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Department of Commerce

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Gutierrez at podium.

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Statement by Secretary Gutierrez on New Offer of Humanitarian Aid to Cuba

Washington (Oct. 31)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez released the following statement on a fifth offer of humanitarian aid to Cuba after hurricanes Gustav and Ike devastated the island in August: “This marks the fifth time we have offered help to the Cuban people after the devastation caused by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. The American people and government are committed to helping the Cuban people in their hour of need. We will continue our efforts to help the Cuban people through public and private means.” (More)

COSPAS-SARSAT System Overview. Click here for larger image.

NOAA’s SARSAT Makes 6,000th Rescue in the United States

Washington (Oct. 31)—Two people rescued from the site of their downed airplane near Concrete, Wash., pushed to 6,000 the number of people rescued in the United States by the system that uses the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) weather and climate satellites to pinpoint downed pilots, shipwrecked mariners, and stranded hikers. Since 1982, the Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking system called, COSPAS-SARSAT has been credited with supporting more than 25,000 rescues worldwide. (More)

Department of Commerce seal.

Statement by Secretary Gutierrez on Third Quarter GDP

Washington (Oct. 30)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez released the following statement on the advance third quarter real gross domestic product (GDP), which showed that the U.S. economy decreased at an annual rate of 0.3 percent in the third quarter of 2008: “While not unexpected, the third quarter GDP report is clearly disappointing. The administration, along with Congress, has taken bold, necessary steps to help stabilize our economy. While it will take time for the full impact to be felt, Americans are the most resilient and productive people in the world, and we will bounce back.” (More)

NIST chemical sensor. Click for larger image.

NIST Researchers Create “Electronic Nose”

Gaithersburg, Md. (Oct. 29)—Marrying a detector technology capable of distinguishing between hundreds of chemical compounds with a pattern-recognition technique that mimics the way animals recognize odors, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) researchers have created a new kind of "electronic nose." The detector could be a potent tool for applications such as sniffing out nerve agents, environmental contaminants, and trace indicators of disease, in addition to monitoring industrial processes and aiding in space exploration. (More)

Gutierrez at lectern. Click for larger image.

Gutierrez Releases Report on Impact of Litigation Environment on Attracting Foreign Investment

Washington (Oct. 29)—U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez today released a report on the U.S. litigation environment and trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into America during the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 9th Annual Legal Reform Summit. “In the wake of economic challenges, it is important that America remains open and does not retreat into economic isolationism,” Gutierrez said. “Open markets and free trade make our country the number one destination for global capital, which drives innovation, exports and jobs here at home.” (Report) (Release) (Remarks)

2008 Techno Forensics Conference logo.

NIST Hosts Conference on Digital Forensics

Gaithersburg, Md. (Oct. 28)—The Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is co-sponsoring the 2008 Techno Forensics Conference October 27—29. The conference brings together experts in computer forensics to collaborate on developing standards in the rapidly growing field of digital evidence investigation. The conference agenda includes discussion of intrusion detection, network level forensics, and cellular, handheld, and wireless forensics. (More)

Elkhorn coral. Click here for larger image.

NOAA Issues Stronger Protections for Elkhorn and Staghorn Corals in Southeast United States

Washington (Oct. 28)—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Fisheries Service will increase its protection of threatened elkhorn and staghorn corals in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands through a new rule to prohibit activities that result in death or harm to either species. The new regulations take effect on Nov. 21. These corals provide the branching framework for reef creatures in search of a safe place to live, eat, and grow. The preservation and recovery of these threatened corals is essential to the conservation of an entire ecosystem. (More)

Map of the Republic of Georgia. Click for larger image.

“We Stand by Georgia” Deputy Secretary Sullivan Tells Business and Government Leaders in Tbilisi

Tbilisi, Georgia (Oct. 27)—Deputy Secretary of Commerce John J. Sullivan opened the first U.S.-Georgia Business Summit today before more than 180 participants. Deputy Secretary Sullivan reaffirmed America’s commitment to support Georgia’s democracy, territorial integrity and security. This commitment is reflected in America’s actions, including a multi-year $1 billion commitment of economic assistance announced by President Bush last month. Among the objectives of the trip is to encourage bilateral trade ties between Georgia and the United States. While trade with Georgia was nearly $600 million last year “There is tremendous potential for growth in our bilateral trading relationship,” Sullivan said. (Remarks)

White House logo. Click to go to "Ask The White House" transcript.

Secretary Gutierrez Discusses Economy, Announces Launch of New Interagency Web Site in “Ask The White House” Interactive Online Forum

Washington (Oct. 24)—U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez took questions from the public concerning the current U.S. economy and announced a new interagency Web site led by the Commerce Department in an Interactive online forum, “Ask the White House.” The new Web site,, is a resource for the latest information from government agencies on America’s economic recovery for people to keep their homes, find jobs and protect their savings. (More)

Gutierrez gesturing from the podium. Click for larger image.

Commerce Secretary Gutierrez Praises Panama’s Role in New Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative

Washington (Oct. 23)—In remarks to the U.S.-Panama Business Council, U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez noted that Panama is an important friend, ally and trading partner. “We are very pleased that Panama has agreed to host the first Ministerial in December, Gutierrez said. In his remarks, he discussed the potential for increased U.S.-Panama trade and investment, citing Panama’s high growth rate and the pending U.S.-Panama free trade agreement. (More)