GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry


The atmospheric Physics and Chemistry division is continuously improving and/or developing a hierarchy of models from global coupled atmosphere-ocean-land-ice model to study climate change, to Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model to study small scale physical processes. Some version of these models contain full chemistry of the troposphere and stratosphere, cloud microphysics, detail representation of physical processes like dry and wet convection. Specific configuration has been developed to simulate extraterrestrial atmosphere, in particular Mars. A key component in our models is the radiative transfer calculation of longwave and shortwave radiation with codes developed in-house. Some new parameterization are implemented in specific models to facilitate their evaluation. This is the case of the WRF mesoscale model to test a new representation of clouds microphysics or the transport model GCTM  to study ocean productivity by aeolian dust deposition.

Name Description Contact
CM3 Coupled Atmosphere Ocean Land Ice model version 3
AM3 Atmospheric Model version 3
AM3strat Atmospheric Model version 3 with J Austin stratospheric chemistry
AM2 Atmospheric Model version 2
AM2n Atmospheric Model version 2 with aerosols and nudging
Mars-GCM Global Martian atmospheric model
GCTM Global transport model of chemical tracers
WRF Mesoscale model
LES Large Eddy Simulation Model
Radiation codes Transfert radiative codes:
  • Longwave
  • Shortwave

Radiative Forcing Radiative forcing with stratospheric adjustments