
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 CONTACT: Carol L. Hamilton
Thursday, January 25, 1995                     Julie Rice


WASHINGTON -- U.S. Secretary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown, designated by President Clinton to head the Administration task force responding to economic recovery needs arising from the Scandia/North Cape (RI) oil spill, today announced several actions by the federal government.

"We are working quickly and effectively to counter the adverse economic effects that an environmental disaster can have on this fishing-reliant region. With a coordinated federal and state governmental effort, we can help ensure that the Southern New England region will rebound from this tragic event," Secretary Brown said.

The task force actions include:

-    Emergency inspection by the Commerce Department's National
     Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of Rhode
     Island's seafood to ensure product safety, as requested by
     the state's Governor and Congressional delegation.  Seafood
     inspectors from NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service
     will be available to assist state inspection personnel to
     ensure products are safe and wholesome.  Rhode Island
     fishermen and processors who need inspection services can
     contact Dave Moisan, Chief, Northeast Inspection Branch, at
     (508) 281-9292.

-    Issuance by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) of
     a Declaration of Economic Injury Disaster Loan Area for
     Washington, Kent and Newport Counties in Rhode Island and
     New London County in Connecticut.  Applications for economic
     injury assistance may be filed by small businesses and small
     agricultural cooperatives.  An SBA official will be in Rhode
     Island on Friday to accept applications.

-    Disbursement by Commerce's Economic Development
     Administration (EDA) of $600,000 to the Rhode Island
     Economic Development Corporation to enable it to begin
     taking Revolving Loan Fund applications from affected
     businesses and individuals by Friday, January 26.
The members of the Administration's economic recovery task force are: SBA; the Coast Guard; the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); the Department of Labor; and, within the Department of Commerce EDA, NOAA and the U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration (USTTA), with Jonathan Sallet, head of the Commerce Department's Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, coordinating the actions of the task force.