directory of U.S. exporters and export service providers, and contains over 15,000 listings. Please visit this page for your free copy. More...
Register With Us                                                                                           
The U.S. Commercial Service holds a database of Honduran companies who are looking for new products or services. Register your company details with us. More... - On-Line Import Assistance Matchmaking is a convenient on-line program that matches U.S. exporters with Honduran importers. The official business-to-business electronic marketplace. More...