LTHE TRANS~SSXON OF ~EPERI~XNE ACROSS THE HUMAN PLACENTA3 VIRGINIA~GAR, &ED., J. J. &URNS, PH.D., BERNARD €3, ~IE, PH.D., AND E. M.~APPER, M.D., NEW YORK, N. Y. (From the ~e~ar~~en~ of A~esth€~o~ogy, College of Phy~~~ and Szlrgeons, Colzlmb& iJniver&y, and the Besearch Service, Third New Pork University Medical Divisim, Gold- water Memorial Hospital, New Pork, and the Section on Chemical Pharmacology, National Heart I~~ti~u~e~ Nat~o~a~ ~~~it~~es of Health, Pddic Health Service, Federal Security Agency, Bethesda, Ma.) UA~TITATI~~ data on the transmission of certain anesthetic and anal- Q gesic drugs from the maternal to the fetal circulation have been cited.'-s Such information is of value to the obstetrician and anesthesiolo~st for a bet- ter understanding of the effects upon the the newborn baby of drugs adminis- tered to the mother during labor. Hitherto, such knowledge was unavailable with regard to meperidine (Dem- erol). This drug has been used with increasing frequency for the relief of labor pain because it is said to produce little or no effect upon the respiration of the newborn baby when employed in this manner.' Because of the important place meperidine has in the management of labor, the current studies of the pattern of its placental transfer from mother to fetus were undertaken. ~et~o~ Nine healthy pregnant women at term were used for this study. TWO patients were delivered by cesarean section, the remainder spontaneo~y, mth episiotomy. Meperidine in doses of 50 to 100 mg. was administered intramuscu- larly or intravenously during labor. The average total quantity of drug Per patient during labor was 175 mg. and ranged from 50 to 300 mg. The last dose of meperidine varied from 40 minutes to 3 hours and 38 minutes Prior to delivery. The first dose varied from 1 hour and 40 minutes to 15 hours before delivery. The method of drug ad~inistration was adjusted to the need of the patient for satisfactory analgesia. Five patients were anesthetized for delivery with nitrous oxide-oxygen (a minimum concentration of 25 per cent oxygen was given) ; two with CYclO- propane, and one each with low spinal anesthesia and caudal block. At delivery, samples of blood were drawn simultaneously from the mothe* and the umbilical cord. The latter was considered representative of the fetal blood. Meperidine in plasma was determined according to a method to be Pub- lished el~ewhere.~ This method has been shown to be specific in that it included none of the metabolites of meperidine in the measurement. Results Plasma levels of meperidine indicate clearly that the drug crossed the Pia- These varied from 45 to 106 centa in significant concentrations (Table I). *Supported in part by the Squibb Institute for Medical Research. 1368 TABLE I TIME PRIOR MATERNAL CORD ROUTE OF TO DELIVERY ANALGESIC DEPRESSANT PLASMA BLOOD ~ LEVEL ~ LEVEL TYPE OF MEPERIDINE ADMINIS- IN RR. AND EFFECT ON EFFECT ON PATIENT 1 DELIVERY 1 (IN Ma.) 1 TRATION ~ ( MfN.) MOTXER INFANT ~ ANESTHESIA (IN biG./I..\ (IN biG./I..\ He Vaginal 100 IM 2:OO Good 0 Cyclopropane 0.40 0.22 Zi Cesarean 50 IM 1 :43 Good 0 CvcloDroDane 0.38 0.24 PO Vaginal 50 50 Fr Vaginal 100 Ni Vaginal 75 75 50 St Vaginal 100 100 100 Pa Cesarean 100 100 50 Bu Vaginal loo 100 A1 Vaginal 100 50 50 50 IM IM IM IM IM IV IM IM IV IM TM IV IM IM IM IM IM IM 2:40 1:15 1:40 4:OR 2:oo 0:43 7:00 4:OO 2:45 15:OO 9:oo 0:40 4:52 3:38 15:00 11 :oo 6:40 3:15 Good 0 Good Moderate Poor 0 depression Good 0 Good 01 Good Of Good 0 Nitrob oxide 0.29 0.13 Nitrous oxide 0.45 0.35 Nitrous oxide 0.50 0.39 Nitrous oxide 0.76 0.55 Low spinal 0.73 0.76 Nitrous oxide 0.23 0.26 Caudal 1.02 0.72 *Spontaneous breathing early. Aspirated meconium. No sequelae. tDifffcult to evaluate. De!ivery wa? complicated by impaction of the shouIders of the fetus in the bfrth canal. A difl'fcult delivery was followed by fetal anoxia requiring 20 minutes of fntratracheal oxygen ~nsufflation. Fetat recovery was satrsfactory. 1370 APGAR ET AL. Am. J. Obst. k Gpnec. December, 1952 per cent (average 77 per cent) of the levels measured simultaneously in the maternal blood. Satisfactory analgesia for the mother was achieved in all but one patient. In only one instance was there a clearly demonstrable depression of fetal respi- ration, presumably due to meperidine. Even so, the fetal plasma level of 0.38 mg. per liter was not the highest encountered. There were two other eompli. cations in the newborn. One was attributable to early intrauterine respiration and aspiration of meconium ; the other to a difficult delivery caused by shoulder impaction of the fetus. Neither complication was harmful to the baby. Comment With the aid of a sensitive method for its estimation, it was demonstrat~d that meperidine enters the fetal circulation relatively freely after parenteral administration to the mother. It also appears that doses of the drug which can produce satisfactory analgesia in the mother do not necessarily cause signifi- cant depression of respiration in the newborn baby. The rate of trans~lacental movement of the drug is unknown. Summary 1. Meperidine crosses the human placenta in significant concentrations. 2. In therapeutic doses administered to the mother, meperidine appears to cause little or no depression of respiration of the newborn child. 1. 3. 4. 5. 0 I. Beferences Dille, J. M.: Lell, W. A., Liher, K. E., and Snyder, F. F.: Falkiner, N. M.: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 37: 417-475, 1943-44. Shumann, W. R.: AM. J. OBST. & GYNEC. 47: 93,1944. Brodie, B. B., Levy, B. B., and Burns, J. J.: AM. J. OBST. & GYNKC. 32: 328, 1936. Am. J. Physiol. 100: 21-31, 1932. To be ~ublishe~.