GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry


In addition to the GFDL official seminars (look for announcements), the atmospheric chemistry and physics division organizes regular meetings related to the atmospheric model development (GAMDT), seminars focusing on scientific questions related to the interactions between atmospheric tracers and Earth's system, and the Aerosol Pause-Café seminars are focusing on tropospheric aerosols. Other venues, like workshop, are also presented on this page.


Model development meeting
Room 309
Tuesdays: weekly
10:30 AM-noon

Aerosol Pause-Cafe

seminars on tropospheric aerosols
Room 309
Mondays: monthly


8th AEROCOM Workshop

Aerosol Models Intercomparison

Smagorinsky Room

October 5-7, 2009