Utah Fire Info.gov Year-to-Date fires

September, 16 2008                    
Year-to-Date Wildland Fire Activity Rx & WFU Fire Activity
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
BIA UT-SPA 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
BIA UT-UOA 14 35 14 10 28 45 1 30 0 0
BIA Total: 15 35 15 10 30 45 2 30 0 0
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
BLM AZ-ASD 10 2 27 35 37 37 3 261 0 0
BLM UT-CCD 13 157 122 680 135 837 3 253 0 0
BLM UT-MOD 13 281 42 41 55 322 4 877 0 0
BLM UT-RID 5 641 15 280 20 921 0 0 0 0
BLM UT-SLD 19 283 10 1,623 29 1,906 6 605 0 0
BLM UT-VLD 4 3 14 319 18 322 2 1 0 0
BLM Total: 64 1367 230 2978 294 4345 18 1997 0 0
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
DDQ UT-TDAQ 1 35 0 0 1 35 0 0 0 0
DDQ Total: 1 35 0 0 1 35 0 0 0 0
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
FWS UT-OWR 1 492 0 0 1 492 2 194 0 0
FWS Total: 1 492 0 0 1 492 2 194 0 0
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
NPS UT-ARP 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
NPS UT-BRP 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1,584 0 0
NPS UT-CAP 3 126 3 1 6 127 0 0 0 0
NPS UT-DSP 0 0 3 426 3 426 0 0 0 0
NPS UT-GSP 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
NPS UT-ZIP 3 1 6 3 9 4 4 487 1 0
NPS Total: 9 127 12 430 21 557 6 2071 1 0
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
PRI AZ-CDCI 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
PRI UT-CDCI 22 11 23 4 45 15 5 78 0 0
PRI UT-MFCI 10 42 14 20 24 62 0 0 0 0
PRI UT-RFCI 27 118 12 104 39 222 0 0 0 0
PRI UT-UBCI 17 19 10 403 27 422 0 0 0 0
PRI Total: 77 190 60 531 137 721 5 78 0 0
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
ST AZ-A2S2 1 1 1 25 2 26 0 0 0 0
ST UT-BRS 34 7,840 6 150 40 7,990 1 1,200 0 0
ST UT-NES 6 13 9 2 15 15 1 0 0 0
ST UT-NWS 14 1,066 1 1 15 1,067 0 0 0 0
ST UT-SCS 19 122 3 77 22 199 0 0 0 0
ST UT-SES 5 8 11 1,742 16 1,750 1 5 0 0
ST UT-SWS 0 0 10 15 10 15 0 0 0 0
ST Total: 79 9050 41 2012 120 11062 3 1205 0 0
Agency State Human Lightning Total Rx WFU
Unit Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres Fires Acres
USFS UT-ASF 5 6 8 1 13 7 1 100 2 726
USFS UT-DIF 8 3,659 30 9 38 3,668 15 1,017 4 1,264
USFS UT-FIF 3 4 11 225 14 229 3 488 2 0
USFS UT-MLF 8 45 24 16 32 61 2 80 3 230
USFS UT-MLF1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
USFS UT-UIF 20 1,463 7 3 27 1,466 3 1,246 0 0
USFS UT-WCF 15 20 16 615 31 635 0 0 0 0
USFS Total: 60 5197 96 869 156 6066 24 2931 11 2220
Grand Total: 306 16493 454 6830 760 23323 60 8506 12 2220

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  Last updated: 09/16/2008 09:39 AM by Chad_Douglas@blm.gov