NOAA 96-R308

CONTACT:  Patricia Viets           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
          Helen Coffey             6/10/96


Five employees were recently honored in an innovative awards program at the National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colo., in which nominations were made by other staff members rather than by managers or supervisors.

The recipients are: Dr. Peter W. Sloss, Director's Award; Susan J. McLean, Staff Excellence Award; Barbara A. Abbott and Patrick J. Hayes, Customer Service Awards; and Kimberly K. Nye, EEO Award.

The award program was developed as a part of the Reinventing Government initiative. The Boulder reinvention team recommended that line organizations establish mission-related incentive award programs. Nominations are submitted by staff personnel and reviewed by the data center director, the awards committee, division chiefs, and the Equal Employment Opportunity committee. This is the third year that the awards have been presented.

The data center, part of the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, maintains an active archive of environmental data in the fields of marine geology and geophysics, solar-terrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics and paleoclimatology. These data are vital to the scientific understanding of the Earth.

The awards were presented by Robert S. Winokur, NOAA Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services.

The National Geophysical Data Center's address on the World Wide Web is: