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The Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research

CCFHR conducts research on the effects of coastal habitat change and restoration on living marine resources such as fish, marine mammals, and protected species. CCFHR has laboratories in Beaufort, NC and Seldovia, AK. Research focuses on injured habitats and communities and on estimating mortality, growth, and reproduction of living marine resources. These missions support NOAA’s broader mission of sustaining healthy coasts. More

Lionfish » 
Cruise Logs
  • Tortugas diverDry Tortugas

    Comparative analysis of the function of disturbed and undisturbed coral reef and non–coral ecosystems in the Tortugas: Measuring the refugia effect of establishing a reserve

  • Face of the invasiveLionfish

    Assessment of Fishery and Ecosystem Impacts of the Indo–Pacific Lionfish within North Carolina Hardbottom Habitats