Missouri River Benthic Fish Consortium

1998 Standard Operating Procedures to Evaluate Population Structure and Habitat Use of Benthic Fishes along the Missouri and Lower Yellowstone Rivers

Title Page

SOP Search

Directory of Consortium Members

Introduction & Project Background

1. Study Design

2. Sample Design (***please see note below regarding file formats***)

2.1) Location of Sections and Segments during Sampling Operations

2.2) Aquatic Macrohabitat Classification Standard Operating Procedures (MO)

2.3) Sampling Strategy (SD)

3. Fish Collection - Gear Deployment

3.1) Bag Seining (IA)

3.2) Benthic Trawl (MTCRU)

3.3) Electrofishing (KS)

3.4) Gill Net (SD)

3.5) Trammel Net (MTFWP)

4. Fish Identification and Measurement

4.1) Population, Age, and Growth (IA)

4.2) Fish Treatment (SD)

4.3) Procedure for Handling Incidental Catch of Pallid Sturgeon (SD & CERC)

5. Site Specific Characteristics

5.1) Bed Form (MO)

5.2) Depth & Velocity (MO)

5.3) Global Position System - GPS (SD)

5.4) River Stage (USGS Stations - IN Progress) (CERC)

5.5) Substrate (SD)

5.6) Time (ID)

5.7) Turbidity (KS)

5.8) Water Temperature & Conductivity (KS)

5.9) Weather & Air Temperature (MTCRU)

6. Data Analyses

6.1) Experimental Design (CERC)

Fish Attributes
Community Structure
Population Structure
Individual Characteristics
Physical Factors
Definition and Importance
Hypotheses (cont.)
Among Segment Type Hypotheses
Among Segments Hypotheses
Among Macrohabitats Hypotheses
Statistical Analyses
Testing Assumptions
Analyses of Variance
Principal Components Analysis
Regression and Correlation Analyses
Analyses When Normality and/or Homogeneity of Variance Lacking
Literature Cited

7. Data Collection and QA/QC Standard Operating Procedures

7.1) Coding Instructions for the Habitat & Fish Measurement Data Sheets (CERC)

Fish Nomenclature and Species Code
Habitat Measurement Sheet
Fish Measurement Sheet
Fish Data Sheet Log

7.2) Chain of Custody (CERC)

(*Note:  These files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.  Please click here to download the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

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