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Abandoned Vessel Case Study Partnership Project

Vessel pieces moved by crane
Mwaalil Saat Removal, CNMI

The Abandoned Vessel program is in the process of developing and collecting vessel removal case studies. We are collecting information from agencies and other relevant parties from across the country. The purpose of this effort is to build a reference for those managers interested in or faced with vessel removals. This collection will provide insight into successful operations that have occurred nationwide and will serve as a a source of contacts and a means to gather more information on the subject.

Do you know something we don't?

If you have information about a vessel removal and feel it would make a valuable case study please contact us. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you.

For more information

Forms and Removal Histories
Use these forms to gather information for a case study, and view the examples of completed studies.
  • Abandoned Vessel Case Study Form This document is a Microsoft Word form structured to assist managers in contributing the information we need to generate thorough and consistent case studies.
    (Document format: Word, size: 66.0 K)
  • Abandoned Vessel Case Study Form Example This document is an example of the above form completed for the Ivanhoe - a derelict fishing vessel removed in Washington State.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 113.8 K)

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