NOAA 96-R116
Contact: Scott Smullen             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


The Commerce Departmentþs National Marine Fisheries Service is seeking comment on an application and proposed authorization for the U.S. Air Force to potentially disturb a small number of seals and sea lions located on rocks and beaches near Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., during Titan II and Titan IV rocket launches during the next year.

Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Air Force applied for a permit to incidentally disturb a small number of harbor seals, elephant seals, California sea lions and northern fur seals that may be on the rocks and beaches along the coastline south and west of Vandenberg AFB, and on the northern Channel Islands. Launch noise is expected over coastal habitats near the launch center at South Vandenberg AFB, and a sonic boom may be heard on the Channel Islands. The seals and sea lions are not classified as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Also, the noise will have no effect on marine mammals in the water.

Past monitoring studies of launches at the site show that launch sounds may cause a number of seals and sea lions to move suddenly from the shoreline to the water, resulting in a negligible, short-term harassment. However, observations indicate that launch noise rarely causes the mass movement to take place in a "panic" and no mortality has been observed. According to the studies, visual stimuli such as humans and low-flying aircraft are much more likely to cause this movement response.

As a part of the proposed authorization, the National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to ask the Air Force whenever possible to avoid launches during the harbor seal pupping season of February through May. Additionally, the fisheries service has proposed requiring the Air Force to monitor the effects of the launches and submit a report of the findings.

The fisheries service will accept written comments through April 15, 1996, at Chief, Marine Mammal Division, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East- West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Copies of the application may be obtained by writing the same address.