BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Hungary Local time: 02:28 AM

Franchisee Search

This variant of the Gold Key Service has been specifically designed to assist U.S. franchise firms find potential master franchisees in Hungary.

The core fee includes a series of advertisement in slected national newspapers and/or trade journals that have a readership of entrepreneurs, business people, and high net worth individuals. Market research, targeted mailings and promotion on our website supplement this campaign. Screening and orientation of candidates prior to scheduled meetings.Expenses of ads are excluded. Translators, transportation and other services are also available at an extra cost.

The fee for this service varies based on client's expectations, requirements and the scope of work.  Meetings are usually arranged within 75 days of receiving payment.

For further information, please contact our franchise specialist, Ms. Katalin Barazda ( ).