NOAA 96-R703

Contact:  Matt Stout               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


The Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced today it has completed its $2 million pilot vessel buyout program and is ready to begin a more comprehensive vessel buyout to help ease the fisheries crisis in the Northeast.

"We are committed to rebuilding New England groundfish stocks to ensure opportunities remain for both a sustainable resource and a sustainable economy," said Commerce Secretary Mickey Kantor. "This administration is resolute on the economic recovery of this vital region, and this program is an integral part of that effort."

In August 1995, the Commerce Department committed $25 million for a more comprehensive vessel buyout program for New England groundfish fishermen. This expanded program is based on the results of the pilot program and recent Congressional actions that removed the $100 thousand limit on financial assistance to fishermen.

The pilot buyout program was established in June 1995 to test the effectiveness of a vessel removal program as a tool in the conservation and management of U.S. marine fisheries. The program was funded for only $2 million; 114 vessel owners applied, submitting bids totalling $52 million. Out of those applications, 11 grants were awarded. Earlier this week NOAA closed on the last vessel to be scrapped under the pilot program.

"The buyout program has been successful in part because fishermen helped design it," said John Bullard, director of NOAA's office of sustainable development. "The expanded program maintains the fundamental features of the pilot -- it is voluntary, bids are set by the owner and evaluated in the competition of the marketplace."

"Permanent removal of these groundfish fishing vessels represents a critical component of a comprehensive program of economic assistance and fishery resource management," said Rolland Schmitten, director of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service. "This program is aimed at aiding, on a sustainable basis, an ailing fishing industry and the local economies, fishermen and families dependent on that industry.

Based on input from the pilot, some changes are being proposed for the expanded program. The most significant change deals with the reuse of the vessel. Officials propose to allow reuse for non-fishing purposes by nonprofit organizations or a public entity for humanitarian, safety, law enforcement, training, research or educational purposes. However, the proposal also requires that the vessel be scrapped after it has served its non-fishing function.

NOAA is seeking public comment for the next 30 days on this proposed program. John Bullard will begin meetings in Portland, Maine and Gloucester, Mass., on Friday, May 31, and in New Bedford, Mass., on Monday, June 3.

Friday, May 31      
Portland, ME
9:00am    Announcement of $25 Million Vessel Capacity             
           Reduction Program (Press)
9:30am    Town Meeting with fishermen
          Fishing Communities Resource Center
          Maine Trade Center Bldg.
          Portland Fish Pier
Gloucester, MA
3:00pm    Announcement in Gloucester (Press)
3:30pm    Town Meeting with fishermen
          Gloucester House Restaurant
          7 Seas Wharf (508-283-1812)

Monday, June 3
New Bedford, MA
10:15am   Announcement in New Bedford (Press)
10:30     Town Meeting with fishermen
          New Bedford Harbor Development Commission
          102 Popes Island Marina 
          (east of the New Bedford/Fairhaven turn bridge)  
          Meeting to be held in the Commission conference room.
Note to Editors: Information on the Fishing Capacity Reduction Program can be found on the Internet at: url All NOAA press releases, and links to other NOAA material, can be found on the NOAA Public Affairs World Wide Web home page, If you'd like to receive these releases by electronic mail rather than fax, please send an e-mail to: