NOAA 97-R701

CONTACT:  Matt Stout               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

NOAA Announces New Fishery Disaster Assistance to Gulf States

In an effort to help Gulf states address the significant fishery resource losses and economic impacts on fishermen caused by natural disasters in the region, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will make $10 million in grants available to Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, the Commerce Department agency announced today.

The Gulf of Mexico Sustainable Fisheries Program is part of a $15 million fishery disaster assistance effort to provide relief funds to Gulf fisheries and fishermen who have sustained overwhelming economic losses as a result of habitat destruction and other ecosystem changes caused by natural occurrences such as hurricanes and floods.

"This important program allows the Gulf states to design and implement projects that address their unique needs and which will benefit both fishery resources and fishing communities over the long-term," said John Bullard, director of NOAA's Office of Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Affairs.

In 1996, NOAA established the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Disaster Program, committing up to $5 million for direct grants to commercial fishermen who suffered uninsured vessel or gear damage or loss caused by natural disasters.

Grants for sustainable development projects will be awarded only to the five Gulf states and distributed in the following proportions: Alabama - $1 million; Florida - $2.25 million; Louisiana - $4.5 million; Mississippi - $1 million; and Texas - $1.25 million. Projects must address the long term benefit of the fishery resource and associated habitat and must seek to create healthy, sustainable fisheries.

The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Disaster Program is administered by NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service.