CES / NAVSEA Shipyard Earnings Index

Produced by CES under contract with the Department of Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)

File format: Files consist of ASCII text tables in landscape layout.

Intended use: These files are intended for direct use rather than as input into other software packages. The files will display and print correctly if a non-proportionally spaced font such as Courier is used. Use of size 9 Courier font with quarter-inch margins will result in good landscape printouts.

IMPORTANT : The shipbuilding index values from January 2005 to May 2008 have been revised to incorporate corrected data.

  • September 1980=100—Index of Straight-time Average Hourly Earnings for Selected Shipyards for Steel Vessel Construction
  • May 1987=100—Index of Straight-time Average Hourly Earnings for Selected Shipyards for Steel Vessel Construction Including Lump Sum Payments


Last Modified Date: March 6, 2009